How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Starting today, I am back on Chlorella :grin: I mixed in my blender 1 tablespoon of chlorella with 1 cup of OJ, Nutiva Hemp Protein w/ 14 g fiber in it :look:, and 1 scoop of Amazing Grass Chocolate Superfood. It was delish - tasted really chocolate-y.
Hey Ladies,
So I have been taking chlorella for several weeks and I have came to the conclusion that I am allergic :sad:. I looked up symptoms of allergies yesterday, for those who take chlorella and I definitely experienced 3 symptoms. I would have little tiny bumps all over my face, I initially thought that this was part of the detox phase but this has been going on for several weeks! The little bumps look more like hives that and I have very sensitive skin. I stopped taking chlorella for a few days and the hives went away. Another allergic reaction I had when I first started mostly, would be difficulty breathing. I would get these really nasty coughs and then after it was all over, I would try to breathe and had to inhale about 4-5 times before I could actually get air. I've never experienced anything like that before. (Scary I know, I'm just now realizing that it was chlorella causing this). The last symptom I had was my body feeling really itchy all over. Again when I stopped taking them I noticed that this no longer occurred. I really liked chlorella because of the nutritional value and it really cleansed my system. However, I guess it's not for everyone. I still take spirulina, I don't think I have any of allergic reaction to this, but I am watching closely.

If any of you ladies have any recommendations of supplements that have similar benefits and nutritional value as chlorella please let me know. Thanks!

I had/have a similar situation with the hives (small clouds of bumps) and acne - initially It thought it was the detox stage and maybe it was but it continued several MONTHS later (about 9 or so months). I took chlorella regularly EVERYDAY. Even now my acne has flared up again as I just started taking it again and the hive bumps. Other than that fI have no complaints AT ALL. I want to continue taking it soooo bad…and I still am but I think I may stop. I’ve always had acne problems but things are worse now. It’s been about a month before I started taking it again.
I wonder if it’s an allergic reaction? ...I tried goggling info on this but I cant seem to find anything. The only reports on chlorella is that it suppose to help clear up skin conditions. I’m also taking Spirulina.

Does anyone have any articles relating to this or know where I can find any info? ..I really want to continue taking chlorella.
I had/have a similar situation with the hives (small clouds of bumps) and acne - initially It thought it was the detox stage and maybe it was but it continued several MONTHS later (about 9 or so months). I took chlorella regularly EVERYDAY. Even now my acne has flared up again as I just started taking it again and the hive bumps. Other than that fI have no complaints AT ALL. I want to continue taking it soooo bad…and I still am but I think I may stop. I’ve always had acne problems but things are worse now. It’s been about a month before I started taking it again.
I wonder if it’s an allergic reaction? ...I tried goggling info on this but I cant seem to find anything. The only reports on chlorella is that it suppose to help clear up skin conditions. I’m also taking Spirulina.

Does anyone have any articles relating to this or know where I can find any info? ..I really want to continue taking chlorella.

You should try Diatomaceous Earth (sp) or MSM, they both are rich in nutrients and cleanse the blood as well as have detoxing properties.
Hi ladies! Umm someone may have already asked this question, but I don't think i can look through 289 pages:spinning:. Is the powder form better than the pills? Do it absorb (not the right word i'm looking for) better in the powder form or is it the same?
If you don't want to take powder, take the pills. Powder is more economical, but they both perform equally.
I started taking the Source Natural Yaeyama in powder form on Sunday (only 1 teaspoon daily, which is 3g according to the bottle). I'm green today. Hopefully, that's a good thing? No positive side effects to report on yet, since it's only been a few days. However, I have not experienced the withdrawal headaches or extreme fatigue that I usually get when I don't have coffee or tea. So I'm really looking forward to seeing more benefits!
Very weird question: To those of you who have autoimmune issues like Lupus, MS, and the do you all feel after you've taken Chlorella. If I remember correctly, OP's mom has lupus and she experienced great results with this product.

