Hey, I created a picturetrail album!

Hi godzooki, my hair looks exactly like yours when my new growth grows out!!!
We are hair twins, also...I normally go 8 months before I get a relaxer, but this year I'm going every six months... I'm at week 14 right now, and my hair looks exactly like yours when I airdry my hair in a ponytail. I really like the waves....
Your hair is gorgeous, and it has definitely grown alot since your first picture...
Keep growing, girl!!!!!!!
You and your boys are sooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!

Your hair is very healthy looking.......... Keep up the good work

Hey girl! Like I've said before....beautiful hair. It's sleek and shiney and soooooo black and thick...love it.
thanks guys. I used to go 10-12 wks years ago before my old stylist started complaining and blaming the condtion of my hair on the fact that I was not comming in sooner. she always charged me extra if I had too much new growth and would sigh and rip thru my hair saying " $@(&* girl! you need to come in sooner!" she had me talked down to 6 wks and my hair was barely touching my shoulders due to her chops before I snapped out of it and found my first hairboard . 13 wks is the longest I've gone so far and that was only because it's easy to put into a ponytail or my two twists and go. I'm not sure if the growth is just my hair or the vitamins because I never paid attention to the growth rate before. My hair has always grown out of short cuts fast but broke off due to excessive heat, lack of washing and no oils, moisturizers or deep conditioning so I'm curious to see what it's going to look like with more time under my belt. I've only been doing this since Nov 02 and immediately began taking vitamins. whatever it is I hope it keeps up! I got my touch up 4/15 and I already feel thick headed in the roots! I'm really trying to pay attention but the new growth just kinda sneaks up on ya!
Titansgirl, Hey Hair twin! It's nice to find others who have the same hair. do you have any pics? You use to go 8 months
even 6 months is
what is your regime? I can't imagine going beyond 13wks but then again, I've never tried.
I presently don't have any pics that I can put on the computer. I have to figure the computer part out..
I mainly wear my hair in cornrows or braidouts once I get to the 3 months mark. I have been experimenting w/ the hennalucent treatment and the milk treatment recently, so, I have been able to wear my hair wrapped and down more w/o having any thickness problems. My hair is very thick when I go a long time w/o a relaxer, but I love it because it really looks natural when I do my braidouts. I'm currently rinsing my hair everyday and CO washing it every 3 days.... I only use shampoo once every 2 weeks...
I bought both hennalucent and coconut milk but as yet have been too chicken to try either of them. I think I'm going to break down and try the coconut milk treatment first then the hennalucent later. do you use coconut milk or regular milk? I've heard both will work. since we are hair twins I can hope that my results will be similar to yours.
Wow! Your hair looks great. Your hair lenght is my first hair goal. I liked the flat look. My son has hair similar to your kids. His hair always looks dry do you think the spraying their hair with water helps?
sbaker, thanks for the compliment. I would have replied sooner but been mia from the board for a couple of days. I spray my kids hair with water every day! I just gave both of them a hair cut tonight and had to use sissors cause they're scared of the elec. trimmer. took me over an hour cause I let it grow quite a bit. but as a result, they both have typical white boy cuts right now cause the shorter I cut it the straighter it is! I had enough hair to make a curly phonytail when I was done! whew!
thanks for the compliment sbg4evr. I have a sister that lives in Canada!