HoneyLemonDrop your hair is GORGEOUS


Well-Known Member
I just saw your new pics, i can't belive the health and length of your hair it has grown incredibly fast, you look like your at waistlength!!!. Whats your secret to growth/health of your hair? Whats regime/products do you use? Thanks in advance.
I agree with Den!

I just a peek at your album is your hair is beautiful. Grew really fast from 2003 and you are just about at waist length. How did you retain your length? Regime? styles? Products? Thanks girl for showing us your praiseworthy hair.;)
Big Tyme co-signing!!!

I just came out of her album with my mouth just dropped open....

like Whoa....

Just gorgeous!!! Glad den started this thread or I would have.....

HLD should get some shine on her with that head of hair..

You grow girl!!!:clap:
<opening mouth> Picking up jaw off the floor.....Lets try this again. <opening mouth> picking up jaw off the floor....

Girl your hair is GORGEOUS! Almost makes me want to pull out my flat iron....I said Almost....<looking around to make sure the no heat ladies don't catch her>
OH MY STARS:eek: !!!! I am so flattered. Thanks so much for the compliments guys. Ive been living with the monotony of bun wearing and other protective styles for almost 2 years. Im glad it's finally paying off.

I'm still using the Nexxus Botanoil shampoo and Keraphix every couple of days along with my Headress and oil mixture, and basically just keeping it up. I dont really use heat at all...only when i am taking pictures after a touch up. Also 3 days ago I discovered something that I refuse to let go of...Kids Organic Sheabutter detangling Moisturizing Hair Lotion ( I mentioned it also in the hit and miss thread). I have not come across anything better to detangle my hair, especially when I'm several weeks post relaxer. I HIGHLY recommend it.
HoneyLemonDrop said:
OH MY STARS:eek: !!!! I am so flattered. Thanks so much for the compliments guys. Ive been living with the monotony of bun wearing and other protective styles for almost 2 years. Im glad it's finally paying off.

I'm still using the Nexxus Botanoil shampoo and Keraphix every couple of days along with my Headress and oil mixture, and basically just keeping it up. I dont really use heat at all...only when i am taking pictures after a touch up. Also 3 days ago I discovered something that I refuse to let go of...Kids Organic Sheabutter detangling Moisturizing Hair Lotion ( I mentioned it also in the hit and miss thread). I have not come across anything better to detangle my hair, especially when I'm several weeks post relaxer. I HIGHLY recommend it.

The growth and thickness of your hair is impressive, don't take this the wrong way but if I saw you and your thick shiny ponytail walking around, I would be trying (descretly of course) to see if it's a weave. But you can't fake the close up pics.
Congratz. :clap:
ITA! Your hair looks so beautiful!

I too am a Nexxus user and I faithfully use what you listed (plus Humectress) and use no heat. You use Keraphix every 2 days? I've never used it that often - usually every 2-3 weeks although I am attempting to remember to use it more often. I guess I was concerned about using too much protein but now after reading your post, I'm rethinking it. It looks like it's working great for you!! :up:
Lucia said:
The growth and thickness of your hair is impressive, don't take this the wrong way but if I saw you and your thick shiny ponytail waliking around, I would be trying (descretly of course) to see if it's a weave. But you can't fake the close up.
Congratz. :clap:

LOL, dont worry, I've already been through it. My dad who was visiting the other day hadnt seen my hair out in a while (most of the time he comes over, my hair is up, this time it was out) and asked me if my hair was a weave...I happily parted my scalp and showed him it was all real :lol: .
Isis said:
ITA! Your hair looks so beautiful!

I too am a Nexxus user and I faithfully use what you listed (plus Humectress) and use no heat. You use Keraphix every 2 days? I've never used it that often - usually every 2-3 weeks although I am attempting to remember to use it more often. I guess I was concerned about using too much protein but now after reading your post, I'm rethinking it. It looks like it's working great for you!! :up:

Oh I use Humectress sometimes too. But I use Keraphix ever 4 or 5 days...it varies...I do this because if I remember correctly, I read on the Nexxus site that Keraphix's effects last for 3 days. Also I dont think Keraphix is a heavy type protein, It's been very good to my hair at the rate I've been using it. Ive been doing it like this for several months and I do not experience breakage anymore.
Once again thanks ladies. And Thank you Den1, if my memory serves me correctly this is not the first time you have shouted me out. You have made my night... It feels good to know that all the hard work is paying off. Happy growing ladies!!! You all have some beautiful hair. Doesnt it feel good to know that you can have the hair you want because you know just how to take care of it thanks to everything you learned from LHFC. I love this place?:yay: :yay: :yay: :weird: :weird: :weird: .
HoneyLemonDrop said:
Once again thanks ladies. And Thank you Den1, if my memory serves me correctly this is not the first time you have shouted me out. You have made my night... It feels good to know that all the hard work is paying off. Happy growing ladies!!! You all have some beautiful hair. Doesnt it feel good to know that you can have the hair you want because you know just how to take care of it thanks to everything you learned from LHFC. I love this place?:yay: :yay: :yay: :weird: :weird: :weird: .

Hi Honeylermondrop, I'm glad your not upset with me for calling you out without your permission, it is indeed the second time i've pit you on spot lol Thank-you so much for posting your regime, now i'm considering using Nexxus stuff again lol. You really deserve the glory, its obvious you've put enormous work into your hair, well done and keep inspiring us.
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Your hair is beautiful!!! How do you style your hair without heat? Do you put your hair in a bun right after washing/conditioning? If so, do you put any products on your hair to help moisturze/hold in place? Also, how do you prevent breakage from the ponytail holder, when you wear your hair in a bun every day? After washing and conditioning my hair I put some lacio lacio in my hair and combed it out in then put my hair in a bun. But when my hair started to dry, it looked dried out, lack luster and then my head started hurting like I had my bun too tight. I guess as my hair dried, my hair got too thick. I'm trying to do the no heat thing, but my har is not co-operating.
When I first became a member I just happend to come across her album while searching for something. Every other day I rack my head trying to remember who was the lady, with all that hair, that made the comment in her album about having hair a certain length her whole life until she came to lhcf. When I looked in her album I was like :yay:. Finally. Your comment and hair has been a motivator for me since. Like so many others, such an inspiration.
wow lovely hair. Your my inspiration. I can only say that your hair is very beautiful. Makes me even more determine to grow mine.