Hey everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
Just poppin' into say HEEEY! I know I've been scarce around these parts for a minute, but things are cool :) Nothing too new with the hair, I got it cut again last month (August) by Anthony Dickey and I can now say that I prefer his cut over Miss Jessie's, so I'm STRAIGHT. I'm noticing some increased shedding lately, so I'm gonna try to step up deep treatments and taking a basic multivitamin on a regular basis or something. Sacera, I need to email you miss lady :) I also have a few updates in my album if you want to check them out. I hope everyone here is moving towards their goals successfully! Hope to do some catching up!
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Hey Chica! (You are just the prettiest!) :yep: You always make me smile.
Yes, I have noticed you haven't been around. Welcome back!

I'm off to see your updates which as most people know, will be stunning!

Love your hair!
Hi So1913! Your hair is just amazing, so very pretty as usual. I like the way your new stylist cuts better too, it looks fuller, more natural, just a prettier more flattering cut, and girlfriend your hair has grown! Thanks for stopping by :).
SO1913, it's good to see ya again!! You're hair is still absolutely beautiful! It's great you found another stylist that you love. He's doing a fine job w/your hair!!!
Hi So1913! Your hair is just amazing, so very pretty as usual. I like the way your new stylist cuts better too, it looks fuller, more natural, just a prettier more flattering cut, and girlfriend your hair has grown! Thanks for stopping by :).

Yeah girl, I could REALLY tell after this cut the difference in his layering and shaping. The layers blend and fall better. Thanks for you kind words!
Hey there lady, thanks! Maybe I'll run into you at homecoming next month. I'LL BE THERE!!!

I miss your cute hair around here.

I was just about to ask you if you're attending Homecoming this year. If so the School of Business is having the 4th Annual Alumni Cookout outside of Merrick Hall that Friday. I got some info in the mail recently.
Hey...welcome back!! We've been missing you around here :yep: If your new cut is that pic in your siggy it looks very nice!! Even if it isn't I still love your hair in that pic. :up:
Appreciate it ladies! Yes EMJazzy, my siggy is my latest cut :)

Wow...I'm going through threads and albums and stuff and I see I've been missing out on all the progress!!! Way to grow ladies!
Wow! Hey stranger! Good to see your pretty smile on the boards again. You were one of the first ladies to dazzle me when I joined LHCF last year!