High End Salons and SAA - I Figured It Out

Thanks for starting the thread. I think its very possible. If some salons take the time to water down their products, than it isnt a far reach for me to believe that they add to them prior to bringing them to the salon floor. :yep:
I want to order some SAA for the first time but don't know how much to order. What is a good amount to order? I want to try it before I buy a lot. I will add it to my mascara and my leave-in's. Thanks!

I order from Lotioncrafter.com because they have the best prices I have seen, good shipping rates and quick delivery. I think 1 0z is $3.85. I would order at least 4 oz, but I am a believer.
Thanks for starting the thread. I think its very possible. If some salons take the time to water down their products, than it isnt a far reach for me to believe that they add to them prior to bringing them to the salon floor. :yep:

What do you mean "water down their products." Is this to make them last longer????? I was not aware of that practice. You make an excellent point, however.
What do you mean "water down their products." Is this to make them last longer????? I was not aware of that practice. You make an excellent point, however.

I have heard that some salons add water to shampoos and conditioners to "stretch" the product to make it last longer. :yep: It makes sense, especially if the stylists have to purchase their own product...ETA: It doesnt make it right
I have heard that some salons add water to shampoos and conditioners to "stretch" the product to make it last longer. :yep: It makes sense, especially if the stylists have to purchase their own product...ETA: It doesnt make it right

Okay, thanks for the info. I guess we have established that it is possible for the product to be diluted or changed in some way.
For the ladies that want to purchase SAA from lotioncrafters they offer LHCF a discount.
(1.) LotionCrafter (www.lotioncrafter.com) What Can I Get Here?: Lotioncrafter sells supplies and ingredients for creating and enhancing your own hair and skin care products! I'd be happy to offer a 5% discount to your forum members. LADIES! In 2008, the code will update to LHC2008. Courtesy of MonaLisa
You missed my point. I don't think they are "doctoring" each application of product. I think they add the SAA to the bottle of product. The addition of SAA to existing products is the whole point.

no I didnt..your response to that post was the same as mine. I was telling the person above me that they premix it to the bottle so that in such an occasion, like if the bottle runs out, they would have one already doctored on hand.
no I didnt..your response to that post was the same as mine. I was telling the person above me that they premix it to the bottle so that in such an occasion, like if the bottle runs out, they would have one already doctored on hand.

Sorry for the confusion.
Wow, I should never have started this thread. I am speaking of a very specific type of salon that always uses recognizable products (Mizani, Affirm, Keracare, etc.) so they can attribute your beautiful hair to their expertise. Your hair has a special shine and softness when you leave that salon. I now believe they are doctoring these recognizable products with SAA before they bring them to the shop floor. As I said, this is a very specific experience. If you have been to one of these salons, you will know exactly what I mean. If you have not , you won't understand.

i have been to plenty of those salons in manhattan and i still don't believe that there is that much of a difference. ted gibson's salon is one of my favorites and he uses aveda in addition to his own line. his hook is that he has a great salon with very well trained stylists. marvin carrington is another well trained stylist who bounces from salon to salon every few years and those who follow him do so for that reason: he is a good stylist. they do not do it because he adds saa to his products. i knew marvin when he worked in queens some 12 years ago and he charged FAR less then than he does now and i got great results then too...before the internet made information, products, and chemicals so widely available.

have you ever been to a low end salon to know a difference? i have been to high and low and there were a few days when i was not entirely pleased with the high end salons.

i am not knocking it as i will try saa one day (especially after i get pibby) but i do find it to be a stretch to presume that all high end salons add saa to their products and that is THE reason why people get the results that they do or why midtown salons charge hundreds more than the salons in spanish harlem. maybe just maybe they charge more because their overhead costs are higher and they have better trained stylists.

