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I am curious to know who all of the people are who never go to salons for any type of hair care.

1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
2) Why did you stop going?
3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
It's been about 12 years since I've been to salon.

2) Why did you stop going?
My trusted stylist told me now that my hair was growing longer it was time for a short cut (the scissors were in her hand too!). I looked at her, thanked and tipped her for the services I received and left - I never looked back. She had also made my hair break off that day from putting relaxer all the way through my hair instead of the new growth only. Maybe that's why she wanted to cut it.
I learned some good things from her though.

3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
I learned by trial and error, paying close attention to the intructions.

4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
I haven't learned that yet.

5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
I believe my hair has been thriving since I came to LHCF.
I can't remember the last time I've been to the salon...maybe 4-5 years now.
My hair has always been thick but it wouldn't grow bc my stylist thought that since I didn't really care how she styled my hair, she'd always cut it in the lastest style. It was always cute but when I wanted to stop cutting it, she got a 'tude.

College teaches you alot.....relaxing hair and typing papers made a girl alot of cash back then. In addition, I paid close attention to several stylist and my sister. I just lucked into doing my own trims out of desperation.
When I found the hair boards, my self haircare just took off. Now people ask me about my hair and my stylist sister comes to me for roller sets.

I'd say that my hair is definitely thriving.
1) I stop going the salon in 1994
I was noticing damage due to relaxing. On top of that my beautican was sissor happy!! So, I had been in weaves to give my hair a break. AND BREAK IT DID!!!

2) The new stylist sewed the weave sooo tight that it left a bald spot. Then, I started wearing to micro braids. I didn't know how to care for braids. For the last 5 years I pressed my hair. I gained length but not thickness.

3) I trimmed my own hair. I only trimmed the damaged ends. I would only dust the ends. But I don't think that was enough.

4) Through trial and error I am learning what works for me. Currently, by hair IS growing as I have learned to listen to my hair.

ONe thing that I have notice....once I stayed out of the salons...my hair has grown longer than it has before. I am sure others that do not go to the salons frequently have notice the same thing.
1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
<font color="blue">I'd Say 3yrs now </font>

2) Why did you stop going?
<font color="pink">because I'm use to taking care of my hair at home..I still hit up the salon just not OFTEN.. </font>
3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
<font color="orange"> My mother taught me how to put a relaxer in..and i've been goin from there </font>
4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
<font color="brown">I dont to my trims, My sister does them for me (yes she knows what she's doin) </font>
5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
<font color="red">I think it's just doing it's thing..It's a lot healthier then it use to be </font>
am curious to know who all of the people are who never go to salons for any type of hair care.

1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
3.5 years

2) Why did you stop going?
i received a scarecut from my beautician (blunt on one side, layered on the other --many,many layers) and i figured i could mess up my own hair for free instead of wasting 65 bucks and a whole saturday so someone else could do it for me.

3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
I've been doing my own relaxers since i was 15-16, i just got lazy as an adult and started going to the shop to have them done(big mistake). i started doing them from the kit, but after a while i got the hang of it and started using the "tub" of relaxer, some neutralizing shampoo and a deep conditioner after i got braver.

4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
My sister dusts my ends(just clips individual stray hairs) for me like once every 7-8 months. i like my hair too much to attempt to trim it myself

5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
It's thriving right along
jainygirl said:
2) Why did you stop going?
i received a scarecut from my beautician (blunt on one side, layered on the other --many,many layers) and i figured i could mess up my own hair for free instead of wasting 65 bucks and a whole saturday so someone else could do it for me.

[/ QUOTE ]
1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
I still very rarely

2) Why did you stop going?
Because I think I do a good job on my hair and it's very expensive to me to go the salon on a regular basis. I'd rather buys shoes or clothes

3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
My Mom taught me and I've been doing them for years

4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
Actually, I let my DH do my trims. He is the one person I don't have to worry about cutting off too much.

