Hip Length (HL) 2013 Challenge!!

Next time just braid your own hair like Longhairdontcare2011 on YT does without weave. It's easier and healthier once your hair hits a certain length.Also a perk is that people won't even have to ask if you braids are real, they will see that it's all yours. :grin:
doble post, the screen skipped :drunk:

BOOM!!!!! That is the plan from here on out. I was using the weave so my ends would be protected. But now I will braid with my own hair and use some mini rods at the ends to make a curl to protect them from rubbing on my clothes, sofa, etc.... and I will make sure I seal with a heavy oil!!!!! Girl you know somebody still gonna have something to say even though no weave is in it, you will always have that one person just not believing saying "I see the weave right there you just added it to the back of the braid, why don't you take the whole braid down", you know "The Haters":lachen:
BOOM!!!!! That is the plan from here on out. I was using the weave so my ends would be protected. But now I will braid with my own hair and use some mini rods at the ends to make a curl to protect them from rubbing on my clothes, sofa, etc.... and I will make sure I seal with a heavy oil!!!!! Girl you know somebody still gonna have something to say even though no weave is in it, you will always have that one person just not believing saying "I see the weave right there you just added it to the back of the braid, why don't you take the whole braid down", you know "The Haters":lachen:

:lachen: Oh I know they can't stand it when you're fabulous.

Added to the back of the braid, come on they'd sound so desperate and reaching, see those people have to see to believe.

I would have 1 loosish 2 strand twist braid with a ouch less mini-band at the bottom so when they say let me see if it's real, you just unravel that baby, run your hand through it, and hit them with it BAM! :lachen:
:lachen: Oh I know they can't stand it when you're fabulous.

Added to the back of the braid, come on they'd sound so desperate and reaching, see those people have to see to believe.

I would have 1 loosish 2 strand twist braid with a ouch less mini-band at the bottom so when they say let me see if it's real, you just unravel that baby, run your hand through it, and hit them with it BAM! :lachen:


Girl, ain't nobody got time fo all dat! :lol:

Girl, ain't nobody got time fo all dat! :lol:

that's true :lol:
just wearing the hair all down and swangin once in a while is enough just to see the dumbfounded look on their faces :perplexed:
I will be swangin my hair alot once I reach HL people will think I've developed a tic or something :look:
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Just used a water + conditioner mix spritz (instead of just water) on my hair with some EVOO... Felt great while I was doing it :grin: but I'll see what it looks like in the morning...
what I learned about my hair this week:

My hair doesn’t like to be ‘spritzed’. It isn’t a sufficient amount of water at all. Instead, it’s much more effective to rinse in the shower and fully saturate, before gently squeezing and then applying my leave-in.

Goodbye dry/crunchy ends!!!!!!! :grin:
What I learned about my hair this week:
Lately, I’ve noticed that the middle of my head has been very sore and my hair had been breaking there. I didn’t understand why because I always have a high bun in the middle so it really shouldn’t be breaking there. Little did I know that I was securing my bobby pins too tightly into my scalp :/ I’ve stopped now though and now push them in and UP instead of in and DOWN into my scalp.
I have about 2.5-3 inches to go before i reach WL. I don't know if I'll make Hip but i think i have a chance at making w"hip by the end of the year.

Hopefully i get a growth spurt this spring/summer.
Didn't make HL in 2012 Challenge so here I am for another crack it:grin:

your current hair length
Waist length

current hair status (natural, transitioning, relaxed, texlaxed?)

current hair issues (dryness, breakage, etc)
None at the moment

current regimen and products
I wear my hair in twist or some kind of protective style 95% of the time even underneath my Betsy(wig's name) sometimes I cover the twist with her, often times I don't.
I prepoo before I do anything with Tresseme Naturals or GVP Matrix Biolage and EVOO. (mostly overnight)
I wash with Terressential Mud on or about the 1st of each mo, detangle and retwist immediately.
I co-wash the middle of the mo. in twist.
Dc after co-wash, wash or protein treatment, with Alter Ego or GVP Matrix Biolage Conditioning Balm(under steamer) or full head Baggy Method for 2-4 days under a wig or beanie.
Protein w/Aphogee 2 min. or Moroccan Oil Restorative Mask every other mo. or when needed
Leave-in with Kimmaytube recipe
Oil my scalp 2x/week with oil mix-1oz. Sublime sulfur to 8oz. JBCO
I spritz my hair 2-3x a week or when needed with 8oz spray bottle mixed w/water, lil vegetable glycerin or aloe vera juice, 2 tbl spoon EVOO and seal ends w/shea butter or JBCO

future regimen changes/plans (if any)
Back to Henna, Amla and other Ayervedic powders and oils

long term plan for 2013 to reach hip
No Heat

post-hip plans (maintain? keep growing? cut? etc)
Maintain btwn hip and tailbone

Anything else you'd like to add about your hair or length goals/plans
This month marks my 3 yr anniversary since I did my BC


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I've been missing in this thread. I love seeing all the updates!

