Home alone, and I think someone just tried to break in my house.


New Member
So am typing this to give a praise report about whomever just tried to break in the house & did not succeed because God is watchin' over me. :D

I heard the front door open and I heard the noise from the screen door that you have to open before the wooden door opens. My litte poodle was barking as well.

I was in the bathroom when I heard someone entering the house, and I thought it was my brother, so I called his name. I got no answer. So while I was in the bathroom, I close the door and lock it. All the sudden hear my dog get very quiet and starts to whimper. I stay in the bathroom for about a minute in a half, and then leave the bathroom to see if any of my family members are at home.

I check all of the rooms in the house including garage and master bedroom and there is no sign of life anywhere.

So at the front door my purse is wide open with dollar bills blatantly hanging out. (I usually drop all belongings at the door when I get home from work/school, etc...)

I check to see if they took anything, but everything was still there.

My dog runs to the bedroom window, so I know somebody was in my house, because he doesn't run to the window unless someone walks out of the house.

I am so blessed that I wasn't shot, killed, raped today, by whomever came into my house.

Yes, please report this to the police. Although you didn't see who it was, there may still be some clue, from a neighbor, etc. He may have even tried someone else's home.

However, I am so happy that you are safe and unharmed. Yes, indeed. I too praise God with and for you. For precious in the sight and heart of God you are...

God is so faithful and He is so mighty and quick to save us...In Jesus' name, this thief must and will be found out. His efforts will be forever null and void.

Hugs to you, angel. Loving hugs...;) Please take care of yourself; lock your doors and windows and all other necessary care. Not a lecture, just 'Mommie' hugs...okay?
I didn't even think to report it. :ohwell:

Anywayz, I am back to tell ya'll that it may or may not have been a false alarm because when I went outside to go work, there was a Verizon wireless flyer on my door knob, so it might have been them. I dunno, but I could have had my house broken into regardless, because I left the front door open. :(