Hey Christians, why do you think Christianity is always under attack?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bublnbrnsuga
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If people don't believe in Jesus or the Bible, why do they feel the need to so call 'expose the real truths?' Why don't I see or hear of exposing the truths of the Koran, Torah, etc?
I don't get it. If I don't believe in something, I just leave it at that. If something angers me just by its mention, I leave it alone. The name Jesus angers so many, but those same angry people feel the need to confront the world of the 'truths about Jesus.' It seems to me that Christianity is threatening to others. What do you ladies (and gents) think?
I don't think "Jesus" angers anyone. It's what shady folks try to pull off in Jesus name that pisses people off.
Count it all joy! LOL!! :lol:

I wish I could give you a satisfactory answer, but I can't. Is it perhaps because the teachings of Christianity do not conform to the views of the world? I don't know. This is how Jesus said it would be. As for me, come hell or high water, I will stand firm in the faith, I don't care what people think of me. Love me, hate me, but this is me. No matter what I do, all I want is to be ever mindful of the fact is that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.

Gosh, that movie in your siggy is distracting me. That guy sure did hit that kid hard! LOL!
Well, I think Christianity may seem threatening to others because according to the Bible, they won't be able to go to heaven because of their lifestyle, practices, or beliefs. Also, because these same people see what a large impact Christianity has in the world.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
If people don't believe in Jesus or the Bible, why do they feel the need to so call 'expose the real truths?' Why don't I see or hear of exposing the truths of the Koran, Torah, etc?
I don't get it. If I don't believe in something, I just leave it at that. If something angers me just by its mention, I leave it alone. The name Jesus angers so many, but those same angry people feel the need to confront the world of the 'truths about Jesus.' It seems to me that Christianity is threatening to others. What do you ladies (and gents) think?

I hear you. I have always wondered about that. It seems as though we are always under attack. Why would you go out of your way to "Prove" that something is not true. Why do we have to take our ten commandments and crosses down for "our own" office.

Trini"T" said:
Well, I think Christianity may seem threatening to others because according to the Bible, they won't be able to go to heaven because of their lifestyle, practices, or beliefs. Also, because these same people see what a large impact Christianity has in the world.


You don't have to believe but I can't understand why so many people are on a mission to debate or prove Christians wrong. What's annoying is that it seems as though many non-Christians have their own interpretation of what a practicing Christian should be. So much so, that you'd think they themselves were the actual representatives of the Christian faith. It sometimes feels as if some have this perception that Christians are supposed to be these sin free, holier than thou, bland personality having halo wearers. And we're NOT! I know I'm not anyway.

If someone is not a Christian and (if they're HONEST with themselves) are REALLY not trying to become one; or do not have an inner conviction (for lack of a better word) to have a realtionship with Christ for themselves, then WHY would they care about what the bible says or what Christians of any and all denominations do on a daily basis? Why always try to start an argument or debate? Why be a source of chaos and rift when the issue has nothing to do with you? If they know SO MUCH then why don't they become Christians themselves and set the example? Alrighty then. Just mind your business and keep it moving. Simple.
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Because the teachings of Christ are the only real threat to the kingdom of darkness. The devil has been trying to tear down the things God has built since the beginning of time.

If something isn't a threat to you, you don't pay it any mind.

It kills me when non Christians try to tell you what a Christian should be, basing it off of something they "heard" and not something they've lived. I'll tell anyone, when you've sincerely made an effort to serve the Most High God in Christ Jesus, then come to me and tell me what you think I'm "supposed" to do.

And when someone who professes Christianity doesn't live up to "their" expectations of what a Christian is, then they represent all Christians and no one is living right. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone....
Browndilocks said:

You don't have to believe but I can't understand why so many people are on a mission to debate or prove Christians wrong. What's annoying is that it seems as though many non-Christians have their own interpretation of what a practicing Christian should be. So much so, that you'd think they themselves were the actual representatives of the Christian faith. It sometimes feels as if some have this perception that Christians are supposed to be these sin free, holier than thou, bland personality having halo wearers. And we're NOT! I know I'm not anyway.

If someone is not a Christian and (if they're HONEST with themselves) are REALLY not trying to become one; or do not have an inner conviction (for lack of a better word) to have a realtionship with Christ for themselves, then WHY would they care about what the bible says or what Christians of any and all denominations do on a daily basis? Why always try to start an argument or debate? Why be a source of chaos and rift when the issue has nothing to do with you? If they know SO MUCH then why don't they become Christians themselves and set the example? Alrighty then. Just mind your business and keep it moving. Simple.

