Most people don't have trouble growing their hair it's retaining the length they gain. Really pay attention to everything little thing you do every little detail, those that work keep them, if it makes your hair feel terrible or knot up try something else or check your combs, brushes, if their seamless or hair safe and what technique you using to co wash and detangle.
Are you manipulating too much or not enough some of us need to detangle every couple of days or our hair becomes a matted mess. The important thing is to stick to what works and ditch what doesn't work. If the DC you were doing gave you slip then keep doing that, it's most likely giving your hair some moisture. Moisturized hair=healthy hair=longer hair.
I think you're on the right track maybe to reach your goal you might have to wear more PS styles. with your ends tucked in, are you sealing with a hair shaft penetrating oil like How about your protein moisture balance? Sometimes you need light protein or heavy protein, or no protein, EVOO extra virgin olive oil, EVCO coconut oil, or ceramides oil, for strength wheat germ oil, hemp seed oil.
Also if you don't want to become a PJ you can have 1 or 2 products that work for you to do everything, I only use 1 conditioner for everything ( I already tested out enough products to have alternates to rotate if my #1 fav isn't available) my CW, DC, and Leave in, then I seal with EVCO, or EVOO/WGO combo and a butter in the winter months. I'm just pointing at things you should zero in on because those are the areas that usually trip people up on the LHJ, and bottom line you choose what's best for you.
Here's a link to the WL regimen thread and some other links. HTH