High Porosity Help Needed

@Nonie, thank you and low ph products would close the cuticle, right? So trying to find that low ph product to close the cuticle wouldn't necessarily be ideal? So much to take in.

@divachyk, hair's natural pH is low 4.5-5.5 so most good products are around that...and shampoos can be as high as 6 and still be considered "good" as they don't really change the hair's pH by much. But unlike someone with porous hair, you probably don't really need to be anal about that. You may even find--and I don't know this for sure, but if I were you it's something I'd test out--that after using a clarifying shampoo with a high pH, then following with a DC, that your hair feels softer than ever. Coz the high pH of the shampoo opened up your cuticles to receive the conditioner which because of having an acidic pH closes the cuticles too, so that the moisture is locked in. Then if you prefer a cold rinse, you do it and see if your hair doesn't feel so moisturized that you can go easy on your leave in.

I know there are people who swear by baking soda while I think it's the debil. Perhaps they have low porosity and the high pH opens their cuticle to allow conditioner penetration. But unless you're sure what you're doing, I suggest sticking to shampoos coz they have been tested to be "safe" for hair. I just know baking soda gave me the scare of my life coz it smelled like I was relaxing my hair when I mixed it with CON sometime in 2003 or 2004. :nono: So I stay well away from the demon. *holds up a crucifix and garlic*
OK, so I tried the Oil Rinse this weekend (Friday night) and it felt really weird.:perplexed I kinda wasn't feeling the oily shoulders and such when I had to rinse it out :lol: But anyway, I used 1/2 cup of olive oil and felt that it was WAY too much for me. It didn't rinse out At ALL! Not even a little bit. Is this correct? I had a oily head the entire day on Saturday and a slightly oily head all day Sunday. My hair is still oily but not too bad. I do have to say that the detangling process WAS A BREEZE. It took me no time to detangle. Also, my hair did not look dry at all (obviously I guess). I guess I will give it one more go and then try another strand test to see if this is helping. But I will continue for at least a month to confirm. If by then nothing, then I will stop and try the PC products.

Question: Is there really a difference in EVOO vs. OO? I read once somewhere that buying EVOO for your hair really isn't necessary. But then a lot more reading on people using EVOO.
Question: Is there really a difference in EVOO vs. OO? I read once somewhere that buying EVOO for your hair really isn't necessary. But then a lot more reading on people using EVOO.

I don't know the answer to that, but personally I don't settle for less than the best if I can afford the best. Whatever you apply to your hair has a chance of getting into your body through your scalp, so why settle for less than you'd eat just because you're applying to the outside of your body? I don't even use refined coconut oil on my skin as my moisturizer but only the same extra virgin (unrefined) cold pressed coconut oil I use in my food.