Hormones??! One minute I LOVE my SO, next minute I


Well-Known Member
...am sooo pissed at him.

Does this happen to anyone else? It's almost like clock work each month.
Poor guy. :)
Check my posts during the month. I start out like a horny teenager wanting to bang his brains out. Towards the end of the month he is on thin ice and I am contemplating divorce. Since he is not a negro, I call him The Man and will let everyone know how he is holding me down :look:.
Check my posts during the month. I start out like a horny teenager wanting to bang his brains out. Towards the end of the month he is on thin ice and I am contemplating divorce. Since he is not a negro, I call him The Man and will let everyone know how he is holding me down :look:.
One of hubbies best qualities that makes me love him the most is that he takes all my mood swings in stride...:lachen:. He is never mean to me, no matter how bishy Im being. He just reminds me Im cranky and probably need to eat or something lol.

Midol does help with my irritability around that time of the month...I should buy stock in midol.

Also Im making an extra effort not to take out my anger/frustrations on him because he hasnt done anything to deserve to be treated badly and he never takes his anger out on me. Ive gotten much better over the past few months. Ive noticed he is much more likely to do what I want when I address him in a calm manner versus yackety yacking over something he did or didnt do. We (meaning I lol) are getting better at communicating every day. Its all a learning process.
Yes, and he called me on it too.

"You always get mad at me the same time every month, but I've just come to expect it. I just nod and give you whatever you want & let you tire yourself out from being angry about nothing. Then I give you some & you're okay. I just let it slide because I love you." :lachen:

My fiance told me "I know I only get about a good week & a half out of you and thats fine."


He says, the week before I'm mean, the week during I'm mean and a few days after...I'm Kinda mean. LOL

He's relishes in his peaceful week & a half.
Check my posts during the month. I start out like a horny teenager wanting to bang his brains out. Towards the end of the month he is on thin ice and I am contemplating divorce. Since he is not a negro, I call him The Man and will let everyone know how he is holding me down :look:.

:lachen: @the red

This is so me @ bolded. I've threatened to breakup a few times and it's always like clock work. Luckily he isn't a sensitive person. He knows my moods, but I'm afraid that this can backfire. I am usually genuinely bothered about something but when hormones get involved the problem seems to multiply. I don't want to train him to feel that my concerns are insignificant because I happen to express them most when I am near my p's.
One of hubbies best qualities that makes me love him the most is that he takes all my mood swings in stride...:lachen:. He is never mean to me, no matter how bishy Im being. He just reminds me Im cranky and probably need to eat or something lol.

Midol does help with my irritability around that time of the month...I should buy stock in midol.

Also Im making an extra effort not to take out my anger/frustrations on him because he hasnt done anything to deserve to be treated badly and he never takes his anger out on me. Ive gotten much better over the past few months. Ive noticed he is much more likely to do what I want when I address him in a calm manner versus yackety yacking over something he did or didnt do. We (meaning I lol) are getting better at communicating every day. Its all a learning process.

I had no clue Midol is good for mood changes? I am noticing that mine have gotten very noticeable of the last two years. I just started using natural progesterone cream on a trial basis. I am hoping it will help.
The week before, all hell breaks loose. I need my Motrin and a Coke and he knows to back off and watch ESPN. Nicca. :rolleyes:
Yes, and he called me on it too.

"You always get mad at me the same time every month, but I've just come to expect it. I just nod and give you whatever you want & let you tire yourself out from being angry about nothing. Then I give you some & you're okay. I just let it slide because I love you." :lachen:

This sounds like my SO to a T! Now I just tell him straight "The next week isn't looking good for you, just a heads up".
In my case I don't think hormones really have anything to do with it... I'm just generally aggravated and irritated by this man's inability to multi-task. I mean, it's not that hard to clean up after yourself in the kitchen. I don't care if you are making me breakfast in bed....clean up as you go so I don't have to look at a mess. :angry2:
Yes, and he called me on it too.

"You always get mad at me the same time every month, but I've just come to expect it. I just nod and give you whatever you want & let you tire yourself out from being angry about nothing. Then I give you some & you're okay. I just let it slide because I love you." :lachen:
Aww, that's too cute. :giggle:

He sounds like one smart man. :yep:
Whoa, I'm glad to know it's not just me.

He recently asked me why am I so mean when I'm on my cycle. Or he'd say "Your cycle is about to start isn't it? He put's up with it so I guess it can't be that bad. Who am I kidding?:lachen:I can be a real $#@!& at times.