Hey, I created a picturetrail album!


Well-Known Member
I hope this works. I just started this hair journey so my hair is not as spectacular as some of the members here but, hey, give me another year!
hopefully this link works so here goes
Big Ups to you for getting your hair to lay down like that in that week 10 picture. Um, how did you by the way
Hey Godzooki

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I just started this hair journey so my hair is not as spectacular as some of the members here

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Your hair "IS SPECTACULAR" girl
. Keep up the great work.

Those lil babies of yours are tooooo adorable. They're really precious

God Bless,
those are some impressive edges you got there, do you use anything on them to keep them nice and full? Mine are much better, but still not as thick as I'd like...
my new growth does not shrink up (on most of my head except an area in the back where its tighter waves and a couple of coils) past the waves so it's easy to comb thru wet. I combed it after washing, added my leave ins which consisted of Infusem spray, pantene daily strengther spray, a small amount of african royal daily doctor for slip and a small amount of coconut,jojoba,castor and rosemary oil mix dotted thru out my scalp, and some shea butter on the ends. No brushing. put a scarf on and that was it. Thankfully, it gets skull flat real easy.still wavy but not puffy. I think its wearing the scarf at night. I also use profectiv root health to moisturize the new growth but I never use it on wash days so I didnt have any in that pic. usually I use it two days after washing depending on how dry the new growth gets or if I can't wash when I want to for some reason. I also use s-curl but not on wash day cause I figure it's moisturized enough for that night! thankfully, thats as bad as it gets. I probably could have gone longer between touch ups besides 13 wks but I got tired of the obvious hair pattern difference and started shedding more than I liked.
thanks Peachtree but YOUR hair is spectacular! I wish I could do mine like yours. Thanks for the compliments on my babes!
by edges do you mean the ends of my hair or are you talking hairline edges. If hairline edges, I dont do anything. In fact, I often neglect it so its frizzy! If talking about ends, I'm trying to figure out how to get them to behave! they kinda go wherever and look puffy and wild even when as soft as butter and no split ends. pls correct me if I didnt answer your question right.
Leisha, I saw your album. I love your braids! I wish I could do braids but I can barely manage a ponytail! your babies are so adorable!
it's nice to see all the pics in one place. you really have made alot of progress since your first pic, especially in terms of health! i can't wait to see update pics from time to time! YAY!
Wow godzooki, Your hair grew a lot since your first picture. That's excellent! Your hair is beautiful and your children are such cuties!
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godzooki said:
thanks Allandra. I'm just glad I managed to do it without yelling for hubby to help once!

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You go girl.
Your hair has really grown since your Jan pic. Congratulations on your progress! Your little guys are really adorable too!
Nice Pictures! I may try your daily style... I like the way it looks. Do you do the 2 strand twists and then tie those back... or are they a different kind of twist?

You have beautiful hair...so shiny! and cute kids
Thanks for support everyone. I do the two strand twist, coat the ends with either shea butter or oils, and s-curl and vaseline if going outside, then pin them up. I can't wait until I get some more length so I can do some decorative braid pinning in the back (balls fancy buns and such) I get really annoyed at my sides cause they are shorter than the back and when I look at myself in the mirror I see shoulder length hair and think its not growing. then I pull a section from the back and its like 2 -3 inches longer! Makes my ponytails look thin cause of the length difference. I should'nt complain since my sides used to be way shorter and I had bangs but I can't really find them anymore.
off topic i cant really see why you are mistaken for an indian

your kids are cute!
your hair health and length are lovely.keep it up!
Whew, Lady! You've been blessed with some quickly-growing hair. Cause if that's only 10 weeks out of a touch up, it probably takes me twice as long to get that much new growth.

And trust me, your hair is just as "spectacular" as anyone else's here.
Good for you. And yeah, you're hair looks about 3c/4a to me.

BTW: Your boys are very cute!

thats some growth and health that u accumulated there girl
and its definalty nice to put a face to the lady who gives a lot of help on the board and may i say what a beautiful face it is as well
Hey sassygirl! I've always wanted a hair twin! do you have any pics? I thought about transitioning but too chicken right now. maybe after I reach my goals. Now I gotta pay attention to your posts so I can see what it would be like for me if I do transition!
Pandora, thats just it. I don't get it either cause I dont look nuttin like an Indian! People see what they wanna see is all I can think of. I think that last woman who thought I was Indian just didnt get out much or apparently was never around a black woman with a relaxer cause when she said "oh, your hair is straight" I was like
you've got to be kidding!
Most of my hair looks like your new growth. The hair over my ears is kinkier. Weird...

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do you have any pics?

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My hair isn't ready for prime time yet.
I figured I'd start taking photos once I get the relaxed ends cut off. It's about ear length right now. The part that was damaged is shorter. I want to wait until I at least have enough to put into a ponytail. (Short kinky hair is not a look that would work with my large head!) It looks pretty crazy right now with straight hair dangling off the ends.
Thanks Ngaa and AZJeepgurl! I don't give nearly as much help as I've gotten from this board but I'm learning!
Nice growth Godzooki !!!

What are you doing to accumulate so much growth???? Those are som IMPRESSIVE roots you got there girl!!
Do you usually go 13 weeks between touch ups?
Nice pictures Godzooki. Your hair is healthy, shiny and you have great length. BTW - your sons are soooo cute.