Here's where I am as of yesterday.

I'll be straightening tonight so I'll take a pic to show that length.

My edges are starting to grow back after all my post partum shedding, so that's a win.
My hair is as dry as ever. I'm working on it.
I've been missing in this thread. I love seeing all the updates!

Here's where I am as of yesterday.

I'll be straightening tonight so I'll take a pic to show that length.

My edges are starting to grow back after all my post partum shedding, so that's a win.
My hair is as dry as ever. I'm working on it.

Your hair is awesome! It grows like weeds! Looks like you're there right?

Sent from my ice cold evo 3d y'all!
Im thinking about getting a rollerset and a blowout sooner than May. I really want to wait and be surprised that i made WL.

Its been only 3 months since the last time i straightened my hair. Im trying to wait 6 total.

Is it a bad idea to take prenatal vitamins even tho im not pregnant? I just wanna see if they will kinda speed up my growth.
Im thinking about getting a rollerset and a blowout sooner than May. I really want to wait and be surprised that i made WL.

Its been only 3 months since the last time i straightened my hair. Im trying to wait 6 total.

Is it a bad idea to take prenatal vitamins even tho im not pregnant? I just wanna see if they will kinda speed up my growth.

SmilingElephant --Lots of ladies take prenatals for extra growth who arent preggers...I still take them and Im 3 months postpartum...they just have an extra concentration of vits for mom plus developing baby...I doubt they would hurt you (that is, of course, unless you take more than the RDA of the vit...most brands say 1 prenatal a day if it's a complete vit, some are 2 a day).
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Okay. Im gonna try some. Im about done with my Alive vites so im gonna buy some prenatals this weekend. Im between 2 to maybe 3-4 inches above WL im just trying to get halfway there by the end of April or May.
Im thinking about getting a rollerset and a blowout sooner than May. I really want to wait and be surprised that i made WL.

Its been only 3 months since the last time i straightened my hair. Im trying to wait 6 total.

Is it a bad idea to take prenatal vitamins even tho im not pregnant? I just wanna see if they will kinda speed up my growth.


Taking pre natals is actually a good idea for hair growth cause it's a more complete vitamin for a woman than the regular ones. Also in case you're trying to get pregnant you'll be covered in that time when you don't know yet, when you really need it.
I've been taking prenatals my entire hair journey! Go for it. I haven't straightened my hair since .................... Nov-Dec. I want to wait until June to bust out this HL hair on emmmmm, but when I do this length check in April if I am at my Hips then flat iron here I come :grin:
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I've been taking prenatals my entire hair journey! Go for it. I haven't straightened my hair since .................... Nov-Dec. I want to wait until June to bust out this HL hair on emmmmm, but when I do this length check in April if I am at my Hips then flat iron here I come :grin:

So you've noticed a difference?

Which ones do you take?
Your hair is awesome! It grows like weeds! Looks like you're there right?

Sent from my ice cold evo 3d y'all!

Thanks but nah, I think I have like 3 inches to go maybe.
Growth I'm guessing is from preggo hormones! (note to self: whimsy, go get preggo again so you can reach classic length)
Thanks but nah, I think I have like 3 inches to go maybe.
Growth I'm guessing is from preggo hormones! (note to self: whimsy, go get preggo again so you can reach classic length)

You're almost there, I think you're closer than 3 inches though because there's always 1-2 inches hidden in stretched length that shows when you straighten.
We'll see on the official straight hair pics. BTW don't keep us waiting too long, you can't promise pics and then put people on hold :look:
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SmilingElephant, well I haven't taken any other hair pills to compare the prenatals to. So I can't say there is a difference! I take Spring Valley prenatal from Walmart and other supplements.
You're almost there, I think you're closer than 3 inches though because there's always 1-2 inches hidden in stretched length that shows when you straighten.
We'll see on the official straight hair pics. BTW don't keep us waiting too long, you can't promise pics and then put people on hold :look:

Well if that's the case then im closer to WL than im thinking :D
Yes! I know this because I went two months without taking my supplements and my growth was less than when I took my supplements.
I've been missing in this thread. I love seeing all the updates!

Here's where I am as of yesterday.

I'll be straightening tonight so I'll take a pic to show that length.

My edges are starting to grow back after all my post partum shedding, so that's a win.
My hair is as dry as ever. I'm working on it.

My hair was super dry after the baby. I nursed and so I think that made it worse. My hair didn't start to get back to normal until she was about 14 months. I feel like it's still recovering. Henna gloss on my edges really helped them fill in well and I think it also curbed my shedding.
I'm tempted to join this challenge but I don't know that I have the time to manage hair that long. I keep cutting my hair back to in between MBL and WL to keep it manageable. The center is like WL and the sides are closer to MBL. I may just lurk.