Hi Ladies.


New Member
Hi ladies,
I've posted a few times on here before but wanted to formally say hello. & let you all know you girls are my inspiration. With out LHCF I would not have developed a regime, gotten my hair back to a healthy state & reached my length. In all of this I do have one concern, my hair is thinning! I used to have such thick beautiful hair. How do you get that thickness back?

Your hair is pretty. :)

Three things: Certain medications can cause thinning hair, as well as illnesses such as an over or under active thyroid. You should see your doctor. Other than that it could be your hair needs a good trim.

Oh one more do you wear braids frequently or blow dry your hair frequently? Those two things can also be the culprit.
Welcome :wave:

You hair looks good to me.But you know best.

I know for me the hair thinning was bad, especially when i didnt strech relaxers. Now I get them 12-16 weeks, that's helped alot. My hair is 10x fuller than before. Also less heat and protein.
Your hair is lovely! To me your hair is an inspiration because I have fine hair and I've been told numerous times that my thin hair won't look good long.
Your hair is a testimony! (for me at least :D )
Was your hair much thicker than that before?

I have fine hair as well, although when it was longer I was told it was thick:ohwell: ?

It could be the need of a trim or a medical reason. Sometimes it's hereditary, but you can still thicken it up with Surge, that has been working well for me. My hairline suffered from braids, but I am seeing results.

Another helper might be MTG. A lot of ladies love MTG on this website and credit it for giving thickness as well as growth. HHG.
there were a few posts recently about thick hair and how to get it. i'll search for the links and post it for you. one thing that caught my eye was many of the girls said that wrapping their hair at night caused it to thin. could that be part of it?

...by the way - your hair is BEAUTIFUL and looks so healthy!!!! so thin or thick - its gorgeous! (but i know, we all want that thickness.)

here is one thread that i think had some useful info in it on thick hair...
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Your hair is lovely! To me your hair is an inspiration because I have fine hair and I've been told numerous times that my thin hair won't look good long.
Your hair is a testimony! (for me at least :D )
Was your hair much thicker than that before?

Thanks! Yes my hair was thicker a couple of years ago. I've just started noticing that it has been getting thinner.

I'll heed everyone's advice & use less heat, no wrapping & i'll see my doc.
wow you're gorgeous and i love the length of your hair... that's my goal by June 2006. I hope i get there... and you said your hair is thin... wow if my hair looks like that when it gets to that length, then i won't mind having thin hair. i've been getting worried about how my hair will look when it gets longer... i'm not too worried anymore. But if you aren't satisfied, i hope you find something that work for you. Good luck! :)