Horsetail Tea for thick, long healthy hair???


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

I was at the hairdressers on Saturday,

The ladies daughter was pulling down her braids and i couldn't believe her natural hair,
It was so black, very thick, long, luscious and beautiful :love:
It was obviously mid back,or longer 4a/4b so beautiful....

I asked her what her secret was(half joking) I thought she was going to say LHCF :lol:

she said she drinks 2-3 cups of Horsetail tea everyday no fail, it keeps her skin, body and hair very healthy.

She very rarely sheds any hair, So is retaining almost every strand of hair that grows out of her head!

She boils the horsetail herbs for 15 minutes, adds honey and drinks...
She says it is very nice once you get used to it, But she had been drinking it for years, Her mother too...

I've heard of horsetail in hair products, and vitamins but not tea

I want to try this out for a month or so, I will report back to the forum...
trimbride said:
I may try also

Great ;)

I see on Ebay they have pre made horse tail tea bags but she boils the actual horsetail on the stove........

I will try it her way.

Good Luck


Yes, I've heard this. But there are a bunch of teas that can accomplish this as well. Licorice, burdock, dandelion to name a few.

I believe you can use burdock as a rinse too.
Hmmmm, may have to buy larger quantities. I currently use horsetail 'tea' in my henna treatments weekly.

Thanks for posting! :kiss:
Horsetail is the BOMB!! I dont think I can drink the tea though because I have a strong gag reflax to it the one time I did try it. However, I take a horsetail pill EVERY night faithfully and I will definitely say that is has contributed to the health and growth of my hair. The new growth is NO joke. I just finished my first bottle last night....on to bottlel #2. I LOVE horsetail! :D
rootdeep said:
Horsetail is the BOMB!! I dont think I can drink the tea though because I have a strong gag reflax to it the one time I did try it. However, I take a horsetail pill EVERY night faithfully and I will definitely say that is has contributed to the health and growth of my hair. The new growth is NO joke. I just finished my first bottle last night....on to bottlel #2. I LOVE horsetail! :D

Girl your siggy pics is all the proof I need. I'm sold on the tea!!! :D Now, will I actually try it? :lol:
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kitchen_tician said:
Girl your pics is all the proof I need. I'm sold on the tea!!! :D

Ok!! I just looked at her photos and :shocked:!!! :lol: I have some GNC Horsetail in the Cabinet...runs to take it out!!
Girl! I'll volunteer and do the commercials for them! LOL!! :lachen:

kitchen_tician said:
Girl your siggy pics is all the proof I need. I'm sold on the tea!!! :D Now, will I actually try it? :lol:
I think this sounds like a great idea. But I've never seen any visible results from taking horsetail. I took my horsetail pills regularly too. I wonder if the tea will make a difference? I want to try this - great post!
just wanted to metion the reason horsetail is so good for your hair is because it contains high amounts of silica...which as we all know is GREAT for hair skin and nails.
I just got my horsetail tea and nettle tea out. at one point i was drinking them daily but then fell off. i read somewhere on here that you can mix the two together for max. results. i just take a tea bag of each and put in hot water. i'm reinspired now!
I started drinking horsetail tea a month or so hair looks and feels good, stronger than it used to. But that could be all the vitamins and supplements I'm taking as well! :lol:
I also drink nettle tea...that's supposed to be excellent for your hair. I really believe all this stuff is making a difference, I can see and feel it. :grin:
I remember someone mentioning this b4 on the forum, and I thought about it was didnt' want to overload myself w/reminders, but now since my vitamin regimen is normal, :lol: , I think I can add the tea especially w/the colder months comming. I wonder how it taste over ice hmmmm, off to check my local nutrition store. Thanks for sharing
Ooo...I'm excited! :grin: I'm already taking GNC Fingerprinted Horsetail once daily but I wonder if it will be too much to take the tea as well (I love tea). I hope I see great results, I'll have to wait until December when this challenge is over. Can't wait!
I was taking GNC's horsetail a few months ago and I had so much new growth in my braids (under my weave) that the top of my hair matted. I had the most I'd ever gotten in that short amount of time. With pray and the Lord, my hair became untangled. I haven't taken them since then but this inspired me to take them again. I have a bottle with me at work and one on my nightstand at home. I really think they work if you're already taking a regular mulivitamin and hair vitamin.
gn1g said:
Does it cause hair to grow everywhere else?

