HOLLA if you're trying to get out of a hair RUT!


New Member
Okay ladies, here I am AND I'M IN A RUT!

In 2003, I began my journey with much success in that year and the next. 2005 seemed to bring setbacks, with breakage dispite my strongest efforts. So in Oct. of 2005, I took it easy and didn't focus on hair care much. This year, after being disgusted by yet another rut--I seem to approach BSL and then get a trim and I'm back to hovering above.

I want the trims in a way because I am getting rid of bone straight ends. But emotionally, it sucks/hurts when I make some progress (my hair grows slowly) only to be right back where I was before the growth.

I took a break from the forum so that I could break myself from an obsession--and I beleive I'm back with a better frame of mind about the whole hair board thing. But I do want to be motivated to get back on the road to success.

My hair does best when braided, but my edges always suffer when braids are too tight. I don't have anyone I really trust to do it and I've been burned a few times by Africans.

I'm really inspired by success stories like Sistaslick and others who have had miraculous journeys--I want to up my game.

Anyone in the same boat? Wanna jumpstart with me? Any ideas?
yea mayne, I feel you. I really really do. I mean I'd be happy if my hair was as long as yours. :D but i have APL hair that barely grows as well. I was really disheartened when i got my 3month touchup last week and I really can't see any growth, i am still barely APL!!! :mad: and everytime i trim..i always end up just barely APL. :( It has taken me one whole year to get from shoulder to APL, is what really burns me up. becuase i've seen a few women do it in like 6months. but i accept it, i am patient. I am very thankful of the fullness I've gained, I was shoulderlength but i had issues with thin ends/ breakage. But now i am feeling positive because I know people say that it's hard to get from ear to shoulder lenghth, and even HARDER to get past shoulderlength because of the friction of the hair sitting on the shoulder. So i made it past my mark and I am hoping to smoothe sail Iwith a little patience) to my goal of BSL...
I'm feeling you too girl! I HATE my hair right now! I know that sounds harsh, but it seems like my ish isn't growing at all! Or maybe I just can't see the progress. I did a few highlights to try to get out of my rut, and now I don't like them. And to top it all off, I'm bored and ready to relax b/c I'm tired of the bone straight, swinging heads I see walking by in the streets...**sigh** I just don't know what to do with my head. :nono:
Girl I'm hollerin with you! A thread I'm really feelin right now...my hair is rebelling against me for some reason and dosen't seem as lustrous as it used to be. I don't know what I am doing wrong? Maybe I need to start using my old staples when I first started my hair journey. I noticed this more when I started using some of my dominican conditioners. I want to try Giovanni leave-in also ( In search of a great leave-in with my NTM!). Also there's been more than enough shedding for me right. What's up...is my hair confused or what?? I am trying to make APL in June but I think I really need to put some MAJOR effort everyday into babying my hair....otherwise it will start to break.
I'm in a MAJOR RUT too! Progress has been real slow over here and I'm hovering over the same inch or so from APL. I'm trying to do a 6 month stretch, with 4 months into it, and I just don't want to put in the work anymore :ohwell: . I'm not takin my vitamins, but I'm bunning everyday. I just feel so boring with my hairstyles. My poor boyfriend is probably sick of seeing me in the same old bun :lol: ! Ladies I need some motivation to keep going! The journey was going so well, I had so many compliments about the fullness I gained, but WHERE IS THE LENGTH?!?!

Enough venting from me...:grin:
@ Vikki- you just inspired me to go do an upward french roll:lol:

But I'm definately in a hair rut. On one hand, I just want to CUT it all off:eek: . On the other I want my hair to just BURST OUT my scalp!:lachen: It hasn't even been a month since I relaxed, so I'm not gonna see much new growth, (I miss my newgrowth) but I feel like pulling it out to give it a jump start. I'm trying to get to an-almost-there armpit length by june w/o having to trim anymore and the wait is driving me crazy. I also want to get highlights but I cannot risk reaching APL. What to do, ladies, what to do?:(
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i feel you ladies. i just started this whole hair thing in November. i messed my own hair up by using too much protein, and now i just can't seem to get my hair back to normal and I am using moisture like crazy. i guess the one good thing is, my hair does seem like it is growing and getting thicker. i won't really know until i get a relaxer in March. i don't really know what else to do.:confused:
blueabyss333 said:
@ Vicky- you just inspired me to go do an upward french roll:lol:

But I'm definately in a hair rut. On one hand, I just want to CUT it all off:eek: . On the other I want my hair to just BURST OUT my scalp!:lachen: It hasn't even been a month since I relaxed, so I'm not gonna see much new growth, (I miss my newgrowth) but I feel like pulling it out to give it a jump start. I'm trying to get to an-almost-there armpit length by june w/o having to trim anymore and the wait is driving me crazy. I also want to get highlights but I cannot risk reaching APL. What to do, ladies, what to do?:(

