hey naturals or transitioners


here.... but i'm not here
how do you hekp your hair it starts sweating out a flat iron or a press, because it was sweltiering today, and i walk home so i was sweating prfusely, it hasn''t all sweated out, just the edges, what do you do to protect your hair?
Hi, ladies! I've been natural my whole life, and unfortunately, I still don't have a great answer to your question. I went through a stage of trying different oils and greases to keep my hair from reverting, but without a lot of success. One grease I found that helped some was TCB hair and scalp conditioner, but it was so darn greasy that it was just a pain to use it. It also helps to tie your edges down at night.
Girl, you can't fight the sweat. At least I have given up trying to.

But I have noticed that if I press my hair with ORS olive oil, it does seem to put up a stronger battle against water than when I press my hair with Liv.