^^^ Yeah good idea Ummm if a Mod reads this could you hide this for us in off topic I get generous when excited but greedy when it comes down to it! LOL Thanks MUCH XOXOXo

You don't have to hide it. I've been shopping whole foods for years (before it was whole foods in my part of the country). They want customers to be happy and they do give out lots of freebies in all departments not just hair stuff. They give coz they want you to come back and keep buying. Just don't go with a shopping list and expect to get all your hair products for free. I have good friends who are long time employees - they know when people are genuinely looking for samples vis a vis people who show up coz they heard they can get anything they want for free.
Hold up! You just pick something, ask for a sample and you get the whole bottle!!!? Wow, I would think they would loose a lot of money doing this but I'm definitely gonna ask the next time I go and if I get it I'll ask again and again and again.:lachen:....and I won't feel bad about it.:grin:
Ladies please come back and let us know how it went at your stores.

I have a feeling at mine they will squirt me some out into a dixie cup and say here ya go.:lachen:
I went there today and they told me that they don't do that. The only option they offered is buying the products and returning them if I don't like them. I was a little disappointed!!! Lol
Didn't work for me either...I just got some sample size skin care stuff...including translucent makeup in "mocha." I was like wait what? lol
Didn't work for me either. I asked her about it and she said something about they do it sometimes but they cant' do it all the time b/c they wouldn't have any products left..I'm thinking to myself, can it work this time, hell...;-!
You just don't know. In college when we were fake broke (allocating our money for the club), my friends and I would go to whole food to "sample" the food,lol. And I hate sampling, but hey, they give you a whole sandwich for free.
Wow, their business must be pretty strong in this economy, to be giving out full bottles like that for free.

whole foods is not going out of business anytime soon lol

plus since their customer service is so great they dont get any complaints.

we went last week and me, SO and my bff all bought these sweet potato chips and were charged the wrong price. it was like 4 bags we'd all purchased.

instead of refunding the difference they just gave them to us free. shoulda tried to get some hair stuff hehe
I went there today and they told me that they don't do that. The only option they offered is buying the products and returning them if I don't like them. I was a little disappointed!!! Lol

They told me the same thing, I was dissappointed because I shop there several times a week. I also got the impression that they assumed I was just trying to get free stuf.

So I went to the customer service desk and they told me to bring the bottle (it was an aloe vera gel) to them and they would handle it and they did.

I politely went back to the lady and told her that she didnt know what she was talking about (in so many words)
Yea, this is what they've done for me - it's a good sized sample (not like Sephora, smh), but I've never gotten a full bottle. That's just crazy (and not cost efficient). Rosie are you sure she wasn't quitting and didn't GAF? lol!

Real talk I'll be at Whole Foods trying this tomorrow...

Tried this Monday, no dice. :/

She did pump out a sample of Kinky Curly, and Some Jane Carter leave in for me. I ain't mad...that lil tarter sauce cup was all I would have been able to afford anyway.
As much as I am in this Whole Foods stalking the hair aisle, I will try this tonight. Heck, the Giovanni products are on sale anyway, and I already need to get another bottle of GDLI....guess I'll just get some KCKT as well.
Tried this Monday, no dice. :/

She did pump out a sample of Kinky Curly, and Some Jane Carter leave in for me. I ain't mad...that lil tarter sauce cup was all I would have been able to afford anyway.

Aw that's cold.:nono: Maybe you should have done like a previous poster and gone to customer service. It seemed to work for her. WTH were you suppose to do with a little cup of KCCC and JC? Only coat one strand of hair?
They told me the same thing, I was dissappointed because I shop there several times a week. I also got the impression that they assumed I was just trying to get free stuf.

So I went to the customer service desk and they told me to bring the bottle (it was an aloe vera gel) to them and they would handle it and they did.

I politely went back to the lady and told her that she didnt know what she was talking about (in so many words)

They probably sent out a company memo about a bunch of women coming in looking for free stuff and to be on the look out:lol:

I'm sure that this is not a company policy and they do it for customer satisfaction and it's based on specific products/inventory levels etc. And with those factors, it is up to employee/management to use their discretion.

I also wonder if they are giving away unused/unmarked testers or perhaps employee gratis. When I worked at Sephora I used to give clients free full size unused testers or extra gratis all the time; we were always out of stock of certain items, but had a million testers and/or gratis. This was certainly not company policy, but I did it anyway to ensure satisfaction. I couldn't do this for everything in the store, just those items with excessive testers, gratis etc (and that changed all the time).

