Hi everyone!!


New Member
I'm new....well a new subscriber! I've been on and off this site for at least 6 years! About time huh?!! I don't have pics up yet but here is a little about myself:

Hair Type: 4a/b relaxed (I stretch 3 to 4 months at a time usually)
Length: JBTBS (Just Barely Touching Brastrap)
Style: Layered (Every 6 months I go to an Egyptian-run salon and they trim)
Staples: CON shampoo, Vatika, Amla, and Jasmine Oil, Coconut milk and oil,
Silicon Mix, Lacio Lacio, Yes-to-Carrots Hair Mask, Nexxus Emer-
gencee, Wheat Germ Hair Mask, and ACV.
Regimen: Every 2 weeks I pre-poo with Vatika oil, then shampoo with CON.
I then condition with Silicon mix and jasmine oil. I Airdry in a bun or
I blow dry with cool air on the ionic setting.
Every alternating 2 weeks, I pre-poo with amla and coconut milk,
CW with a cheapo conditioner (it varies), then deep condition with
(I try to stay as close to this regimen as possible, but I usually alter it alittle depending on my activity level that week and how my hair feels.)

Hope I can add a good two cents in here!
Hey, welcome.
Egyptian run salon. That sounds interesting.

Hi, yeah it's called Mena's. It's owned and operated by a group of egyptian men. This is the only place that is allowed to touch my hair! And even then it's only a few times a year. It's nice!

WELCOME >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MamaMia

YOU had to see this coming :grin:

I know! I know! I haven't gotten that far yet! LOL! I was sitting at my computer and thought "Why haven't I subscribed yet?"So I did. I'll be posting pics within two weeks. I won't dissappoint....I hope.