I ask b/c I've been doing a little more research and found out that Chlorella helps to boost the immune system. I really don't need that, at all. Mind you, I've been taking it for quite a while now. Sometimes I feel great and energized and other times I feel tired and I'm trying to narrow down whether or not I need to stop taking Chlorella. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or anything. TIA :)
Have run out of my chlorella so will use Holland & Barret own brand as a back up until the good stuff arrives. I am also looking into Spirulina.....
I really like chlorella it has done great things for my health girlie wise.

I am thinking of adding spirulina to the mix.....:scratchch:

p.s. does anyone know if Chlorella balanced Estrogen levels as this is the only explanation I can think of?

ETA: Just found the following information:

Estrogen Overload

A main problem facing women is too much estrogen resulting in a myriad of female issues. Estradiol levels naturally rise each month in the first half of the menstrual cycle as an egg is ripened. Once the egg is released then estradiol has done its job and must be cleared. Your liver conjugates estradiol (binds it to a protein) for clearance and then places it into your bile, which travels through your gall bladder and into your digestive tract for final elimination.

If digestive tract contents are too hostile (unfriendly bacteria) then the conjugation bond may be eaten by the bacteria, causing estradiol to be released and re-enter your body. This is highly undesirable as it exposes your body to estrogen that is not appropriate. This can increase estrogen-related cancer risk, gall stone formation, endometrial overgrowth, as well as numerous menstrual cycle irregularities associated with high estrogen (bloating, breast swelling/tenderness, headaches, heavy flow, and/or cramps).

A study shows that chlorella actively biotransforms estradiol into estrone and helps clear estrone as well – leaving alone estriol, your friendly antioxidant form of estrogen. This study suggests that any woman with a combination of digestive distress and high estrogen symptoms would benefit from taking chlorella – a simple solution that can be judged to be working by improvement in digestive and female symptoms.
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I am still on the chlorella kick. I think I am in for LIFE.

I just purchased Purity Products Organic Super Reds and I mix 3 grams of this with 3 grams of chlorella in Ice water mix and drink.
I would try to narrow down what could be causing the sluggish feeling. Are you consuming Caffeine near the time you take your chlorella?

If your body is telling you otherwise, you should listen.

Nope, I don't, but I do agree with you in regards to listening to my body. I've stopped taking it. I've given the remainder of the bottle to my sister, perhaps it will work better for her. It's crazy though, b/c I had been taking it for at least 5 months...
Very weird question: To those of you who have autoimmune issues like Lupus, MS, and the do you all feel after you've taken Chlorella. If I remember correctly, OP's mom has lupus and she experienced great results with this product.

I ask b/c I've been doing a little more research and found out that Chlorella helps to boost the immune system. I really don't need that, at all. Mind you, I've been taking it for quite a while now. Sometimes I feel great and energized and other times I feel tired and I'm trying to narrow down whether or not I need to stop taking Chlorella. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or anything. TIA :)
Just my two cents as the Op. Noticed this post and thought I'd respond. I have an autoimmune illness:grave's and I have not only had thyroid issues but it also attacks the eyes and I do notice I'm tired sometimes as a person with an autoimmune illness. Anyways I've found chlorella helpful for me. My mom, who has lupus, also likes it. It's something about SPIRULINA that seems to have the opposite reaction (and some websites recommend, and some do not for auto illness). There are a few websites against spirulina for auto immune and some for it, but nothing negative about chlorella.

If you feel; as if it's making you sluggish definitely stop taking it (after detox that is as detox will make you feel sluggish) . I will say that as an auto person you may have ups and downs in general anyways (w/ or w/o chlorella). So anyways no one that I know, or through research, has had problems with it stimulating their immune system in a negative way. But that doesn't mean it hasn't happened (cause you never know), so if you feel like you shouldn't take it...please don't. However there are no websites that I found against it and my mother and I have had zero problems taking it. HTH:grin:
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btw ladies which would you say tastes better spirulina or chlorella?

I am just about getting to grips with the taste of chlorella and so want to get ready if need be for the "delights" of spirulina :lol:....
Hi ladies! Quick question; is anyone else having trouble receiving Source Natural's powder? I ordered it about two weeks ago from Amazon, and it STILL has not been sent out! NOT happy, as I'm pretty much out. Now I gotta go buy another brand...
btw ladies which would you say tastes better spirulina or chlorella?