Too funny...I just said the same thing.

You put it so much better than me.
The thread title could be changed to

Hey Blacks, why do you think Blacks are always under attack?

The answer for both is that when you are constantly attacked you become overly sensitive.:look:

When there are too many bad examples within your group, people are going to make a target out of your group.
Bublnbrnsuga said:
If people don't believe in Jesus or the Bible, why do they feel the need to so call 'expose the real truths?' Why don't I see or hear of exposing the truths of the Koran, Torah, etc?
I don't get it. If I don't believe in something, I just leave it at that. If something angers me just by its mention, I leave it alone. The name Jesus angers so many, but those same angry people feel the need to confront the world of the 'truths about Jesus.' It seems to me that Christianity is threatening to others. What do you ladies (and gents) think?

A lot of people who don't believe, can't understand why we believe. Therefore, they feel as if they are doing us a fvaor by showing us the light and the fallacy of our beliefs. :think: So they will go to extraordinary and persistent lengths to disprove what we believe. They are "helping" us. :perplexed

And Trimbride, you are right. This mentality can apply to anything. :wallbash: But more specifically people go after religion because they can't understand the "restrictions" or "limitations" that the doctrines put on us. We neeed to be liberated! :bud: Save the Christians from Christianity!
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Trini"T" said:
Well, I think Christianity may seem threatening to others because according to the Bible, they won't be able to go to heaven because of their lifestyle, practices, or beliefs. Also, because these same people see what a large impact Christianity has in the world.

I think your on to something. :)
The witnesses don't have folk always trying to bust them out for some odd reason. How do they keep their secrets are beyond me.:look:
Browndilocks said:

You don't have to believe but I can't understand why so many people are on a mission to debate or prove Christians wrong. What's annoying is that it seems as though many non-Christians have their own interpretation of what a practicing Christian should be. So much so, that you'd think they themselves were the actual representatives of the Christian faith. It sometimes feels as if some have this perception that Christians are supposed to be these sin free, holier than thou, bland personality having halo wearers. And we're NOT! I know I'm not anyway.

If someone is not a Christian and (if they're HONEST with themselves) are REALLY not trying to become one; or do not have an inner conviction (for lack of a better word) to have a realtionship with Christ for themselves, then WHY would they care about what the bible says or what Christians of any and all denominations do on a daily basis? Why always try to start an argument or debate? Why be a source of chaos and rift when the issue has nothing to do with you? If they know SO MUCH then why don't they become Christians themselves and set the example? Alrighty then. Just mind your business and keep it moving. Simple.

I think your right Sherlock:lachen:
In case you haven’t heard, questions about Christianity are not worthy to be addressed in a polite manner. People that have issues with this faith are entitled to spew hateful comments about its followers and their beliefs. It’s okay to lump everyone into one group of small-minded, ultra-conservative bible thumpers.

However, please do not apply the same to other faiths or belief systems. We must engage in healthy dialogue with Muslims, Hindus, atheists, etc. In order to live in harmony we must understand why it is they believe the things they do, and try to accommodate them by all means possible.

I am willing to have healthy discussions with people of other faiths but when it’s nothing more than an attack, no thanks. I am not going to get into a shouting match where the loudest person wins. :confused:
Bublnbrnsuga said:
If people don't believe in Jesus or the Bible, why do they feel the need to so call 'expose the real truths?' Why don't I see or hear of exposing the truths of the Koran, Torah, etc?

Really, I could post tons and tons of websites that shows the "truth about the Quran" or the "Truth about Islam/Muslim"...However, out of respect for this forum rules I will not...

I don't get it. If I don't believe in something, I just leave it at that. If something angers me just by its mention, I leave it alone. The name Jesus angers so many, but those same angry people feel the need to confront the world of the 'truths about Jesus.' It seems to me that Christianity is threatening to others. What do you ladies (and gents) think?

I come on the Christian forum from time to time just to learn about other Christian beliefs (growing up Catholic, I wasn't exposed to other Christian ideology)...however, now I realize there is no point in this anymore...
Amina said:
I come on the Christian forum from time to time just to learn about other Christian beliefs (growing up Catholic, I wasn't exposed to other Christian ideology)...however, now I realize there is no point in this anymore...

Amina please don't take one person's tirade and unkind comment out on all of us. I think the OP was speaking out of frustration from all the constant bashing.
Christians do seem to always be under the ugliness microscope.

Your not the only one on the board that wants to learn about others belief system.
We cannot simply shortage anyones belief system/religion Christian or not.

