Hip length afro hair straighten


i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE sera's hair. and also her personality; she's always so sweet and patient. she's my original YT guru and hair inspiration.

but i dislike her videos (slow rambly talking for the most part) and i hated the result shown here :(

a lot :'(

makes me all weepy actually cuz i think it would be great if she were getting even half the views some of the other gurus get since she's hardcore 4b and MORE PEOPLE NEED TO SEE THE WONDERFULNESS OF HER HAIR. sorry for the shouting at the end, i just feel really strong about it. i wish she would do her vids on silent then narate over it. maybe that would help...
I think she is a great inspiration for natural 4bs but the flatironed video could have been a llot better (well it was better than her first one).
I love her hair, it is so beautiful!! She really keeps me motivated and no doubt she'd make a lot of ladies want to go natural.