Hey Everyone! It's been a long while...


Well-Known Member
I've been away from this forum so long I almost thought I had the wrong link when I saw the new homepage! How is everyone? I'm sure there's some newbies on board since my last post, so here's a big HELLO to all of you. I've missed this board, but I've been so busy! I'm going to try to drop in more often.

For those of you who may remember (or not), I was attempting to transition from relaxed to natural hair when I first found this board, then decided to continue to relax and go natural when I'm really ready to. My past-shoulder length hair was cut to just below my chin, and has since grown back down to my shoulders and is in good shape. I was washing it more 2-3 times a week since I work out almost daily, but I'm getting lazy with it and end up doing 1-2 times a week. I'm going to do better, especially since I'm considering getting a color-rinse in the near future--just got to pick the right color.

I've also lost 101 lbs to date and am 44 lbs away from my goal, so I'm going through clothes like crazy!

Well, I gotta' go. You all take care, and I'll try not to be a stranger!
Hey Connie!! Glad to have you back and know your hair is well. Congrats on the weight loss, now hop on over to the health and fitness board and tell us how you did it.
msportugal said:
wow welcome back congrats on your growth
but i want to know how you are shrinking, whats your weight loss regimine

What I'd like to know is HOW you got your hair so long?? That's the kind of length I want! Is your hair relaxed, natural, texturized??

I started my weight loss journey on January 1st of last year. I cut out junk food and a lot of fried foods. I exercise portion control, drink more water and a lot less soda and when I do have soda it's diet. I eat more fruits and veggies and I work out 5 days a week. I allow myself modest amounts of my favorite foods, and if I have a day where I overdo it a bit, I get back on track the next day and don't waste any time beating myself up over it. This works for me and I can stick with it for the rest of my life.