5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
My hair hasn't been as healthy and long as it is now since I was a little girl, thanks to LHCF and my tender loving care
1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
Almost 5 years.
2) Why did you stop going?
The main reason at first was b/c I could not afford it, but now I don't go b/c I don't trust anyone to do my hair but me.
3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
I am natural, but when I did, I pretty much just followed the directions in the box, I was way too young.
4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
I just trim whatever I need to, if that means my hair is uneven in spots...oh well!
5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
I think my hair is thriving, I have had some recent breakage from my urges to color my hair all the time, but all in all it is doing good...could be better!
1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
<font color="blue"> I think it's been 3 years or more. </font>
2) Why did you stop going?
<font color="blue"> I was tired of wasting money &amp; time, and I have too many salon horror stories to mention. </font>
3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
<font color="blue">Haven't learned this</font>
4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
<font color="blue"> By practicing on my dolls (I've been trimming my own hair for quite a while
), magazine articles on trimming your own hair, and practicing in front of a mirror </font>
5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
<font color="blue">Thriving</font>
1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
-The last time I went to a salon was Fall 2001. I think I may have been to a cheapo haircutting place since then but I can't remember...

2) Why did you stop going?
-Paying too much money only to have my hair cut off and fried. I didn't frequent salons much anyway, but anytime that I did, it was a let down.

3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
-My mom used to do them, then I gradually learned how to do them myself in college.

4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
-Still mastering this, I dust my ends all the time. Last big trim was done by boyfriend, last summer.

5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
-My hair is thriving since I've been on LhCf and learned what my hair likes and doesn't like.
1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
<font color="orange"> </font> I haven't been to a salon since 93. <font color="orange"> </font>

2) Why did you stop going?
<font color="orange"> </font> I cut off my hair due to relaxer damage (it was really thin). When I went to the shop for a press-n-curl after growing about 3 to 4 inches of hair (I was young, I didn't know any better) my styling told me that I had the kind of hair that "would never be long" after I asked her not to comb so rough. She even went as far to compare my hair to a dobberman and other people's hair to cockerspaniels and the like...
I cried in the chair, and I haven't sat my A** in one since. <font color="orange"> </font>

3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
<font color="orange"> </font> The first couple of years that I relaxed in college were trial and error, mostly error, so I gave up relaxing in 2001. <font color="orange"> </font>

4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
<font color="orange"> </font> Visiting NP.com initially; they told me about the twist method <font color="orange"> </font>

5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
<font color="orange"> </font> I didn't get serious about growing my hair until April 2003. It is longer now than it has ever been; I wouldn't trust a stylist with my dog's hair
. <font color="orange"> </font>
AllAboutTheHair said:
2) Why did you stop going?
<font color="orange"> </font> I cut off my hair due to relaxer damage (it was really thin). When I went to the shop for a press-n-curl after growing about 3 to 4 inches of hair (I was young, I didn't know any better) my styling told me that I had the kind of hair that "would never be long" after I asked her not to comb so rough. She even went as far to compare my hair to a dobberman and other people's hair to cockerspaniels and the like...
I cried in the chair, and I haven't sat my A** in one since. <font color="orange"> </font>

[/ QUOTE ] it's obvious that she could only draw on dogs as examples since she was a ***** herself. some ppl are so ignorant that they need to just stay quiet.
1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
I started going to a salon regularly in '97, I stopped
going in July 2003

2) Why did you stop going? She always tried to chop my hair
and I realized my hair was in great condition when my mom
gave me relaxers growing up.

3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
I havent yet, my mom or sis do them. Im sure I will learn
one day.

4) How did you learn to do your own trims? I just did it.
I dont do massive cuts, just dusting.

5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage? Thriving!
1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
I haven't been since my big chop Jan. 2003

2) Why did you stop going?
I stopped going because they were not supportive of my natural hair. I haven't found or trusted anyone since then.

3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
I am natural

4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
I practiced, tried doing them with twists, and now, I roller set my hair, and trim it then.

5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
thriving! Sometimes I wish I could get my hair done, but it has grown so much since I have taken care of it, so I keep at it.
1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon? 7 years
2) Why did you stop going? I just got it done for a wedding
3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers? Had to learn on my own...'cause I was raised by my father (no mother)
4) How did you learn to do your own trims? tial and error
5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage? thriving
1. Sixth months
2. I never went much- 3 times exactly in my life. But the last time I went I was overlapped and lost months of length due to breakage. Still having some breakag from that incident.
3. Learned by trial and error and from hairboards. I have adapted a method first posted by Myhairsos

4. When I trim I just take a small section of hair, comb it, trim it, two-strand twist it and move on to the next section till my whole head is done.
5. My hair thrived when I was taking care of it after learning so much from LHCF. Despite my bad salon experience, its still longer than it ever was in the past. My breakage is almost done now (one more trim I think). I look forward to midback hair within the next year.

