what is the best relaxer out there now?

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Hi gals. I am new to this site and I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Kiki. So far I am really enjoying this site and have found so many useful forums. Some questions I have for you guys is about thinning hair. When I was younger all I use to do to my hair was wear braids and when I got to high school I finally relaxed it. In the beginning it was nice, full and very pleasing. But now I have found that my hair is very dry and brittle/ thin on the ends and edges( in the frontline). I would like to start a new hair regimen but want all your tips and ideas for my case. What is the best relaxer out there now? One thing I have been doing which is bad on my part is switching relaxers because my family and I have moved so many times and its hard to keep one stylist. What if I want to do this on my own at home any ideas? Well I really appreciate you guys help.I want to try the 3 month plan that most of you are doing. how does that work? Vitamins and flaxseed oil, jojoba/olive/castor/rosemary?a plus or no? Where do u get rosemary?And one last questions lol. What exactly is MTG?? Well keep me update. Sorry for the essay. Im just trying to regain my thickness and catch up to yall..lol jk.Well I hope yALL will give me some insight on how you keep ur hair so nice and healthy. thanks ALOT!!!@!.

God Bless.:) KIKI
Welcome to the board..You are going to find a lot of info and very knowledgable people on hear. listen to advice and find what works best for you. that being said, my favorite relaxer (from a box)is Soft& Beautiful Botanicals regular. Its gentle and effective. If I go to a salon I find one that uses Mizani which striaghtens my hair like nobodies business :grin: . So with the info you gave about your hair, I would find something gentle perhaps for sensitive scalp. hth aka(hope that helps):)
myztiquecleo said:
Hi gals. I am new to this site and I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Kiki. So far I am really enjoying this site and have found so many useful forums. Some questions I have for you guys is about thinning hair. When I was younger all I use to do to my hair was wear braids and when I got to high school I finally relaxed it. In the beginning it was nice, full and very pleasing. But now I have found that my hair is very dry and brittle/ thin on the ends and edges( in the frontline). I would like to start a new hair regimen but want all your tips and ideas for my case. What is the best relaxer out there now? One thing I have been doing which is bad on my part is switching relaxers because my family and I have moved so many times and its hard to keep one stylist. What if I want to do this on my own at home any ideas? Well I really appreciate you guys help.I want to try the 3 month plan that most of you are doing. how does that work? Vitamins and flaxseed oil, jojoba/olive/castor/rosemary?a plus or no? Where do u get rosemary?And one last questions lol. What exactly is MTG?? Well keep me update. Sorry for the essay. Im just trying to regain my thickness and catch up to yall..lol jk.Well I hope yALL will give me some insight on how you keep ur hair so nice and healthy. thanks ALOT!!!@!.

God Bless.:) KIKI

Hey back to ya! Welcome aboard.
My relaxer is Silk Elements mild and right now going into my longest re-touch stretch-week 9 coming up. I want to stretch to lessen chemical contact and re-familiarize myself with my natural texture. I use all the supplements and oils you mentioned. I also protein weekly with APHOGEE 2 MINUTE. I condition shampoo but rarely, normal poo every four days, deep condition weekly-changing products as my hair demands. Recently discovered NEXXUS products and they like my hair. Unfortunately, you will have to research and experiment to find your own hair care regimen; similar looking or similar hair type will not guarantee similar results. Great products for some are a disaster for others. Just takes time, patience, trial and error to find a personalized regimen. Good luck and HHHG{happy, healthy, hair growth} to you. Stay motivated, 6 inches a year is an expected growth cycle.
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Hello right back at ya:) You came to the right place. Everyone's hair is different, but I love Silk Elements regular. I used flaxseed oil and fish oil before joining LHCF and continue to do so. A daily multi is always a good idea too.

Just stay tuned and just in whenever you feel like it:grin: :grin:
Welcome Kiki!

I don't think I've used any of the relaxers listed in your poll. I've used Mizani mild for years.

For self-relaxing SouthernGirl, lonei, and LondonDiva have some great tips in their fotkis. (I'm still scared to self-relax, though. :ohwell: )If you decide to self-relax you may want to practice with conditoner first. Also, if you buy a 360 degree mirror (see http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=125317), that should help.

Keep your ends moisturized and remember to deep condition.

For your thin edges you might want to try one of these:
Profectiv Anti-Thinning Stimulant
Nioxin NX3 Follicle Booster
vitamin E oil
rosemary oil
ORS temple balm
ORS temple serum

I hope I didn't bombard you with too much information! As you can tell, I've learned a lot here. :lol:
Welcome, Kiki.

My relaxer is Phyto Index II.

I would also find a good shampoo, conditioner, & leave-in (Neutrogena).
Good basic products will take you far.

Learn how to use less heat on your hair.

Take your vitamins.

Simplicity is key!
tanx guys. where do u get the rosemary. is the the rosemary for the grocery store like the actual spice? please reply