Hi! I'm Back!


New Member
Hi! I\'m Back!

It's been a long time! I am glad to be back on the LHCF!

Things have been good; busy with teaching and other things.

My hair is doing really well. I am pleased to report that the nearly-bald spot at the crown of my head has begun to grow in! Yippee!

Additionally, the highlights which so damaged my hair have all but grown out. My current stylist trims my hair every four months instead of every two, and my hair is growing longer. While I have some distance to go before I get to bra strap, I am working on it.

I have returned to shampooing and conditioning under the tub faucet. The routine of getting in and out of the shower was too much for me. I do, however, rinse out with cool water when I deep condition, and I deep condition faithfully every week for 30 minutes. I comb through the conditioner before applying a cap. I do a protein treatment every four weeks, and I use a clarifying shampoo each week, followed by my regular moisturizing shampoo. I am still using my beloved Kenra products.

I have not wet roller set my hair in several weeks. Instead, I saturate my hair with setting lotion (Pantene Relaxed and Natural), comb through, and then sit under the hood dryer for 30-45 minutes, on medium heat.
I then comb out, blow dry to remove the kinks, and then apply Keracare High Sheen Glossifier to the scalp before bumping the ends with a warm iron.

I am no longer using my microwave heat cap. The gel packs burst, causing the gel to leak out and burn my face and chest. The burns have healed, but I threw that guy away!

While this may seem like a lot of heat, it is the same method my stylist followed when I resided in Augusta, Georgia. My hair was never as long as it was when I lived there. I actually lose far less hair using this method.

In as far as daily maintenance and upkeep, I wear my hair in a style most days, or up in a claw clip. I think that I look and feel more attractive when my hair is styled.

Anyway, that's what's going on in the hair department.

Re: Hi! I\'m Back!

welcome back, glad you found a routine that works for you
Re: Hi! I\'m Back!

Welcome back, Northernbelle. I'm glad to read that your hair is thriving and that you've fully healed from that awful microwave cap accident! It looks like you've found a routine that works for you.

Happy Hairgrowing!
Re: Hi! I\'m Back!

I think it's great that you're enjoying your hair as you let it grow. I think heat used minimally in the way that you are, will not inhibit growth at all. Sounds like you've found a nice regimen that works for your hair. I wish you continued success!
Re: Hi! I\'m Back!

Welcome back. It's great that you've found a routine that works for you and that your hair is thriving. :-)
Re: Hi! I\'m Back!

northernbelle said:

I am no longer using my microwave heat cap. The gel packs burst, causing the gel to leak out and burn my face and chest. The burns have healed, but I threw that guy away!

[/ QUOTE ]
OMG! I didn't know that could happen! I wonder if there are burn warnings on those heat caps. Others have had their bags burst too. Ihad a large bag (a cushion) that burst in the microwave but it was encased and didn't run out everywhere. Sorry to hear that happened to you and thanks for sharing about it!

It's great to see your posts again too!