home color tips


Well-Known Member
hi ladies, i need suggestions, tips, youtubes, any info you all can provide. after swearing i would never color my hair again, i've decided i want to color my hair. i want a caramel medium brown color. i am currently natural, but the ends of my hair are colored from highlights last year. any suggestions for any particular brands? thanks in advance.
I dyed my hair last night with Palty (a Japanese brand) in Sakura Creamy (reddish brown w/ hint of pink). My hair was a bit dry afterwards so I DC'd overnight with Darcys Botanicals deep conditioner and then put some Macadamia Oil Deep Repair masque on in the morning. That helped. To be honest, I have never colored my hair at home with an American dye, but at the salon I have. So I really couldn't recommend any... I like the variety of colors the Japanese brands have to offer though and I'd be more than happy to translate if you do choose to use one.
My tip, use a dye brush and bowl for more control.

Here are some browns...
Caramel Brown
Bitter Cappucino (a darker brown)
Ganache Tart
Caramel Latte

Sorry I can't be of much help......
I'm using henna tonight for my color. I've only tried henna one other time and it was for a protein treatment. I'll make sure I come back and post some before and after pics for you to compare.
I am a colored natural. I go to the Aveda salon for my coloring which is awesome. Aveda uses a gentle coloring system to lighten hair to any shade you want. Before you go, be sure to do a protein treatment at home.

I have had zero issues with the coloring.