Hey bluebyss333 you just put a smile on my face! :kiss: ...I needed that...Gosh will my hair ever be long and flowing down my back! Oh girl no dont cut your hair off...it looks great to me! I have given up on trims 2 years ago. I'll spot trim like every 6 months but thats about it. Are you using MTG or any other hair growth aids?
vikkisecret said:
Hey bluebyss333 you just put a smile on my face! :kiss: ...I needed that...Gosh will my hair ever be long and flowing down my back! Oh girl no dont cut your hair off...it looks great to me! I have given up on trims 2 years ago. I'll spot trim like every 6 months but thats about it. Are you using MTG or any other hair growth aids?

I wearing it right now!:woot: (and sorry i spelled your name wrong, i fixed it). I use Surge, but that's about it. I'm too scared to use the horse mix:look: . MTG is sounding reeeal good right now though.
blueabyss333 said:
I wearing it right now!:woot: (and sorry i spelled your name wrong, i fixed it). I use Surge, but that's about it. I'm too scared to use the horse mix:look: . MTG is sounding reeeal good right now though.

I use the horsey mix and it's not too bad. I mademy own concoction. I used 60% MTG, 20%surge, 10%coconut oil, and 10% pepermint & Orange essential oils to cover up the smell. I still kinda comes thru but barely....been working pretty good.. but gives me the itches every now and again throughout the day. While using it for alittle over month I got 2 inches og NG! Thats excellent for me...but I keep getting lazy when it comes to applying it. Try it when you get brave enough...it dosen't bit lol:lol: it should help you keep on track with your hair growing goals.
vikkisecret said:
I use the horsey mix and it's not too bad. I mademy own concoction. I used 60% MTG, 20%surge, 10%coconut oil, and 10% pepermint & Orange essential oils to cover up the smell. I still kinda comes thru but barely....been working pretty good.. but gives me the itches every now and again throughout the day. While using it for alittle over month I got 2 inches og NG! Thats excellent for me...but I keep getting lazy when it comes to applying it. Try it when you get brave enough...it dosen't bit lol:lol: it should help you keep on track with your hair growing goals.

Okay, thank you!
I haven't relaxed since october, so I've seen very little progress, although I have about 1.5 to 2 in of new growh. *blasted shrinkage*

Stretched out (as best as my dh can while holding the tape measure). I am 5.25 to 5in above BSL. I would really like to get to BSL by April (using some mtg and vits to help the progress of course), and I figure that I'm not too far off considering that if I was relaxed right now, my hair would be about 3 in from bsl.

I feel like I'm in a rut because I'm not seeing any real significant changes in my hair over the past few months.
*Raises hand* I'm sooo bored with my hair right now. I want to do something different with it. I've been thinking a lot lately about *cough* texturizing *cough* it. I'm going to give it a few more months just to see if I will change my mind.:look:
Holla over here too... I feel like my hair hasn't grown since I took my pics in April... I'm sure it has and when I get my new flat iron I will take some comparison pics to see. But it hasn't grown THAT much. Granted, I wasn't doing what I was supposed to. So I'm back on my game and I hope to have a great 2006! I wish all of you the same!
Wow! I guess I ain't on this boat alone. Well ladies, admitting to being in a rut is the first step. I was afraid to come back on here and tell y'all that I really feel like I'm running in place (hairwise) because I really wanted not to care. But I do want some type of progress. Haven't updated the old fotki mainly cause I have no new progress to show.:(

Next step, celebrating our accomplishments--even the baby ones. Some of you have already stated you've noticed thickness, and that is terrific.
Thickening hair is healthier hair. I am on my way to thicker hair, as I am taking off stringy thinner ends little by little.

NOW, the third step is developing a new regimen OR SIMPLY MOTIVATING OURSELVES to succeed. Any suggestions?
melodeeee, your hair looks amazing girl! I'm trying to figure out how this thread even applies to you! I remember stalking your album from my LHCF lurking days and being so inspired. Still am! Your album is one that helped me picture my goals early on and see the potential I have. Beautiful woman, beautiful hair.:yep:

Keep taking those pictures though y'all! You'd be surprised what they show you when you look back. I know if I didn't have pictures to push me along the way I would have stopped 4-5 months into my hair journey becuase I wasn't seeing NADA:lol: Don't give up though-- your hair is growing. Those of us who are relaxed can definitely vouch for that every 8+ or so weeks:lol: Sometimes its hard to see change, and I am SO guilty of that myself, b/c we look at our hair everyday. You know how when someone has a baby and you don't see the baby for a few months and BAM the kid is practically graduating from college the next time you run into them! Hair is like that too.:lol: Be encouraged ladies.

