Well-Known Member
"We're not paying for your gastric bypass or diabetes meds because you overate. God hates gluttons."
"We're not paying for your HIV meds. God hates fornication and homosexuality".
"We're not paying for allergy meds. You shouldn't eat shrimp anyway".
All I'm saying is, this opens the door to all kinds of loopholes for a myriad of corporations. What they stand for is not in question. If it's a christian org, then it needs to be an all the way christian org like the other religious churches so they can enforce their practices. Otherwise follow the rules.
If a business wishes (or doesn't wish) to cover X or Y, then let the chips fall and people will either reject working there or agree to the employer's terms. There are religious-affiliated schools, colleges, and charities that require employees to abide by a certain moral conduct and actually request employees sign those moral clauses. According to your arguments, just because an employee doesn't like a benefits package or contract requirement, the employer is automatically wrong and being oppressive and intrusive.
When someone seeks a job with a religiously affiliated employer, or a religious employer, they should already know there are certain requirements and contractual agreements that would be made. If the person doesn't like it--don't take the job. Or, take the job and go down to Walmart/Target/Take-Your-Pick to purchase some bc pills or condoms.
I assume for adults who want "everybody out of my bedroom" to be responsible and take care of their birth control methods.
I use Natural Family Planning, so that means we purchase a fertility monitor ($60+) and bi-monthly we purchase the tester sticks that are sold separately from the monitor ($25-$50 a pop), as well as the charting materials my husband uses to chart/record my cycles ($10 a pop). Did my employer's health insurance (a secular charter school) cover any of that? Nope. Nor did I ask them to. Does DH's insurance cover my chosen method of family planning? Nope. Am I crying to congress like Sandra Fluke and asking for people to pay for my fertility monitor, test sticks, and charts? Nope.
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