Home Hair Care vs. Professional Hair Care


New Member
Hi I'm, new to LHCF and I think this is a wonderful site. I have long hair about 2 inches from bra strap, hair type 3c/4a. Too often we encounter nightmares by the hands of so called professional hair stylist. At least I have. I've tried to go to a professional for hair care and always, always end up disappointed. I have been doing my own hair for most of my adult life and I have to say I have healthy long hair. The only thing I can't myself is a cut. But my question to you all is from your experience do you feel we can provide better care for our own hair or do you feel that the success of your hair is due to your hair stylist? I would like to know. I feel that wash and sets are a rip off and the same thing could be done at home with better results.
First, welcome to the boards

Second, i definately believe that hhc is the way to go, well, for me at least. I've done my own relaxers, color (when i used feria), wash 'n sets, etc. for almost a year now and my hair has never been as healthy and thriving as it is now. Nobody knows my hair as well as i do. I am never too rough with my hair and my hair loves me for it
The only thing i can't do is trim it so i do rely on my stylist for that. I have been going to a salon to get my last 2 relaxers and will continue to keep that up 2-3xs a year. I have learned soooo much from coming to these boards
These ladies don't know how much they mean to me
I agree with you on the wash and set issue, unless one wants to go just to relax. I know that feeling. I just love being in a salon, but now, I only try to go just for my touch-ups, or if I'm in a good mood in-between. When I do my own perms, I tend not to have the best results, because perming my own hair is a work-out, which is why I understand when the stylist gets mad at me when I'm long overdue for a touch-up.

But, I love styling my own hair in between salon visits. So, to me, going bi-weekly is truly a waste of money.
The only thing I've depended on a stylist for for the last 10 years is a relaxer touch-up. I'm a do-it-yourselfer when it comes to the rest.
I've resolved to care for my own hair (touchups and styling) for the next year and see how I do. I only wear it in ringlets down or up in a braided, vaselined bun. I'm detangling with my fingers a lot lately.

I want to be salon and stylist free to avoid the expense and inconsistant service. I also want to prove to myself that I can maintain relaxed hair on my own.
I prefer home hair care. I am capable of doing everything to my hair to keep it healthy and looking good. I know how to wash, condition, relax, roller set, wrap, flat iron -- basically everything. Occasionally, I like to go to the salon for my relaxers but most of the time I do my own.
I prefer home hair care, but I'd rather go to a salon for touchups or color. The health of my hair has come from myself and others giving me tips. A stylist isn't with my harir 24/7.
Re: Home Hair Care vs. Professional Hair Care

I prefer going to my hair stylist for relaxer touch-ups. I would never even dream of relaxing my own hair. I also like to treat myself to a nice roller set every once in a while. Besides that, I (for the most part) enjoy doing my own hair because no one takes as good care of it as I do.
Re: Home Hair Care vs. Professional Hair Care

I prefer going to a stylist. I've tried to do my own hair and i end up in tears everytime. I have learned how to maintain my hair in between touch ups and i'm fine with that.
i like both options. the issue is, finding a stylist that is convenient. also, most of the good hair stylists that i find move away or leave the salon to go elsewhere and no one has any info. that has been my biggest disappointment. there are ones out there that i was completely comfortable having care for my hair and they were good. wash n' sets are cheap and pretty standard here in the nyc area. you can't really go wrong with them. most of us only pay $15-$20 bucks. most times i like doing my own hair, sometimes i don't want to be bothered.