*heck, I need to practice what I preach:lol:
I'm not in a rut.....I'm in a ditch:sad: I actually feel like I'm going backward. My hair feels shorter and thinner than this same time last year:nono:

Time to join the MTG bandwagon:sekret:
uncutandgettinglonger said:
I feel like I'm in a rut because I'm not seeing any real significant changes in my hair over the past few months.

this is exactly how i feel :( i want to make bsl by the end of the year, but i dont think its going to happen....
Me too. I'm in a rut but I am hoping this touch up on Sat will get me out of it. I haven't touched up since the end of Sept. I have ALOT of new growth. I hope I see progress, I really do.
simplycee said:
Me too. I'm in a rut but I am hoping this touch up on Sat will get me out of it. I haven't touched up since the end of Sept. I have ALOT of new growth. I hope I see progress, I really do.

*sets up a tent and bon fire in Simplycee's album to keep warm.... anxiously awaiting those updates*:lachen:
yes, I had someone french braid my hair a few days ago and I've found that this is a nice way to give my hair a break rather than wearing a bun all the time.
@Sistaslick: okay girl now I know you ain't talking...U don't belong on this thread either. :D You have gorgeous long hair.... LOL. I think i'm gonna adopt you as my big hair sister. from your progress pics, it looks i am maybe a 1/2inch longer than your 'before' pic. and I'm trying to make it to your 'after' pic. So this is great inspiration to see this. And you've done this in one year? this is great.... okay i'm going off to stalk your album...
melodee said:
Okay ladies, here I am AND I'M IN A RUT!

In 2003, I began my journey with much success in that year and the next. 2005 seemed to bring setbacks, with breakage dispite my strongest efforts. So in Oct. of 2005, I took it easy and didn't focus on hair care much. This year, after being disgusted by yet another rut--I seem to approach BSL and then get a trim and I'm back to hovering above.

I want the trims in a way because I am getting rid of bone straight ends. But emotionally, it sucks/hurts when I make some progress (my hair grows slowly) only to be right back where I was before the growth.

I took a break from the forum so that I could break myself from an obsession--and I beleive I'm back with a better frame of mind about the whole hair board thing. But I do want to be motivated to get back on the road to success.

My hair does best when braided, but my edges always suffer when braids are too tight. I don't have anyone I really trust to do it and I've been burned a few times by Africans.

I'm really inspired by success stories like Sistaslick and others who have had miraculous journeys--I want to up my game.

Anyone in the same boat? Wanna jumpstart with me? Any ideas?

Uh, Melodee, what are you talking about?! :whyme: I was just diggin your album the other day. Your hair looks great. Do not be discouraged. You are making great progress in my opinion. :yep:
LAdies, Ladies, ladies... I am so discouraged right now. I am doing the right things, so I think. But I got a relaxer last weekend after seven weeks of stretching and a lot of my hair ended up in sink. I have one inch length spots all through my head. Major breakage. I did not notice until I arrived at home and I was admiring myself in the mirror. I was so upset I cried. My ends are so thin. I am on a journey. I can not give up. I will not give up on my efforts nor my hair. So let's all hang in there.
I feel the same way. I have been spending so much attention to my hairline, I failed to notice that the back of my hair seems to be at a standstill. I mean, the kitchen area is growing, but about 1/2 inch up the hair seems to be a little thicker, but just as short. It is a small area of hair that was damaged by braids last year, but everywhere else is thriving. I dont get it! Also, after washing my hair, I moisturize and it looks great. But after waking up in the morning, I have a matted mess in the middle of my hair. Maybe I am underprocessed, but I'm just trying to be extra gentle.
Doesn't it feel better when you get it off your chest?

Kreeme and Sistahslick, you are too kind.:) I am happy with my past progess, but I wanna see some recent progress now and you ladies are what I need to keep me encouraged.

Let's all encourage each other, so we can get out of MOLASSES SWAMP!
Sistahslick is on to something with her statement about taking pics and recording growth even when we don't see it. The baby/child analogy was on point---I think of my little ones being babies and it seems like yesterday.

I am going to buy some batteries and repower up the ol' Kodak. Haven't update in foreva because I had no miraculous progress to show. But if you guys will do this, I will too.

simplycee, I am waiting for those pix as well!!!:)
cminter said:
LAdies, Ladies, ladies... I am so discouraged right now. I am doing the right things, so I think. But I got a relaxer last weekend after seven weeks of stretching and a lot of my hair ended up in sink. I have one inch length spots all through my head. Major breakage. I did not notice until I arrived at home and I was admiring myself in the mirror. I was so upset I cried. My ends are so thin. I am on a journey. I can not give up. I will not give up on my efforts nor my hair. So let's all hang in there.

Girl, keep yo head up and start anew! Your girls got your back.:D