Hot Oil Treatment with Olive Oil


New Member
This past weekend I did a hot oil treatment with olive oil my hair came out really soft and really defined my curls. However, I think my process was incorrect and took a very long time. First I washed with Shampoo, then put the hot oil treatment, wash out with shampoo again, then deep condition.

Just wondering what step you ladies take when doing a hot oil treatment?
I like to add oil that I warmed up to dry hair and leave it in for at least an hr (sometimes over night). Then I poo and condition with heat...hth!
I usually put my on Dry Hair.

Put on My Heat Cap under Plastic Cap for about 45 minutes to an hour and then proceed to Co-Wash & DC.:grin:
This thread discusses hot oil treatments on wet versus dry hair.
This one discusses hot oil treatments and deep conditioning on the same day.
And this one discusses HOTS before or after shampooing.

I have done my hot oil treatments (HOTs) every way imaginable - dry hair, wet hair, before shampooing, after shampooing, with DCs, without DCs...You get the picture! But I personally like to deep condition for about 15 to 20 minutes and then pour my HOT over the DC.

The key to your healthy hair journey is whatever works for YOU! HTH!