All hail LHCF!
1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?

I recently went in October b/c I wanted to finally get my hair colored, but before then it's been 10+ yrs!

2) Why did you stop going?

I'll just give you 3 incidents: once a hairstylist had two people on ea. side of my head COMBING a perm thru (think Pipi Longstocking); one didn't wash my hair properly and it was still filthy; and my "friend" hairstylists burned off one side of my hair by using the marcels but never "heat checking" them on a towel before putting them in my head. I didn't know until I washed my hair a wk later and all of it went down the drain.

3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?

Like most, trial and error and also determination.

4) How did you learn to do your own trims?

I just did them, you know? I just grabbed my ends one day and decided that they needed to be clipped. I never cut too much. Just enough and my hair grew tremendously so I continued.

5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?

After going to the salon in Oct I was scared my hair would break off from the color even though I only got highlights this time, but I invested in some quality products and a creamic iron and I'm glad to say that my hair is healthy.
1. before I went last november, it had been like 4 or 5 years
2. Never really went to salons b/c they never could do my hair correctly
3. Never did, and when I tried, I began transitioning shortly after
4. I just grab and chop
5. I'd say its thriving!
hairlove said:
I am curious to know who all of the people are who never go to salons for any type of hair care.

1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
2) Why did you stop going?
3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?

[/ QUOTE ]

1) I have not been to a beauty salon in two years; prior to that, it had been six years.
2) I essentially stopped going to beauty salons 10 years ago, when a SHS chopped my hair without permission the day before graduation from law school.
3) I learned to do my own relaxers/texturizers by reading the directions on the box.
4) I trim with sharp scissors and based on common sense, but I do so very rarely because of the UBH book.
5) My hair is thriving, and has been doing even better over my past couple of weeks on the LBHF.
<font color="blue">1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?</font>
Prior to recently, it was 3 years, but i started going back sept 2003-feb 2004. i stopped, started back &amp; stopped again.

<font color="blue">2) Why did you stop going?</font>
I initially stopped because i relocated to another state and after about 2 trials with hair dressers, i realized that i could do it better myself and i didn't feel like playing "musical chairs" with hair dressers. i stopped the 2nd time b/c of hair damage during transitioning.

<font color="blue">3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers? </font>
my mother taught me and i would also do her perms. also, my aunt and cousins each owned hair salons, so i would sit in their shops all day and watch and learn. (while waiting to get my freebie)

<font color="blue">4) How did you learn to do your own trims?</font> trial and error as well as my mother.

<font color="blue">5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?</font>
It is starting to thrive again. as i stated, i started going to the hair salon in sept 2003-feb 2004, while i was transitioning from permed to natural and i was getting my hair pressed. well, the "new press" with the marcel flat irons, not the hot comb and grease. anyway, it started to get thin, damaged and starting breaking off, so i started back to being a "kitchen-tician" and permed my hair and now it's back healthy, just a couple of inches shorter than before, but healthy.
Last salon visit was May 9, 2004.

I only go to salons for tocuh-ups. I will never go again because I'm tired of having my hard work ruined by some ignorant sylist. Received several scalp burns on Saturday.

I learned how to do my own relaxers thru trail and error. i've never burnt myself or made drastic mistakes.

I can't my scissor happy mother does them.

Thriving, except to the occasional trip the shop. But it's over now, I can mess my own hair up. I will NEVER set foot in a solon again.
i feel your pain dannie 19 and i agree. no more salons. they seem to do more harm than good. i go in with long luxurious hair and come out with chopped off strands. well, no more. of course that's my personal experience, but also my personal challenge as well.

