Honey and Hair Lightening


New Member
I know that using honey is beneficial to hair for shine, moisture and softness. But I want to focus on the hair lightening aspect. I just recently decided that I would start adding hair rinses/semi-permanent hair coloring to my regimen. I remember my mom always added this to our hair care when she took care of it, and my hair was always past my shoulders. She said it helped in many different ways (i.e, softness, moisture, and etc) along with just making it look healthier.

I recently purchased some color showers which I heard here, is supposed to be comparable to the Sebastian's Clourshines/Laminates Line, but more affordable. I am gonna put it in, for my next relaxer, but I planned on doing a ton, of honey treatments before then so I can lighten my hair, at least enough for the colors to show. If it worked I was gonna purchase other colors and just do what I feel. If not, I figured I would just do cheaper rinses. I mean what's the use if it doesn't show...

So, can anyone attest to honey lightening their hair? If so how long did it take/ how many treatments were needed? How long did you leave it on and what was your method. And if you could be so kind, can you share your hair pictures.

All will be greatly appreciated. :grin:
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There is a plethora of info on this subject on the long hair community website. They have the ratio of distilled water to honey ratio and cinnamon can be used also. Hope this helps I'm interested in doing this also.
There is a plethora of info on this subject on the long hair community website. They have the ratio of distilled water to honey ratio and cinnamon can be used also. Hope this helps I'm interested in doing this also.

Thanks, I'll go ahead and do a search, I am still open to answers and pictures.:grin:
So after searching the net the best thing I could find was that when mixing honey (raw honey works best) with cinnamon, you can naturally and safely lighten your hair, with continued use.

here is a simple mixture I found.

1/2 cup raw uncooked honey (Jarrah honey works best)
1 1/2 cup distilled water
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon or cardamom
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

Honey and cinnamon are both natural peroxide agents. When combined together they help lift henna and even commercial chemical dyes. The honey only acts as a peroxide through dilution which is where the distilled water comes in. Some people have reported using tap water in their honey recipes but did not have nearly the same success.

Cardamom, cinnamon and extra virgin olive oil are peroxide boosters. Since different honeys produce different amounts of peroxide qualities one or more peroxide boosters are recommended. Cardamom, cinnamon and extra virgin olive oil are 3 that can be combined in the recipe with no ill effects on the hair. As a warning, ground cinnamon is known to cause some tingling and redness. In most people the redness goes away within a few minutes and the tingling is akin to slapping yourself with aftershave. A patch test on your skin is recommended.

One the honey recipe is mixed together it is best if it is left to sit out for about an hour to allow the peroxide levels to be released. It is possible to allow the honey to release the peroxide levels while it is on the hair but there is no guarantee that it will happen evenly under such conditions.

To coat the hair with the honey recipe you can use a root applicator bottle, spray bottle or a brush. I did try to pour it over my head and while that worked I lost some of the recipe down the drain.

You saran wrap or a conditioning cap. Your hair needs to stay wet during the lightening phase. If need be, you can rewet your hair by spraying left over honey mix or misting with water every few hours. If the hair begins to dry the results may not be as optimal as you desire them to be.

Because the honey recipe is an all natural one it can be left on the hair for one hour or over night with no damage to the hair itself. The cinnamon may leave a little crunchiness to the hair but that can easily be remedied by rewashing a couple of times.

I will be trying this. I even heard some women say they added some conditioner, because of the crunchiness of the cinnamon. I guess I will play around with it and post results whenever I do it. I was gonna try it this week. I don't have raw honey though, if I can't find any I will just use what I got.

Still open to any comments though...:look:
bumping. i want to see pics. does this lighten natural color too? or just henna and commercially dyed hair? I'm trying to figure out how smthg with peroxide properties is NOT damaging to the hair. more info pls........
The mixture I posted is supposed to lighten natural hair as well. And since this is a natural process, it is said to be gentle on the hair and will not damage it like manmade peroxide. I currently have this mixture on my head as I type, so I guess I will be the guinea pig. :drunk: LOL. So far so good, my hair is extremely soft. I am not expecting results today since it said that it is gradual but by my 3rd application (I will be doing this a lot since my relaxer is coming up soon) I hope to see something. I did add a little conditioner since the mixture was thin and I didn't want it running all down my face and neck and back. I hope that doesn't hinder anything. Putting it in a applicator bottle made it really easy to apply as well.

I am still open to any comments and pictures, as a matter of fact we all are? :grin:
I did the treatment, and I think my hair looks much lighter in the pictures than in person. It does look a little lighter in person, probably only noticeable to me though. The rinse I had in is definitely gone. What I also noticed is when I was rinsing it out in the shower, my hair was touching my shoulders.Which it wasn't doing prior too me cutting it. So it must have straightened my hair temporarily. My hair was so softer than any honey treatment I did before. Yet it felt stronger. This was my first time using the raw honey, so I don't know if it was that or adding the cinnamon. I just let it air dry so it curled up and wasn't touching my shoulder anymore.

Here are my pictures, based on this I do believe with continued use there will be a noticeable difference, my hair is still kinda damp in the after picture as well:


After(my husband tried to re emulate how the picture first was taken, but there is an obvious difference in the lighting.

Yes, I can't wait, I think it removed my rinse at this point. And I also think it shows more in the light. Can't wait till it shows more in general. :)
I did the treatment, and I think my hair looks much lighter in the pictures than in person. It does look a little lighter in person, probably only noticeable to me though. The rinse I had in is definitely gone. What I also noticed is when I was rinsing it out in the shower, my hair was touching my shoulders.Which it wasn't doing prior too me cutting it. So it must have straightened my hair temporarily. My hair was so softer than any honey treatment I did before. Yet it felt stronger. This was my first time using the raw honey, so I don't know if it was that or adding the cinnamon. I just let it air dry so it curled up and wasn't touching my shoulder anymore.

Here are my pictures, based on this I do believe with continued use there will be a noticeable difference, my hair is still kinda damp in the after picture as well:


After(my husband tried to re emulate how the picture first was taken, but there is an obvious difference in the lighting.


How long did you leave the mixture on your hair before rinsing?
I left it on for about 4-5 hours. You would probably get better results with doing it over night. I currently toss and turn to much for this, I am always uncomfortable. :look:

Even if you don't get quick results the way your hair feels alone is so worth it.
I left it on for about 4-5 hours. You would probably get better results with doing it over night. I currently toss and turn to much for this, I am always uncomfortable. :look:

Even if you don't get quick results the way your hair feels alone is so worth it.

Bless your heart! :yep:

Thanx for the info.
I recently posted a thread asking this exact question about whether cinnamon or honey could lighten henna. I didnt get this response, must not have been very clear in asking my question.

Thanks a million for posting Exotic Mommie-I will be doing this!