Hey y'all! I'm back, sort of...


New Member
There are a lot of new posters, but to those who know me, I have returned...I guess, lol.

I had to take a long, well-deserved break from the hair boards. I had an unforeseen setback of sorts (in spite of doing everything RIGHT) :yawn: so I just had to say "screw it" and ignore my hair for a while. I got a new stylist who I try to go to once a month, and relax/trim me, and so far so good. I only wash/dc my hair at home, and it's been great and stress-free...

I'll get into what the setback was later...but if it was enough for me to shut it all down, it was a biggie :wallbash:

So to all my friends on here, thanks for the love and support, and to all the newbies, I hope you have been soaking up all the knowledge on here, b/c there's plenty.

I'll be popping in and out (I have school and work) but I am back, whoo-hoo :grin: I've learned quite a lot on my hiatus and will help out when I can...

:whois: lol sorry! been itchin to use that smiley! anyway, i dont know you, but i'm glad your back home! yay! new fotki to stalk! brb :sekret:
I never "talked" back and forth with you but totally noticed you were :missing:. Good to see you back!
:wave: I was wondering when you'd be back! Your hair looks great! What was your big setback?
Welcome back! Your break must have been a good one because your hair is beautiful.:yep:
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Thanks everyone!!

:wave: I was wondering when you'd be back! Your hair looks great! What was your big setback?

Hey girl!

Ahem, I know it doesn't look like it, but it was a botched relaxer :ohwell:...I lost quite a bit of hair after stretching 12 wks...and had to cut a/b 2 inches...I know what went wrong (such a random thing) but I'm sooooo over self-relaxing, it's not even a blip on my hair radar.

I love my new stylist (she's been doing my bff's hair for 8+ yrs) and she's been a huge help, just by being honest with me, and reminding me to be realistic and leave my hair alone. I only go to her for touch-ups/trims, and one wash/set in between...
Thanks everyone!!

Hey girl!

Ahem, I know it doesn't look like it, but it was a botched relaxer :ohwell:...I lost quite a bit of hair after stretching 12 wks...and had to cut a/b 2 inches...I know what went wrong (such a random thing) but I'm sooooo over self-relaxing, it's not even a blip on my hair radar.

I love my new stylist (she's been doing my bff's hair for 8+ yrs) and she's been a huge help, just by being honest with me, and reminding me to be realistic and leave my hair alone. I only go to her for touch-ups/trims, and one wash/set in between...

Me too!!! I had a set back last year from self-relaxing...
Thanks for the love, y'all! Glad to be back :spinning:

I may need to bump up some old threads and add some more info...eh, after the homework is done...I'm trying to be responsible, :yawn:
good luck! this place is addictive!

Girl, who are you tellin'? I'm-a need for you to go search my name, I got posts all up and through here! Journals and dissertations :lachen::lachen:Can't get nothing done around here w/y'all. Shooot :cool:

Girl, who are you tellin'? I'm-a need for you to go search my name, I got posts all up and through here! Journals and dissertations :lachen::lachen:Can't get nothing done around here w/y'all. Shooot :cool:


:perplexed i KNOW you must've not been here for a while! i'd fill my gas tank to full with $5 before the search feature work:lachen:
:perplexed i KNOW you must've not been here for a while! i'd fill my gas tank to full with $5 before the search feature work:lachen:


Nah, it's always been hit or miss.

But it works for me. That's all I do. In fact I go all the way back to 2002 and get my hair tips from there. :yep: