Hip Length (HL) 2013 Challenge!!

Wearing my hair in an unintended braid out. No other product other than my normal m&s from last night.
Back to drop off a pic or two.

I did an unintentional braidout yesterday. Hubby was complaining that I never wear my hair out anymore. Never is such a harsh word. Why, I just wore my hair out in October. :look:

Anywho, I took my Celie braids out and this is what I got:


I didn't use any styling products. Just the normal m&s from the night before. I just unbraided my 5 Celie braids and started fluffing it. Tah dah! Makes me wonder how good it would look if I intended for it to be a braidout and actually used styling products. Ah well. I can't get caught up in wearing it out again. I'd like to keep it in protective styles at least until it warms up.

Oh, and I did stretch a piece for a quasi-length check. Claiming mbl.


Just thinking. A flat ironing would be amazing right now. But, naaaaah. Waiting for my birthday in June. :lick:
Girl that braid out is EVERYTHING! You D-I-D that! My mother in law always said when you do something unintentional (what ever you do) comes out amazing. Then when you try to put your foot in it (southern slang), it comes out soso(or, giving you your foot back :lol:). Anyhoo girl what are you a Gemini/Cancer. I said the same in my previous post I want to flat iron for my birthday, which is in June, but in this April length check if my hair is HL, flat iron here I come!!!!!!!
Girl that braid out is EVERYTHING! You D-I-D that! My mother in law always said when you do something unintentional (what ever you do) comes out amazing. Then when you try to put your foot in it (southern slang), it comes out soso(or, giving you your foot back :lol:). Anyhoo girl what are you a Gemini/Cancer. I said the same in my previous post I want to flat iron for my birthday, which is in June, but in this April length check if my hair is HL, flat iron here I come!!!!!!!

OMG! That's gonna be AH-mazing at Hip length!! :drunk: I can't wait for the summer. Oh and I am a cancer, btw. :yep:
Banding until tomorrow :) Then I'm gonna try Teyona Paris' Award Show hairstyle for the week :)


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11 weeks post tmr. I just wanna relax already cause I'm bored with my hair. No fun! No fun! When heat is not an option & rollersets start to suck cause your hair is too long, sigh.... boredom sets in & the scissors look shiney tonight.
11 weeks post tmr. I just wanna relax already cause I'm bored with my hair. No fun! No fun! When heat is not an option & rollersets start to suck cause your hair is too long, sigh.... boredom sets in & the scissors look shiney tonight.

:mob: We are coming for your scissors, go take up practicing updos that require longer hair.
My hairstyle that is now gone now :)

In other words, my knock-off curlformers from ebay arrived :grin:


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LaVgirl oh wow I love it! how long did it take to do? My hair would get frizzy too.

So i found a split end that looked like a freaking tree ya'll :nono: I'm going to wash and straighten my hair. If i wash tonight i can deep condition and hopefully dry by thursday. And maybe friday trim. I have yet to master doing my hair quickly.

ladies how long does it take you on wash day?
LaVgirl your hair is gorgeous. i wish it stayed cute for longer.

@ everybody - would you be interested in being featured on my blog? I"m looking for women with hair bsl or longer whether relaxed, texlaxed or natural to feature, and just ask simple questions like, what's ur regi, how long u been growin ur hair, fave products etc.

As for me: i never did straighten my hair lol. this week i hope to and i'm gunna self trim *gulp*
Thanks brg240 and Whimsy!! It took about 3-4 hours hands-on time. She twisted and then put the straw on. I left the straws in for two days.

Oh, and that sounds like fun, Whimsy. I'm up for it :)
OK I straightened last night and did 4 knots last night so I had some waves today.

I'm totally almost hip length. I think maybe I can claim it in 2-4 months? (1-2 inches) What do you think ladies?

Hey girls. For all interested please send the answers to these questions as well as 3-5 pics of your hair to me at [email protected]

Tell us a bit about you: (this can be name/age/location/occupation/u can even shout out ur business or blog if you have one etc...)

What's your current hair status: (length, relaxed/natural etc)

What is your current regimen?

How long have you be on your healthy hair journey?

What is your hair goal?

What are your favorite products and why?

What one product/technique/tip has turned your hair around? (if any)

What is your #1 tip for growing long healthy hair?

Thanks so much for participating!
Tried AOWC for the first time today. Loved it! My hair feels soft and moisturised :)
I think I'm going to make it a staple :)
Waaaayyyy better than AO HSR which did asbolutely nothing for me:/
I was whip now Im back to wl. Oh well. I had to trim like 2.5 inches. Boooooo.

I might need to start using a harder protein. Sumthin is off. I need to get it together.
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Did a random length check yesterday... but as you guys an see, this fool was wearing te wrong type of clothing smh. Can't see anything.
gonna re-do it in a couple of days :)


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So I straightened my hair for a gala this past weekend. Just wanted to post since I rarely straightened. I LOVED the curls so I think I'll start straightening and curling regularly when the weather cools back down (which I don't really want to think about right now lol)

I'm still at WL. Don't expect to get to HL until the end of the year.

I don't feel like I've retained much since my last length check in January. But I haven't been taking care of my hair really. I have a new regimen that includes washing and deep conditioning every 2 weeks (versus once a month) and I'll try to moisturize throughout the week. Hopefully this will take me where I need to be.
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