1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
Oct. 9, 2003...before that, the only time I went to the salon was for getting a style for proms
2) Why did you stop going?
There wasnt a stop from going...either my mom or myself did my hair
3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
Ive never done one...Ive only let my mom do my relaxers. Never got it done at a salon before. I'll have to learn how to do them myself one day.
4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
My mom always gave me a trim 2-3 times a year. Ive only trimmed my hair twice after finding this site: http://www.growafrohairlong.com/ends.html
5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
I think it is thriving but suffered thinning after taking Accutane for acne.
Hi hair love!

1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
I have NEVER been to a salon in my life!

2) Why did you stop going?
I never went because my mom taught me how to take care of my hair when I was natural, then...

3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
...my aunt taught me how to do my own relaxer and how to take care of relaxed hair( but I reached perfection about taking care of my relaxed hair when I got to know the hair forum).

4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
On a web site, I actually just trimmed 1/2 inch off my ends to keep my hair neat looking!

5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
My hair is thriving! It is silky, healthy, strong and still growing.
1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
Almost two years

2) Why did you stop going?
I was on a tight budget.

3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
From LHCF.

4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
I learned to trim on my own.

5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
It's thriving.
hairlove said:
I am curious to know who all of the people are who never go to salons for any type of hair care.

1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
2) Why did you stop going?
3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?

[/ QUOTE ]

1) When I was permed I ONLY went to a salon when I was plum out lazy and wanted someone else to wash my hair. My last salon perm was done in 1996. Since I've been 100% natural, I haven't been to a salon since my big chop in April 2003.

2) I stopped going to salons because the styles that I created on my own were almost ALWAYS better than what the stylist came up with. I also sweat in my head...I got tired of paying $40+ for a style that only lasted one day!

3)When I was relaxed, I learned to relax my own hair by default. When I was 15, I pissed my sister off and she told me that I wanted my hair permed that bad (I didn't want to wait while she did something) that I should do it myself. So, I went in the bathroom and did my own relaxer. She checked it to make sure that I'd smoothed it straight, told me I was ready, did a good job and to wash/rinse it out. Since then, I've basically been styling my own hair. I'm now 29.

4)I'm a copycat...meaning I watch others and try to mimick them. I did the same thing when it came to trimming my hair. I would watch stylists when I got my hair done. By doing this, I learned to trim, rod, roller set, straw set, finger wave, french roll, crunch wave, flat twists, corn row, braid and basically just plain style my own hair. I have a SERIOUS problem paying people to do something that I KNOW I can do myself.

5) My hair has and is thriving...It's MUCH healthier now that I'm natural and only use the relaxers to unclog my drain at home. I'm loving my natural hair MUCH better than when I was relaxed because I now have WAY more styling options!
Good topic!!
1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
It will be three years next month.

2) Why did you stop going?
Since I decided to give up the use of heat, I didn't see any reason to continue going to salons. Plus, I have had a lot of bad experiences in the past with SHS's and SWA's (stylists with attitudes), so I decided to take my hair care into my own hands.

3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
I am natural.

4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
I learned on my own. My method of trimming is to check my ends once in a blue moon, and if I see any knots or split ends, I just trim above the knot or split end.

5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?
Definitely thriving! This is the longest and healthiest my hair has ever been, and I am glad that I have learned to take care of my own hair. Wouldn't have it any other way!!
hairlove said:
I am curious to know who all of the people are who never go to salons for any type of hair care.

1) How long has it been since you've been to a salon?
I haven't been regularly since 1989.

2) Why did you stop going?
I could not afford the upkeep, when I was working my hair would grow very well, but when I wasn't working my hair would break.

3) How did you learn to do your own relaxers?
My mum used to do my relaxers, but in 1995, I stopped relaxing and I used to texturise.

4) How did you learn to do your own trims?
Looking at hair books.

5) Is your hair thriving or suffering from damage?

[/ QUOTE ]
Triving,I first joined longhairlovers.com and I tried out the Hair Formula 37, plus I had just finished reading Kathy Howse's book and started washing my hair every 3 days, my hair was texturised, then in Feb 2002, I cut off my texturised ends and I also joined Nappturality, naturallycurly.com, longhaircareforum, long and natural and I learned about rinsing with glycerine and rosewater, what vitamins to take. My hair is much longer than it was ever been when I was younger.