Hey Christians - Do you put up a tree, wreaths, holly, etc. . . .

Hey Christians - Do you put up a tree, wreaths, holly, etc. . . .

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 59.5%
  • No

    Votes: 9 21.4%
  • I used to, but no longer

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Other response (please elaborate)

    Votes: 4 9.5%

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Good points. I believe that as Christians, we ought to be honest about the origins. Nowhere and no one is perfect but the combination of pagan with things holy causes issues. I believe we ought to teach the real origins of Christmas, not simply try to dress it up as something entirely different. Jesus is not the reason behind this season, but it is a mixture of beliefs in solstice holiday with Christianity that brought about Christmas as we know it today. I also believe that refraining from much of the activities like decorating Christmas trees, mass gift giving etc. can provide witnessing opportunities.

I personally don't mind saying Merry Christmas, but then I am also the person that doesn't mind saying Happy Divali or Happy Eid. I give people well wishes on their religious holidays. That's a cultural thing for me though...

In total agreement with the bolded :yep:
Jesus is INDEED the reason for this season. Christmas means just that, 'the 'Mass' of Christ. Mass meaning a Holy Ceremony.

Granted, the world has it's spin on santa and his elves and reindeer; however, this doesn't apply to Christians who honor a day to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is indeed Biblical... the celebration, literally the honoring of His birth and the giving of gifts unto Him in regards to it.

Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

...... and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.

When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh... ---- (Matthew 2:1-2--9-11)

Even the Angels in Heaven celebrate His birth....

6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.
18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

----- Luke 2:6-20

Just because the 'world' is celebrating santa, doesn't apply to Christians who humbly celebrate the birth of Jesus as others did in the Bible. There is a major difference. The first Christmas, the Mass of Christ, a sincere worhip unto Him upon His birth, did indeed occur First in the Bible.

Today, Christmas is the One holiday when all of the world takes notice and gives honour to those who celebrate Jesus Christ. Even wars have been known to 'cease fire' in honour of the meaning of this day. It's not associated in the least in a pagan theology. The focus is upon the birth of Christ Jesus. And this is from countries who have other faiths who send their respectful greetings to honour ours.

NOW.... I'm fully aware that His actual birth did not occur on December 25; it was actually in September when He was born, closer to Yum Kippor which indeed makes more sense.

I'm also fully aware that a Christmas tree has nothing to do with the Mass of Christ.

But I'm aware of something else. That perhaps I need to keep some Pepto Bismol tabs in my purse for those who find it so uncomfortable to turn to their neighbor in Church and greet them in the love of what the birth of Jesus is about, which is in scripture...

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. --- Luke 2:14

I mean really.... is it truly that painful to speak the truth about the birth of Christ? His birth is worth celebrating.

Merry Christmas means, I wish upon you the joy of this Season which celebrates the Reason of the Gift of God coming to earth to live among us in the form of man, to take away the sins of the world.

Merry Christmas and I truly mean it with the love intended by God's Gift of His only begotten Son, given unto us, the greatest Gift of all. :love2:

Thank You Jesus for being born...so that we should live. :rosebud:
But I'm aware of something else. That perhaps I need to keep some Pepto Bismol tabs in my purse for those who find it so uncomfortable to turn to their neighbor in Church and greet them in the love of what the birth of Jesus is about, which is in scripture...

Shimmie what you posted and what HE said are two entirely different things. Yes during and after his sermon I felt very uncomfortable in my spirit. And that's not something Pepto Bismol would have helped. Some people are just wrong and do not understand the full origin of Christmas. What he said and what is recorded in scripture and in history were conflicting. I greeted my neighbors as I would greet anyone else... with a smile and a hello. I don't have to say anything I do not feel comfortable saying.
if I may, can I ask this question. Aren't there other things that we do as Christians that are pagan in their origins but that we have begun to use as an occasion to praise God and give him Glory?

How many of us Christian women walk around with our heads covered? Only wear skirts? Preach and teach in front of the church? Have divorced? Committed adultery? Stolen? Coveted other peoples stuff?

I believe that the spirit in which we do things plays more of an impact than the act itself. This is just my opinion though. I feel that if we are doing things with the Holy Spirit in mind and with his guidance, then we will remain on the righteous path.

I think about Jesus during this season and I can't imagine that if He were to walk into my home at Christmas that he would condemn me or anyone for making my kids happy and at the same time reminding them of who he is and though it isn't his EXACT birthdate, celebrating his birth for our sakes.

sidenote(does anyone really know the actual birth date of Jesus? ) If I were sent away from my parents as a child to a foster home or adopted, but no one knew my exact birthday, I would really enjoy being celebrated and not just overlooked. That's just me though.

Just wanted to share...

The Star: A heavenly sign of prophecy fulfilled long, long ago- The shining hope of mankind.

The Color Red: The first color of Christmas, symbolizing the Savior's sacrifice for all.

The Fir Tree: Evergreen- the second color of Christmas shows everlasting light and life. The needles point up to heaven.

The Bell: Rings out to guide lost sheep back to the fold, signifying that all are precious in His eyes.