we'll agree to disagree because i have not read a convincing point yet in this thread.
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i have been to plenty of those salons in manhattan and i still don't believe that there is that much of a difference. ted gibson's salon is one of my favorites and he uses aveda in addition to his own line. his hook is that he has a great salon with very well trained stylists. marvin carrington is another well trained stylist who bounces from salon to salon every few years and those who follow him do so for that reason: he is a good stylist. they do not do it because he adds saa to his products. i knew marvin when he worked in queens some 12 years ago and he charged FAR less then than he does now and i got great results then too...before the internet made information, products, and chemicals so widely available.

have you ever been to a low end salon to know a difference? i have been to high and low and there were a few days when i was not entirely pleased with the high end salons.

i am not knocking it as i will try saa one day (especially after i get pibby) but i do find it to be a stretch to presume that all high end salons add saa to their products and that is THE reason why people get the results that they do or why midtown salons charge hundreds more than the salons in spanish harlem. maybe just maybe they charge more because their overhead costs are higher and they have better trained stylists.

we'll agree to disagree because i have not read a convincing point yet in this thread.

I respect your opinion. Thanks for sharing.
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i am not knocking it as i will try saa one day (especially after i get pibby) but i do find it to be a stretch to presume that all high end salons add saa to their products and that is THE reason why people get the results that they do or why midtown salons charge hundreds more than the salons in spanish harlem. maybe just maybe they charge more because their overhead costs are higher and they have better trained stylists.

we'll agree to disagree because i have not read a convincing point yet in this thread.

I agree with this, especially with the bolded.

Higher end salons charge more for many reasons and it is not some SAA. LOL

Well trained stylists, higher end clientele, higher end products, higher end locale, higher end tools. I think in many cases they charge more just because they CAN.
I've never been to a higher end salon and I don't think I will. I pay $25 max for a blowout with tip and I get quality results when I use the right combination of products. I can't imagine my hair looking any better then when I leave my regular salon...but like I said I've never been to one of these so who knows.
I agree with this, especially with the bolded.

Higher end salons charge more for many reasons and it is not some SAA. LOL

Well trained stylists, higher end clientele, higher end products, higher end locale, higher end tools. I think in many cases they charge more just because they CAN.

Thanks for your opinion. BTW, have you ever used SAA as an additive in existing products? I have used it as an additive and I controlled for the variables you mention, ceteris paribus. However, I value your opinion and your right to make it.
I don't know if they use SAA but I have been to a few stylist who before applying conditioner or sometimes before applying shampoo they will apply something out of a bottle. All one stylist told me was that it was a salon secret. I have no idea what it was.
I don't know if they use SAA but I have been to a few stylist who before applying conditioner or sometimes before applying shampoo they will apply something out of a bottle. All one stylist told me was that it was a salon secret. I have no idea what it was.

Well how have I been a member of LHCF for over 2 yrs and NEVER even HEARD of this SAA???? Oh lordy, please ya'll dont make my buy some SAA!!! :lachen:
I bought a large bottle from Lotioncrafters a few months ago to use pre relaxer and in my mascara amongst other things. I kinda stopped because the fish smell drove me away. However I was in the mood last night to be a mixin vixen plus I was out of my beloved Lacio Lacio. I added some(plus jojoba) to my poo, dc and leave in. Soft, soft and soft:yep:. It's definitely worth a try ladies. I'm rocking my old school spiral set(ala orange jherri curl rods) and I can't stop twirling my curls.
FAROUK has made BIOSILK for years as silk therapy best thing to happen to haircare, Now everyone has coppied it. you want the best get BIOSILK...
FAROUK has made BIOSILK for years as silk therapy best thing to happen to haircare, Now everyone has coppied it. you want the best get BIOSILK...

Yes but this and CHI are bu the same company,and both seem to do the same thing,except that Biosilk has alcohol in it. So why did they do that?Back to the topic:
I do understand what the OP is saying:yep:
It does give regular products a boost.I am sure that upscale salons have to have some secret to make them more desirable than your regular salon.I get what you're saying.