I am just about getting to grips with the taste of chlorella and so want to get ready if need be for the "delights" of spirulina :lol:....

Chlorella, no contest. I don't mind it at all, actually kind of like it. Spirulina, on the other hand.. I tried everything and I could not get it down, no matter what I mixed it with. I take the tablets now, and that works out great.
This is my first post in this very informative thread (still haven't read it all) but I want to thank everyone for their input :yep:

Because of this thread, I started taking chlorella & spirulina through GreenVibrance powder about 1 1/2 months ago (3 g Chl 15 g spir) & started adding source naturals chlorella to that about 3 weeks ago. I did notice increased energy but no detox symptoms. However as I started increasing my dosage last week I had aches in parts of my body where I hold stress...after reading some more posts, I think that this might be my detox symptom. Today I have increased to 7 g chl. I increased dosage by 2 tablets after a week at 1 dose to minimize drastic detox symptoms. I plan to maintain at 10g & switch to the powder to economize.

ETA: 7g chlorella seem
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I'm still taking chlorella regularly. I recently upped my dosage to about 6-8g. I just ordered some more Source Naturals powder from vitacost.
Chlorella, no contest. I don't mind it at all, actually kind of like it. Spirulina, on the other hand.. I tried everything and I could not get it down, no matter what I mixed it with. I take the tablets now, and that works out great.

Girl, who you telling?! :lachen:

Usually I don't have a weak stomach for things, but that Spirulina powder had me going. I remember ladies reading about how they couldnt' take it mixed in juice...Ol' miss big and bad Nasdaq wanted to prove folk wrong and tried to drink that mess mixed with water only..:nono: I gagged, chocked, and felt my throat trying to close up from getting that mess out of there. It was a horrible nightmare. And to think, I still tried it 2 more times lol. Now, I just had a small baggie of spirulina powder. Maybe one day I'll venture back out to try it..mixed in juice or a smoothie next.

I'm gonna look online for powder chlorella. I have like 4pills left (that isn't enough) and I need to restock ASAP!
btw ladies which would you say tastes better spirulina or chlorella?

I am just about getting to grips with the taste of chlorella and so want to get ready if need be for the "delights" of spirulina :lol:....

Well I love the taste of chlorella. Spirulina was cool at first but now it has this weird taste. I mean they are similar in taste but chlorella tastes better to me.
Yay it's my Chlorella birthday. So proud to have reached a year of consistent use.
I went up to 12g for about 7 months but am on a maintenance dose of 6g now. I add mine to my egg shake - Lovely!!
I'm going to get some tonight on my way to the gym. I'm getting a small amount of the powder to test it out(about 50g or so, I take enough pills, I don't want to add anymore to the regimin!), I'm really worried about breaking out... I took sea kelp in the past and came out in these horrible cyst looking spots on my jawline. I'll be keeping a very close eye on taking chlorella.

Can anyone tell me if there are similarities between sea kelp and chlorella? any advice would be appreciated.

I'm gonna look online for powder chlorella. I have like 4pills left (that isn't enough) and I need to restock ASAP!
Ok, so update on myself :lachen:

I received my powder Source Naturals powder on Thursday last week. I still haven't used it. I keep looking at the container and getting nervous. I have no juice in the house :wallbash: except for some nettle tea I made (unsweetened) I'm considering putting some in there...hmm decisions, decisions..
Ok, so I'm still continuing on with the 6g/3g. I think i'm starting to detox. I feel pretty sluggish, light headed, and I feel like I been wanting a headache to come on, but it hasn't fully arrived yet. I'm sitting here now and I'm feeling eye strain..this sucks!

I know detoxing is good for me, so I'm going to push on. I just hope it hurry up though!
I hope this wasn't posted already but, there is a sale at swanson vitamins on Kyoto Chlorella 2 boxes of 1500 tabs for 35.99. The tabs are 200mg each.