My comment about Witnesses was really due to my amazement at there quasi closeness and lack of drama being in the news daily. I don't know what drama but we all have some form of misbehaving going on since we as humans are not perfect.

Don't be a stranger here. Sorry. :)
Amina said:
I come on the Christian forum from time to time just to learn about other Christian beliefs (growing up Catholic, I wasn't exposed to other Christian ideology)...however, now I realize there is no point in this anymore...
No Amina! Stay!
Amina said:
I come on the Christian forum from time to time just to learn about other Christian beliefs (growing up Catholic, I wasn't exposed to other Christian ideology)...however, now I realize there is no point in this anymore...
Amina, there will always be someone in this life who will fail you or disappoint you. That's life's lesson and it teaches us to look beyond man and look unto God for a closer and deeper understanding of who He is.

I've never stopped 'breathing' or 'loving' because of someone else and neither have you. You still have a strength and a character that keeps you going no matter what.

I've personally experienced many disappointments, unwarranted attacks, critiicisms, mis-understandiings and misjudgments in this forum from day one just because I exposed myself as a Christian. I've also stood my ground and I've fought back and yes I have also 'attacked'. You've encountered the same and at some point, we all have. It's life.

However, please do not allow that or anyone with whom you found disappointment or offense to stop you from learning more about Jesus Christ. For it is not about Christianity...it's about Him and how much He loves you.

I'll be the first to apologize to you for any offense that I have caused you personally. Why? Because I have 'watched' you and I have always respected you. Any disagreements I've had with others has never had anything to do with you. And I am speaking this to you publicly for a reason. For it will never be assumed or said that I ever said or thought anything of the contrary about you or your faith as a Muslim. Mind you, I said you personally.

No matter what you have ever thought of me, or anyone else for that matter, let it be known that you should never give up any opportunity to have your questions answered about Jesus. No man or woman has that much power by word or deed to deny or hinder you from doing so.

If I am the one hindering or offending you, tell me. I'll meet with you one on one to 'fix' it. It's not about defending myself, but giving you respect that you deserve to feel at peace and welcome here and to have your desire of knowledge fulfilled.

Shimmie said:
Amina, there will always be someone in this life who will fail you or disappoint you. That's life's lesson and it teaches us to look beyond man and look unto God for a closer and deeper understanding of who He is.

I've never stopped 'breathing' or 'loving' because of someone else and neither have you. You still have a strength and a character that keeps you going no matter what.

I've personally experienced many disappointments, unwarrented attacks, critiicisms, mis-understandiings and misjudgments in this forum from day one just because I exposed myself as a Christian. I've also stood my ground and I've fought back and yes I have also 'attacked'. You've encountered the same and at some point, we all have. It's life.

However, please do not allow that or anyone with whom you found disappointment or offense to stop you from learning more about Jesus Christ. For it is not about Christianity...it's about Him and how much He loves you.

I'll be the first to apologize to you for any offense that I have caused you personally. Why? Because I have 'watched' you and I have always respected you. Any disagreements I've had with others has never had anything to do with you. And I am speaking this to you publicly for a reason. For it will never be assumed or said that I ever said or thought anything of the contrary about you or your faith as a Muslim. Mind you, I said you personally.

No matter what you have ever thought of me, or anyone else for that matter, let it be known that you should never give up any opportunity to have your questions answered about Jesus. No man or woman has that much power by word or deed to deny or hinder you from doing so.

If I am the one hindering or offending you, tell me. I'll meet with you one on one to 'fix' it. It's not about defending myself, but giving you respect that you deserve to feel at peace and welcome here and to have your desire of knowledge fulfilled.


Shimmie you are sooo kind that it almost brings me to tears when I read your comments. I don't think that people try to attack Christians heck I really do not care for religion because the people that hold religion to tee feel like they are justified for a lot of stuff, e.g. 9-11 attacks. I just believe in the bible and does what it says to do I think religion is just another division amongst people, Muslims don't like Jews, Jews well othrodox Jews don't like christians because they feel like they get comdemned, I am not a christian but a Messanic Jew I like it and all but I really believe that there is just too much division, if God is Allah and Allah is Adonai then why are we so separated we all believe in the same God that should be unity enough for us, instead people try to compete and see which religion will come out on top.
CaramelMiSS said:
Shimmie you are sooo kind that it almost brings me to tears when I read your comments. I don't think that people try to attack Christians heck I really do not care for religion because the people that hold religion to tee feel like they are justified for a lot of stuff, e.g. 9-11 attacks. I just believe in the bible and does what it says to do I think religion is just another division amongst people, Muslims don't like Jews, Jews well othrodox Jews don't like christians because they feel like they get comdemned, I am not a christian but a Messanic Jew I like it and all but I really believe that there is just too much division, if God is Allah and Allah is Adonai then why are we so separated we all believe in the same God that should be unity enough for us, instead people try to compete and see which religion will come out on top.