The Candle: A mirror of starlight, reflecting our thanks for the star of Bethlehem.

The Gift Bow: Tied as we should all be tied together in bonds of goodwill forever.

The Candy Cane: Represents the shape of the shepherd's crook, used to bring lost lambs back to the fold.

The Wreath: A symbol of the never ending eternal value of love… having no end

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if I may, can I ask this question. Aren't there other things that we do as Christians that are pagan in their origins but that we have begun to use as an occasion to praise God and give him Glory?

How many of us Christian women walk around with our heads covered? Only wear skirts? Preach and teach in front of the church? Have divorced? Committed adultery? Stolen? Coveted other peoples stuff?

I believe that the spirit in which we do things plays more of an impact than the act itself. This is just my opinion though. I feel that if we are doing things with the Holy Spirit in mind and with his guidance, then we will remain on the righteous path.

I think about Jesus during this season and I can't imagine that if He were to walk into my home at Christmas that he would condemn me or anyone for making my kids happy and at the same time reminding them of who he is and though it isn't his EXACT birthdate, celebrating his birth for our sakes.

sidenote(does anyone really know the actual birth date of Jesus? ) If I were sent away from my parents as a child to a foster home or adopted, but no one knew my exact birthday, I would really enjoy being celebrated and not just overlooked. That's just me though.
Wow! All I can say is what a nice message.

God says we are to teach our children about Him. This most definitely includes the birth of Jesus and to celebrate Him for the Gift of Life that God has given unto us.
Shimmie what you posted and what HE said are two entirely different things. Yes during and after his sermon I felt very uncomfortable in my spirit. And that's not something Pepto Bismol would have helped. Some people are just wrong and do not understand the full origin of Christmas. What he said and what is recorded in scripture and in history were conflicting.

I greeted my neighbors as I would greet anyone else... with a smile and a hello. I don't have to say anything I do not feel comfortable saying.

I'm sorry for misunderstanding your post when I read this.

Ramya said:
..... yeh I didn't repeat what he asked us to. I just smiled at the lady next to me. I mean with a ridiculous grin on my face. :lachen:.

He asked everyone to greet each other with "Merry Christmas" ...

How dispicable of him.... :look: :lol:
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if I may, can I ask this question. Aren't there other things that we do as Christians that are pagan in their origins but that we have begun to use as an occasion to praise God and give him Glory?

I can't speak for a group so large and differing in beliefs as all Christians, so for me:

How many of us Christian women walk around with our heads covered? When in church or praying I DO

Only wear skirts? I DO, only exceptions are when exercising or the odd pair of pyjamas

Preach and teach in front of the church? I DON'T, nor do women in my church

Have divorced? I HAVEN'T, in the name of Jesus shall never have to, and if I do, would remain unmarried unless my DH passed away and I then wished to remarry

Committed adultery? I HAVEN'T

Stolen? Coveted other peoples stuff?

As for stealing and coveting other people's things, maybe before coming into personal relationship with Christ, but now? :nono: These are ofcourse things that we continue to mortify our flesh to avoid doing.
Just wanted to share...

The Star: A heavenly sign of prophecy fulfilled long, long ago- The shining hope of mankind.

The Color Red: The first color of Christmas, symbolizing the Savior's sacrifice for all.

The Fir Tree: Evergreen- the second color of Christmas shows everlasting light and life. The needles point up to heaven.

The Bell: Rings out to guide lost sheep back to the fold, signifying that all are precious in His eyes.

The Candle: A mirror of starlight, reflecting our thanks for the star of Bethlehem.

The Gift Bow: Tied as we should all be tied together in bonds of goodwill forever.

The Candy Cane: Represents the shape of the shepherd's crook, used to bring lost lambs back to the fold.

The Wreath: A symbol of the never ending eternal value of love… having no end.

Thank you.... This is a beautiful message. :Rose:
Jesus is INDEED the reason for this season. Christmas means just that, 'the 'Mass' of Christ. Mass meaning a Holy Ceremony.

Granted, the world has it's spin on santa and his elves and reindeer; however, this doesn't apply to Christians who honor a day to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is indeed Biblical... the celebration, literally the honoring of His birth and the giving of gifts unto Him in regards to it.

Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.

...... and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.

When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh... ---- (Matthew 2:1-2--9-11)

Even the Angels in Heaven celebrate His birth....

6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.
18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.
19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

----- Luke 2:6-20

Just because the 'world' is celebrating santa, doesn't apply to Christians who humbly celebrate the birth of Jesus as others did in the Bible. There is a major difference. The first Christmas, the Mass of Christ, a sincere worhip unto Him upon His birth, did indeed occur First in the Bible.

Today, Christmas is the One holiday when all of the world takes notice and gives honour to those who celebrate Jesus Christ. Even wars have been known to 'cease fire' in honour of the meaning of this day. It's not associated in the least in a pagan theology. The focus is upon the birth of Christ Jesus. And this is from countries who have other faiths who send their respectful greetings to honour ours.

NOW.... I'm fully aware that His actual birth did not occur on December 25; it was actually in September when He was born, closer to Yum Kippor which indeed makes more sense.

