Hip Length 2011!! Let's do this!!

^^^And ironically, that's when my hair seems to thrive...when I just let it be!

ETA: Feel better @LaFemmeNaturelle!
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I wore my hair out for a week and am now back to PSing. It was such a relief to wash it and get it out of the way. Which is wierd beccause I want it long, but it kind of got annoying. Anyway, I got a new conditioner for co-washing. Its the Herbal Essences Hello Hydration. I really like it. I did also buy the Herbal Essences Reconditioner, but haven't tried it yet. Sorry for rambling. :)
Hey Whimsy, can I be added to the list?

My final goal was WL, but over the last week or so I've been thinking...why not grow to HL! I'm hoping that when I'm fully natural (long term transitioner here) my hair will fall around BSL curly, not to mention I'd love to swang some HL straightened hair around every now and then. :)

Current Length: Grazing MBL

Regimen: Continue current reggie of low manipulation, PS, minimal direct heat, shampoo and DC weekly, moisturize and seal daily.

Plans: Grow to HL by Dec 2011 or be grazing it, even though I have some plans to begin trimming some of my relaxed ends starting next summer.

Hip Length Date: December 31, 2011
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Well I washed my hair this weekend, barely conditioned it and blow dried. This was after not washing it for a two weeks and keeping it in a loose french roll. I've just been so lazy with it. It started to mat last week in the middle. That's when I got concerned and started the detangling process. At least it's low manipulation which is what I am striving for but this is just pure laziness now. When I go to style my hair in the morning, it feels like this mass of hair I have to get through. I cannot believe I am seriously considering HL.

I'm doing a protein treatment this weekend because this is crazy. Then I'll continue moisturising and PSing. Not much breakage or shedding and I'd like to keep it that way for the winter. Need to get some vitamins to prevent hair fall at this time of the year too.

Yeah. I'm feeling hair lazy too and a little bored, to be honest.

I've been sick so not posting as much anymore. Just sleepingy life away lol second day I've missed class and work and couldnt care less about my hair right now.

I hope you're feeling better soon.
Darn it, Whimsy!!!! You got me!!!!

Current Length: BSB

Regimen: Protective Styling, Low Manipulation Styling, Minimal Heat, Deep Conditioning, Hard Protein Treatments

Plans: BSB as of July (2010); MBL as of Dec (2010); WL as of June (2011); I know this is a BIG STRETCH, but hey- why not::blush:

Hip Length Date: December 31, 11:59pm :lachen:

I have the exact same goals and almost the exact same regimen. My regimen will focus on moisture, hardly any heat, sulfur, ceramides, eating healthy, protein internally and externally and of course protective styling.

I just did a break down and basically I need two more inches for MBL, then after that 3 more for WSL and then 2 more to graze hip length ( it would technically be 3 more for hip length, but I don't want to go too far). In total 7 more inches.
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I'd like to join!

Current Length: Almost WL, abt 2.5" away. Transitioning to natural from texlaxer, no BC.

Hair is braided beneath wig/LF for 4-6 wks at a time. CW/DC & diluted shampoo wash in braids q 2 wks, full wash before each braid re-do (with hair loose) q 4-6wks with DC. No dry combing, no stylists, no heat.

Plans: No drastic cuts...I'm willing to slowly grow out my texlaxed ends as long as it takes...I want to see how long my hair will get as whole in the meantime. I'm doing Lady P's Wig chall, Sulfur Chall, Transitioning No BC, No Heat, Constant PS'ing, Trims only if ABSOLUTELY necessary, moisturizing hair and MTG mix on scalp q 3 days or so.

Hip Length Date: Dec. 31, 2011...hopefully! :o)
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I have the exact same goals and almost the exact same regimen. My regimen will focus on moisture, hardly any heat, sulfur, ceramides, eating healthy, protein internally and externally and of course protective styling.

I just did a break down and basically I need two more inches for MBL, then after that 3 more for WSL and then 2 more to graze hip length ( it would technically be 3 more for hip length, but I don't want to go too far). In total 7 more inches.