This brought tears to my eyes when I wrote it. I don't want someone to suffer for any of my shortcomings as a human being. If I am the one or even a part of this dear one turning away from this forum than I have to make it right with her.

You say you are Messianic...Wow! ;). This is wonderful. I have two friends who worhip in the Messianic faith here in Maryland. They love it. The worship is 'high' during the entire service. They truly love the Lord Jesus Christ.

Adonai...Lord of all.

Thank you for sharing this. The Holy Spirit sure knows where I live. You were His messenger to me tonight.

God bless you, dear one. ;)
Shimmie said:
This brought tears to my eyes when I wrote it. I don't want someone to suffer for any of my shortcomings as a human being. If I am the one or even a part of this dear one turning away from this forum than I have to make it right with her.

You say you are Messianic...Wow! ;). This is wonderful. I have two friends who worhip in the Messianic faith here in Maryland. They love it. The worship is 'high' during the entire service. They truly love the Lord Jesus Christ.

Adonai...Lord of all.

Thank you for sharing this. The Holy Spirit sure knows where I live. You were His messenger to me tonight.

God bless you, dear one. ;)

It takes alot for one to admit to doing anything even if they believe they are without fault. You are truely someone who God does favor and you don't have to say it because the words that you write truely show for themselves. God bless you Shimmie I wish I could I meet people more like you. You are truely a humble person.
CaramelMiSS said:
It takes alot for one to admit to doing anything even if they believe they are without fault. You are truely someone who God does favor and you don't have to say it because the words that you write truely show for themselves. God bless you Shimmie I wish I could I meet people more like you. You are truely a humble person.

Thank you for seeing my heart...it means more than you realize. Humble comes from you. For "Iron sharpens Iron." It's not about us...but Adonai...

Take special care and thanks again for being the gift of the Holy Spirit. Many blessings to you and to whom and all which means most to you. :kiss:
firecracker said:
I think your on to something. :)
The witnesses don't have folk always trying to bust them out for some odd reason. How do they keep their secrets are beyond me.:look:

Yes, they do. :look: Sometimes it seems more than other religions.
firecracker said:
Amina please don't take one person's tirade and unkind comment out on all of us. I think the OP was speaking out of frustration from all the constant bashing.
Christians do seem to always be under the ugliness microscope.

Your not the only one on the board that wants to learn about others belief system.
We cannot simply shortage anyones belief system/religion Christian or not.

My comment about Witnesses was really due to my amazement at there quasi closeness and lack of drama being in the news daily. I don't know what drama but we all have some form of misbehaving going on since we as humans are not perfect.

Don't be a stranger here. Sorry. :)

And you know this, mang.
StrawberryQueen said:
What's a messanic Jew and what are "witnesses?"

The first one relates to Jews who believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah that is referred to in the Old Testament. Most "mainstream" Jews do not consider Jesus as the Messiah, although He is respected as a great prophet and wonderful man.

This has been one of the reasons for historical strife between Christians and Jews despite the fact that both groups come from similar origins. Christians separated from Jews on the Jesus question.

If I am not stating this correctly, someone let me know.
Bunny77 said:
The first one relates to Jews who believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah that is referred to in the Old Testament. Most "mainstream" Jews do not consider Jesus as the Messiah, although He is respected as a great prophet and wonderful man.

This has been one of the reasons for historical strife between Christians and Jews despite the fact that both groups come from similar origins. Christians separated from Jews on the Jesus question.

If I am not stating this correctly, someone let me know.
Sounds interesting, but wouldn't they just be Christians and now Jews?
StrawberryQueen said:
Sounds interesting, but wouldn't they just be Christians and now Jews?

Messianic Jews are very involved with the traditions of Judaism. I believe that's the only difference(please correct me if I'm wrong). For example, acquaintances of mine attend a messianic temple and celebrate the Passover among othr Jewish holidays. They also observe the sabbath from Friday until Saturday.
Bunny77 and Pastor Alexstin, both of you did a beautiful job. Wow!