Good question. This is one main reason why I don't like to injest growth aids. :ohwell:

I prefer injesting things that are just good for overall health including hair and skin. But not something that I know definitely increases my hair growth, b/c it may accelerate everywhere else. I don't think I would drink the tea daily. Maybe 3 days out of the week.
rootdeep said:

Ran so fast I tripped over the leg of the chair did a nice Humpty Dance type move and straighted back up in front of the vitamin son says: "let me guess, something about your hair..." Smart A$$, better be glad he's taller than me, though my arms are still bigger than his.... :lol:
VWVixxen said:
Ran so fast I tripped over the leg of the chair did a nice Humpty Dance type move and straighted back up in front of the vitamin son says: "let me guess, something about your hair..." Smart A$$, better be glad he's taller than me, though my arms are still bigger than his.... :lol:

:lachen: :grin:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:@VWVixxen Next time LOOK and run...:lol:

And kitchen_tician I havent had any extra growth anywhere else but my hair. I asked som many questions on this herb before I took it because even though Im not a hairy person I was not trying to look like that THING on The Adam's family from taking these pills. :ohwell: It only increases the new growth and YES it will begin look rough as the newgrowth appears but THANK GOD for buns and ponytails and french rolls.

I have been taking the Horstail vits for 3 weeks and noticed my nails and hair became stronger only wished I had used it sooner.
I am taking the Solaray brand.
rootdeep said:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:@VWVixxen Next time LOOK and run...:lol:

And kitchen_tician I havent had any extra growth anywhere else but my hair. I asked som many questions on this herb before I took it because even though Im not a hairy person I was not trying to look like that THING on The Adam's family from taking these pills. :ohwell: It only increases the new growth and YES it will begin look rough as the newgrowth appears but THANK GOD for buns and ponytails and french rolls.

Thanks! I may try the tea and hopefully the newgrowth won't be rougher than usual. I want my hair to have the lustre you have.
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Okay, I've done some research and I thought I'd share. I always like to find out the risks, side effects and benefits before I injest something new. Here are some sites.,3927,4126|Dutch+Rushes,00.html

When taken by mouth, horsetail acts as a mild diuretic. It may also have some benefit in treating conditions of the bones and connective tissues. Topically, it is used to treat skin injuries.

Due to its nicotine content, horsetail should not be taken orally by children under the age of 18, individuals who are allergic to nicotine, or pregnant and breast-feeding women. Individuals with poor kidney function or heart conditions should also avoid the oral use of horsetail.

Side Effects
Symptoms of nicotine-like poisoning have been reported in animals and children who consumed horsetail. Thiamine deficiencies have also resulted from the oral use of horsetail. Taking, applying, or handling horsetail may result in an itchy rash.

Taking horsetail may reduce potassium levels in the body. Low potassium levels can result in muscle weakness and potentially dangerous changes in heart rhythm. The chance of potassium deficiency is increased if horsetail is taken at the same time as drugs and herbal products that promote water loss (“water pills” or some laxatives.) If horsetail is taken with digoxin or herbs that affect the heart, the riskof side effects may be increased.
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kitchen_tician said:
Okay, I've done some research and I thought I'd share. I always like to find out the risks, side effects and benefits before I injest something new. Here are some sites.,3927,4126|Dutch+Rushes,00.html

When taken by mouth, horsetail acts as a mild diuretic. It may also have some benefit in treating conditions of the bones and connective tissues. Topically, it is used to treat skin injuries.

Due to its nicotine content, horsetail should not be taken orally by children under the age of 18, individuals who are allergic to nicotine, or pregnant and breast-feeding women. Individuals with poor kidney function or heart conditions should also avoid the oral use of horsetail.

Side Effects
Symptoms of nicotine-like poisoning have been reported in animals and children who consumed horsetail. Thiamine deficiencies have also resulted from the oral use of horsetail. Taking, applying, or handling horsetail may result in an itchy rash.

Taking horsetail may reduce potassium levels in the body. Low potassium levels can result in muscle weakness and potentially dangerous changes in heart rhythm. The chance of potassium deficiency is increased if horsetail is taken at the same time as drugs and herbal products that promote water loss (“water pills” or some laxatives.) If horsetail is taken with digoxin or herbs that affect the heart, the riskof side effects may be increased.
Thanks for the info. I know I don't have a heart condition but the silica (which has a lot of horsetail in it) gave me an irregular heartbeat. Guess I'll have to pass on this.
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ak46 said:
Ooo...I'm excited! :grin: I'm already taking GNC Fingerprinted Horsetail once daily but I wonder if it will be too much to take the tea as well (I love tea). I hope I see great results, I'll have to wait until December when this challenge is over. Can't wait!

I just got my GNC Fingerprinted Horsetail last night and I have already been taking the Vitamin Shoppe Biotin if I dont have any hair by Christmas there is no help for me...