To avoid posts like this (because I knew it was my own discretion), I used to lead the client to believe that it was a secret between the two of us :lol:
hmmm... i have been wanting to try out aubrey organics honey suckle rose to see if it lived up to the hype you women make it out to be. :scratchch: one good thing about living in a little yuppie town is that i have three whole foods within walking distance of me. :lol:
Aw that's cold.:nono: Maybe you should have done like a previous poster and gone to customer service. It seemed to work for her. WTH were you suppose to do with a little cup of KCCC and JC? Only coat one strand of hair?

I will try my local Whole Foods, but they just don't seem like they would give anything for free.
They probably sent out a company memo about a bunch of women coming in looking for free stuff and to be on the look out:lol:

I'm sure that this is not a company policy and they do it for customer satisfaction and it's based on specific products/inventory levels etc. And with those factors, it is up to employee/management to use their discretion.

I also wonder if they are giving away unused/unmarked testers or perhaps employee gratis. When I worked at Sephora I used to give clients free full size unused testers or extra gratis all the time; we were always out of stock of certain items, but had a million testers and/or gratis. This was certainly not company policy, but I did it anyway to ensure satisfaction. I couldn't do this for everything in the store, just those items with excessive testers, gratis etc (and that changed all the time).

To avoid posts like this (because I knew it was my own discretion), I used to lead the client to believe that it was a secret between the two of us :lol:
It actually is company policy. There is a name for it (I can't remember what they called it)

You have to work in that specific department to give it out, though. I initially asked a guy in another aisle and he said he could only give the freebies out in his area.

When I went to the beauty section, they really didnt know honestly, because when I confronted her, she said " oh I don't actually work here, I'm a rep for a company, so I didn't know"

So yea, they should do it. (not that I will be doing it again, but I thought I'd take advantage of it once with a product that I have never used)
Dude in this WF looked so excited to help me....then he proudly returned with this little condiment cup full of KCKT. :lachen:

He looked so proud for being able to help me that I just asked him for another cup since my hair is long. I'll try a GIRL next time.
Ladies.....I hit the jackpot today.

I returned to WF and tried to get a sample of KC Come Clean, since I was just saying earlier in another thread how I need a good shampoo that agrees with my hair and the sulfate-free ones I have tried aren't cutting it. The first time I went, I got condiment cups of KCKT from a guy.....the second time, I got a half a soup container of KCCC from a smiling white lady. (Don't judge me for all the samples -- I gotta know I like this stuff before I buy. :look:) This time, an older white lady was working....and my jaw DROPPED when she said "I can't give you a sample.....but I can just give you this one." OMG!!! She pulled out those mythical stickers the OP was talking about, slapped one on the bottle and handed it to me!! It wasn't even a sample bottle -- this was a full sized, filled-to-the-brim, extra shiny, BRAND NEW BOTTLE! I tried to play it off, but as soon as I rounded the corner and met up with my SO I freaked! YOU KNOW I was tempted to go back and ask for samples of the rest of the line :lachen:
^^^^^^For real. Please believe I will be hitting up all of the local Whole Foods. I almost out of AO HSR. I need to test the Whole Foods versions to make sure it's legitimate.

No it was for real. I had to check out so the check out lady looked for the sticker and approved it as well....I had to load up Thursday is 2 for $7 20oz gourmet soup day I had a cart full LOL...

Ok I see you arosieworld live in ohio, me too! Are you in NE ohio, cause if so, I am gonna hit up chagrin and cedar and get me some free stuff!!!

Is there anything "special that you have to do, or can I just straight up ask for a free sample?

I went on the everyday shea site, under contact us and told them of Glamazini's review of their shampoo and asked for free samples and they sent me 2oz samples of the vanilla mint shampoo and condish, that I will be trying out today!!!:yep:
Yup they do. I inquired about the Anita grant product and she gave me a full bottle. I was shocked.

Wait a minute Anita Grant is sold at Whole Foods??

:stop: Say What?!?!?! Anita Grant is at Whole Woods????????

hmmmm, I think that you must mean like jane carter or something cause, I order from Anita ( a mem on np ) and she's in like London.

She only has:


Revolution EGO Natural Hair Salon

as having product in the us.......I could be mistaken though.....
Im not sure if they have a whole Foods where Im currently at (darnit!) But my sis works at da one near my home town. I will be askin her about dis.