Hot oil RX vs DC or both?


Well-Known Member
If you do a hot oil pre poo under the dryer....can you skip the DC step? Or would you still do both? Just wondering.

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I do both. If I don't prepoo with oils then condition, my scalp will start itching me. I'm thinking that this itching problem presents itself because I relaxed my hair so much that it must have affected my scalp. I'm hoping that in another couple of years this issue will resolve itself.
I do both. If I don't prepoo with oils then condition, my scalp will start itching me. I'm thinking that this itching problem presents itself because I relaxed my hair so much that it must have affected my scalp. I'm hoping that in another couple of years this issue will resolve itself.

That's what I thought. Thanks !

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I never ever skip a DC treatment, regardless of everything else. The DC step is the most important one in my hair care regimen.