Hey NAY!!! I noticed you have a Fotki Album now!!!


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
I just noticed in your siggy that you have a fotki album now! :sekret:

Your hair is BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm sure you already know that!!! :grin:
Hey, Pooh. Yeah, I had to find a new home for my pics. Unfortunately, there's no new pics to share. I just haven't had any of those, "Wow, my hair looks great. Let me grab my camera days" lately. Unlike you, Pooh, with your fantastic new look going ;)

Hey, Sugaplum :wave: Thanks for the compliment :D
Nay said:
Hey, Pooh. Yeah, I had to find a new home for my pics. Unfortunately, there's no new pics to share. I just haven't had any of those, "Wow, my hair looks great. Let me grab my camera days" lately. Unlike you, Pooh, with your fantastic new look going ;)

Hey, Sugaplum :wave: Thanks for the compliment :D
Thanks hon!!! Your hair looks great without a new look!!! :)
Chile, where do you think you're going with all that hair?

I need to sit down....what?...oh yeah I'm already sitting down.

Ok I need to throw myself on the floor.

**prepares to dramatically throw oneself on the floor**

Anybody :look: Somebody :look: help a sistah up please :look:
Y'all, cut it out. Thanks for the compliments, but it's the same old pics. *In my most authoritative voice*: "There's nothing new here to see, folks. Keep moving." But I do appreciate the love.

And, London, you had me laughing out loud. Here's my hand. I'm helping you off the floor :lol:
Nay, how much has your hair grown since joining in 2003? What is your regimen? Yes I'm nosey but your braidouts and twistouts come out nice and shiney. What products do you use?

How did you get that pretty wave in your hair in the pressed album "02nay?"
Beautiful as always.
caligirl said:

How did you get that pretty wave in your hair in the pressed album "02nay?"
Beautiful as always.

If I press my hair, I make a big roll and secure it with a scrunchie and put on my scarf at night. In the morning when you undo the scrunchie, it leaves some waves in your hair.

Kikootie, over the past two-plus years or so, my hair grew a good seven inches, give or take. For the braidouts/twistouts, I just use a lot of Liv hair creme on dripping wet hair. And it lasts (stays shiny) until the next time I do it. But Liv does contain mineral oil/petroleum, and some people have experienced breakage with overusing it. But my hair seems to like it. And I just posted my regime on Fotki.
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Well, Cali, I wash my hair in sections. So it takes a while. I'd guess I'm in the shower for an hour washing/conditioning. Then it probably takes me another hour to "set" it once I'm out the shower by combing/twisting the sections and applying my product to each section.

So maybe two to two and a half hours on wash day! But the good thing is I don't really have to comb my hair for the next five days. I just fluff it up in the mornings after sleeping in my scarf.
Naaaaaaayyyyyy I am sooo sick about your hair. I want to fall out it is sooo pretty! You are truly a natural inspiration. I can't wait to get to that length. I read every word of your regimine. I will stalk you religiously!! hahahaha :) Get to takin some more pics too, girl!!!!

:wave: :wave: Hi Nay...love the new album, new to me, not to you...lookin' good...I see feature of the month in your future:crystalba
Goes to show you can have healthy,long, and thick natural hair that is pressed:yep: