Hide Your Hair Til July 4th Challengers...Reveal that hair!!!

Thanks for the love soun and BeautifulWideEyes :)

My hair broke down to the same length (about 2 inches) at the hairline, nape, and in the crown. The new growth in those areas and the rest of my hair is doing well. Last summer, I sabotaged my growth by experimenting with lighter colors and have paid dearly for it since. Now the severely damaged ends are breaking off.

Actually, I cannot complain. When I start to gain health and length I will show my pictures from January 2006. Those are really bad!

I am tweaking my regime now.
I was thinking about a no call/no show but after my much needed "dust:look: ", i feel much better about my hair.
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LOL let me try again,


i think it's the same length, but i'll live=0)!!