Girl...I know it's a stretch...I would literally have to retain every single inch that I grow in 2011, but I'm willing to go hard!!!! Let's do it!!! :drunk::drunk:
sign me up! im wl-ish or wl now and ill keep doing what i've been doing cause it seems to be working for me! but im going to up the moisture for my ends.
sign me up! im wl-ish or wl now and ill keep doing what i've been doing cause it seems to be working for me! but im going to up the moisture for my ends.

Glad to see you back

Join the challenge? just saw your YT updates, you are the challenge :lol:
BTW you've got to tell us what's your regimen? your daily style WnG, or buns?
Glad to see you back

Join the challenge? just saw your YT updates, you are the challenge :lol:
BTW you've got to tell us what's your regimen? your daily style WnG, or buns?

:blush::rolleyes: hehehee!!!! glad im back last week was BUSY what with grandma's funeral and all. and THEN went back to work yesterday to hurt myself at work to sit up in an emergency room for 7 hours and still not get treated.

but i digress.

I positively REFUSE to cowash because it's sooooo cold and I hate having to cowash every few days in the cold weather...so for the winter I'm doing twists. Basically I just shampoo and deep condition once a week, use the most moisturizing stuff which is either: oyin handmade, qhemet biologics or curl junkie, and I use her honey butta leave in with coconut oil as a sealant and twist. I've been oiling my scalp with coconut, vatika or this thing that I got at whole foods...crap I can't think of the name. But it's coconut oil based.

If I flatiron I get a trim afterwards and basically keep my hair oiled from midshaft down to the ends, still using coconut, vatika or monoi de tahiti, and I oil every other night or every other two nights. And my hair is either in a bun or braid 99% of the time when straight cause I can't STAND to feel it getting caught on stuff.

tools of the trade include my denman brush, mason pearson brush as well as the MP seamless combs. they've made a difference for me!
:blush::rolleyes: hehehee!!!! glad im back last week was BUSY what with grandma's funeral and all. and THEN went back to work yesterday to hurt myself at work to sit up in an emergency room for 7 hours and still not get treated.

but i digress.

I positively REFUSE to cowash because it's sooooo cold and I hate having to cowash every few days in the cold weather...so for the winter I'm doing twists. Basically I just shampoo and deep condition once a week, use the most moisturizing stuff which is either: oyin handmade, qhemet biologics or curl junkie, and I use her honey butta leave in with coconut oil as a sealant and twist. I've been oiling my scalp with coconut, vatika or this thing that I got at whole foods...crap I can't think of the name. But it's coconut oil based.

If I flatiron I get a trim afterwards and basically keep my hair oiled from midshaft down to the ends, still using coconut, vatika or monoi de tahiti, and I oil every other night or every other two nights. And my hair is either in a bun or braid 99% of the time when straight cause I can't STAND to feel it getting caught on stuff.

tools of the trade include my denman brush, mason pearson brush as well as the MP seamless combs. they've made a difference for me!

Sorry for your loss and hope you feel better and bounce back from the injury fast.
BTW thanks for posting the regimen, I think we might be hair twins except mine isn't full WL/HL yet or evened up yet. I may have to return to coconut oil for the winter, I was using EVOO for spring summer. HHG
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I'm in cause my next t-up is not til January, but I probably won't make it til March after my cut.

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Here are my pictures from August. I plan on straightening my hair in December. I will post picks in December.



ETA - I decided I'm not going to straighten my hair again until December 2011. My shrunken hair looks pretty much the same, so I won't post any new pictures.

