Hooded Dryer Revelation


New Member
Well it is officially official.

I bought a Gold N Hot hooded dryer today after dealing with piss poor results with my Hot Tools Ion dryer and I am already way more happy with it.

1. I can tell from the heat flow and levels that my hair is going to dry much more quickly. The vents cover the inside portion of the hood unlike the HT dryer and I feel the heat on the back of my neck - so I'm almost positive my hair is going to dry fine back there.

2. IT IS SO MUCH QUIETER!!!! OMG I had NO idea the degree of RACKET that other one made! My SO noticed immediately. He can hear the TV when I dry my hair now!

3. It has 3 heat settings, so I can lower the levels of heat as I dry like I used to.

For anyone who was wondering, that HT Ion dryer SUCKS and I do not recommend it. This one is MUCH MUCH better.

But if anyone's interested I'll be selling it on Ebay so feel free to bid now via PM
I'd prefer to give you guys first dibs.....

I love my new one tho!
Hot Tool Ion dryer does suck and I don't even beleive it is an ion dryer. I had the exact same dryer with a different brand name and it sucked and was LOUD too. To top it off, it blew the fuse 9/10 times when I used it. I am now very happy with my Pibbs.
WOW! Gold n' Hot curling irons suck, but their dryers don't? At least they know how to make something right!

Mine just broke too. Off to Sally's I go...
TigerLily: Yeah... I dont like the GNH irons either. TOO hot.

CBG: I don't believe it does anyting ionic or bionic either!
Actually my hair seemed to be a little dryer when I was using it, but I assumed it was someting else. I'm still not sure, but I guess I'll see after using this one for a while. The HT soft bonnets suck too. They shouldn't call that a hairdryer they should call it a "hair warmer" - because that's all it did.

Folly, I tell you! Folly!

I will NEVER buy another HT dryer, I'll tell ya that!
I appreciate the review! I was looking to buy a hoody in the next month or so. I have the GNH heating cap which I use for conditioning but I'm thinking of experimenting with quick-dried braid outs with the hooded dryer. It's good to know that it's effective at drying the nape area. The one I have now never gets air to that spot...
I'm glad it helped, jetcity...I wish someone else had compared these two before I wasted my money on that ion one...
Mine is actually the 1200 watt one and I'm suprised the wattage wasn't too low. I was nervous because the HT soft bonnet was 1200 watts, I think, and I remember thinking that wattage was the problem with that one. Now I know they just make bad dryers.