I found this online hoping it would answer more questions as well. I hope it helps. I know that there may be some who say there is no such thing as a Messianic Jew, but this is their faith and I respect it.

The thing is the very first Christians were Jews. Mary the mother of Jesus was the first. Afterall, she carried Him in her body for nine months. Joseph her husband was 2nd first ;). And the list goes on.

There they were, Jews, at the beginning of Christian history, Jews who believed in the Messiah and that He had come... God's promise fulfilled. God's Word which became Flesh and dwelt among us.

Here's the link: http://www.heartofisrael.org/faq/3.html

The HeartofIsrael.org Messianic FAQ
What is a Messianic Jew?

What is a Messianic Jew and why do they need their own community for worship, teaching, and fellowship?

1. Can a Christian Still be a Jew?
2. Are There Other Types of Jewish Christians?
3. What is a Messianic Jew?

1. Can a Christian Still be a Jew? - <A href="http://www.heartofisrael.org/faq/3.html#top">Top

Halacha defines a Jew as one born of a Jewish Mother, who was born of a Jewish grandmother. Even apart from Rabbinic law, the term Jew is a racial designation, and is accepted as such by both secular and religious Judaica in order to separate them from other Semitic peoples. Scripturally, a Jew is a descendant of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob... which is a racial and familial designation.

But Jew is also a religious designation. Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Judaism define a religious Jew as a member of their particular denomination who keeps the Law of Moses as interpreted by their particular leadership. Biblical Christianity, however, defines a Jew as not one who is outwardly Jewish but one who is inwardly Jewish, believing that even those who are not racially Jewish have grafted into the G-d's family by redemptive power of Y'shua's (Jesus') resurrection. Amongst Jewish Christians there is a range of belief with Messianic Jews believing they are religious Jews following Messiah to Jewish Christians who follow more or less gentile forms of worship and identify themselves as racial Jews who are religiously Christian.

The answer to this question is YES... all who are of the seed of the Patriarch's are racially Jewish. The topic of religious Judaism is a valid subject of debate between Jewish Believer's in Messiah Y'shua only. - Updated: November 6, 2004

2. Are There Other Types of Jewish Christians? - <A href="http://www.heartofisrael.org/faq/3.html#top">Top

Jewish Christians run a complete gamut from Observant Messianics, who are both outwardly and inwardly Jews, to Jewish (or Hebrew) Christians who worship in more traditional Gentile ways and are generally not Observant, to Jewish Christians who keep their Jewish roots though they worship in predominately Gentile Churches (these tend to be found in the more non-traditional Charismatic and Faith Churches and tend to be more than less Observant).

We hold that there are currently five general groups who can be identified as Jewish Christians:

Orthodox Messianics: Orthodox and generally observant Jews who have accepted Y'shua as Messiah but reject the claims of divinity usually
ascribed to him by Christianity.

Messianic Jews: Typically but not necessarily observant Jews who accept Y'shua as the incarnate Son of G-d and the Messiah of Israel. Generally Theologically Christian and Liturgically Jewish. Many Messianics feel
that a Jewish form of worship is more natural and acceptable to Jews.

Jewish Christians: Christians of Jewish descent, who choose to worship in a traditional Gentile fashion, in a predominately Gentile church. Jewish Christians would not be considered Orthodox by the first two groups, but
maintain much of the Jewish customs and heritage, and many feel a call to educate Gentile believers on their Jewish heritage.

Hebrew Christians: Christians of Jewish descent, how have abandoned most outward signs of the Jewish heritage and assimilated into the traditional Gentile Church.

Messianic Converts: Gentile Christians, who because of their great love for the Judaic heritage of Christianity have joined Messianic Congregations and worship as Jews. These are not Jewish WannaBe's.... they are the Messianic
equivalent of a Jewish Convert. - Updated: November 5, 2004

3. What is a Messianic Jew? - <A href="http://www.heartofisrael.org/faq/3.html#top">Top
Though strictly applicable to a member of a Congregation which belongs to the United Messianic Jewish Conference (UMJC), the terms Messianic Jew, Jewish Christian, and Hebrew Christian are generically applied to all Christians of Jewish descent, whether or not their religious upbringing was considered Jewish. Many Gentiles who belong to UMJC Congregations also call themselves Messianic Jews to differentiate themselves from other Gentile Christians who do not worship in a traditional Jewish fashion.

Out of respect the writers of this FAQ will not attempt to describe the different types of Rabbinic Jews, for that information consult the FAQ for soc.culture.jewish to be found at www.jewfaq.org

Peace and Blessings Everyone...
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