Current Length: Almost MBL
I'm going all out this year. I'm going to try the sulfur mix. I am also going to use mega-tek. I will will continue with my current regimen of cowashing 5xs/week and steaming 1-2xs/week. I am trying to thicken my hair, so I am going to try to henna a few times a month.
Plans: Serious PSing, updos and buns
Hip Length Date: December 2011 (hopefully)
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Well I did a quick length check and I'm firmly at MBL the sides and fro t have caught up w the back I did trim last month so I have a slight U shape insteadof the V shape my hair grows into naturally. Im now 2 inches from WL and 4 inches from HL the slightly longer parts.
I'm not setting an exact month to reach HL it will happen come when it comes.
I'm glad the bulk of my hair is all one length now.
Gorgeous hair Dee Raven and Mrs. Verde...

I'm a year post now and contemplating transitioning but that's still up in the air right now... right now my new growth is behaving nicely so I've been doing a lot a braid outs and pincurls, washing and DC once a week... I just ordered a LF that I'll be wearing for a little while to hide my hair...
So I wore my hair straight for 2 weeks and am sick of straightness now. It's back to buns and updos for me.

What are you doin with your hair for thanksgiving ladies?
sign me up! im wl-ish or wl now and ill keep doing what i've been doing cause it seems to be working for me! but im going to up the moisture for my ends.

Hey Empressri!! Glad you're joining us. I'm sorry about your grandma.

I need to measure my hair but I'm not really sure how far I sm to HL. My guess is 6 inches. Maybe less.

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i think i want in too. i'm bottom bra strap length. i have no reggie. right now, its just low manipulation and WnG's every other day. i detangle in the shower when wet with lots of conditioner. i try to protective style but every LHCFer knows i hate buns & i'm horrible at making them. :) i haven't straightened since late Sept. not sure when i'll straighten again...maybe Dec 31st? not sure.

i actually NEED some HELP figuring out what to do - creating a regimen. i'm not in any challenges.

What are you doin with your hair for thanksgiving ladies?

I twisted my hair last week (med twists) and plan to leave them in as long as possible. Not getting the growth I would have liked to have by now, being that it's almost December. My motivation for mid-week hair care (moisturizing) is non existent. lol any tips ladies?
Hey Empressri!! Glad you're joining us. I'm sorry about your grandma.

I need to measure my hair but I'm not really sure how far I sm to HL. My guess is 6 inches. Maybe less.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

@BostonMaria, it's got to be less than that!

I've been so lazy with my hair these past 6 weeks. I am not neglecting it - still protective style, DC, detangle, etc. All I do is leave it in a bun and I don't want to deal with it. I feel a hot mess. It'll be in a bun for 7 days and all I'll do is brush back the front. It's not matted in the middle but I am not paying any attention to it. Maybe that's a good thing? I'm feeling frumpy.

It might be a combination of things. I have been working from home so I don't need to do much with my hair. I was discouraged all summer because my wash and go's didn't look nice, if I straightened it my hair would revert and frizz up badly. I just kinda gave up.

I'm WL and still want to get to HL next year. I just need somebody to slap me.



umm, this is me every day - maybe that's why i'm not having much progress. what do you normally do with your hair? that is, when you're not feeling like you're being lazy? (i want to learn from you because your laziness -protective styling, DC, detangling - is part of my regular hair behavior.) ...or feel free to pm me BostonMaria!

umm, this is me every day - maybe that's why i'm not having much progress. what do you normally do with your hair? that is, when you're not feeling like you're being lazy? (i want to learn from you because your laziness -protective styling, DC, detangling - is part of my regular hair behavior.) ...or feel free to pm me BostonMaria!

It's usually in a ponytail or bun. My "issue" is that it's so long that it takes like 90+ minutes to dry under my Pibbs.

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So I just straightened and I won't be straightening again until January probably because it took entirely TOO long to wash, DC, detangle, braid up to air dry, detangle again, and flat iron...so yeah this won't be a frequent thing. I tried to trim into a v shape using feye's method but....yeah it's not much of a v but oh well I'm not fixing it until I straighten again lol



Will I make it to hip? IDK! My brother just told me today this is as long as it's gonna get because I'm BLACK! Yes he's seen all the pics of other ladies lol I hope I'm can make hip by next Christmas!