I'm also fully aware that a Christmas tree has nothing to do with the Mass of Christ.

But I'm aware of something else. That perhaps I need to keep some Pepto Bismol tabs in my purse for those who find it so uncomfortable to turn to their neighbor in Church and greet them in the love of what the birth of Jesus is about, which is in scripture...

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. --- Luke 2:14

I mean really.... is it truly that painful to speak the truth about the birth of Christ? His birth is worth celebrating. Not painful at all, just something I will not 'celebrate' as it is an intermingling of traditions/ideologies, and also not scriptural

Merry Christmas means, I wish upon you the joy of this Season which celebrates the Reason of the Gift of God coming to earth to live among us in the form of man, to take away the sins of the world.

Merry Christmas and I truly mean it with the love intended by God's Gift of His only begotten Son, given unto us, the greatest Gift of all. :love2:

Thank You Jesus for being born...so that we should live. :rosebud:

Thank you Jesus for fulfilling your Father's will over even your own in your death, that we could live.

Just one of many sites that will give further information on the pagan origins of Christmas celebrations for anyone who wishes to see it: http://www.zenzibar.com/articles/christmas.asp
Originally Posted by HeChangedMyName
if I may, can I ask this question. Aren't there other things that we do as Christians that are pagan in their origins but that we have begun to use as an occasion to praise God and give him Glory?

I can't speak for a group so large and differing in beliefs as all Christians, so for me:

How many of us Christian women walk around with our heads covered? When in church or praying I DO

Only wear skirts? I DO, only exceptions are when exercising or the odd pair of pyjamas

Preach and teach in front of the church? I DON'T, nor do women in my church

Have divorced? I HAVEN'T, in the name of Jesus shall never have to, and if I do, would remain unmarried unless my DH passed away and I then wished to remarry

Committed adultery? I HAVEN'T

Stolen? Coveted other peoples stuff?

As for stealing and coveting other people's things, maybe before coming into personal relationship with Christ, but now? :nono: These are ofcourse things that we continue to mortify our flesh to avoid doing.

Thanks for your response. You are probably one of a handful of Christians who abide by all the laws of the Word.

I'll answer the questioons from my experience

I don't wear hats and only wear my head covered when I sleep.
I love pants. I like skirts but it's strickly for the cuteness of them.
I haven't had the opportunity to teach in front of the church yet, but I would love it.
I've never been married, but do have kids :ohwell:
I have stolen things that didn't belong to me
I regularly covet the long tresses of some of the finest heads of hair on this site in particular.

But I do thank God for his grace and his mercy. Lord knows, I'd be going to hell without his Grace.
ok, let me get back on topic. Biblically speaking, what happens to a person who celebrates Christmas as the season for the Birth of Christ?
Thanks for your response. You are probably one of a handful of Christians who abide by all the laws of the Word.

I'll answer the questioons from my experience

I don't wear hats and only wear my head covered when I sleep.
I love pants. I like skirts but it's strickly for the cuteness of them.
I haven't had the opportunity to teach in front of the church yet, but I would love it.
I've never been married, but do have kids :ohwell:
I have stolen things that didn't belong to me
I regularly covet the long tresses of some of the finest heads of hair on this site in particular.

But I do thank God for his grace and his mercy. Lord knows, I'd be going to hell without his Grace.

As do I my dear, and without God's grace I sure would be headed for hell. I am by no means perfect, and to be clear, don't consider myself better than anyone on this board because of any of my beliefs.
Thanks for your response. You are probably one of a handful of Christians who abide by all the laws of the Word.

I'll answer the questioons from my experience

I don't wear hats and only wear my head covered when I sleep.
I love pants. I like skirts but it's strickly for the cuteness of them.
I haven't had the opportunity to teach in front of the church yet, but I would love it.
I've never been married, but do have kids :ohwell:
I have stolen things that didn't belong to me
I regularly covet the long tresses of some of the finest heads of hair on this site in particular.

But I do thank God for his grace and his mercy. Lord knows, I'd be going to hell without his Grace.

I'll answer also from my experiences.

I dont wear hats to church unless it's really cold but I remove my hat.
I have been wearing pants to church since 2001. I really don't have many skirts but it's something I'm thinking about doing.
I'm very shy so I know I'll probably not go before the church to read or teach.
Never been married.
I have stole. As a non believer and as a Christian.
I didn't know the guy was married but I did continue to see him after the fact but the Holy Spirit convicted my heart so yes in a way I did commit adultury. (There was no intercourse)
I don't really get jealous or covet stuff but I admire things and people but it's not me to get covet or jealous.
if I may, can I ask this question. Aren't there other things that we do as Christians that are pagan in their origins but that we have begun to use as an occasion to praise God and give him Glory?

How many of us Christian women walk around with our heads covered? Only wear skirts? Preach and teach in front of the church? Have divorced? Committed adultery? Stolen? Coveted other peoples stuff?

I believe that the spirit in which we do things plays more of an impact than the act itself. This is just my opinion though. I feel that if we are doing things with the Holy Spirit in mind and with his guidance, then we will remain on the righteous path.

I think about Jesus during this season and I can't imagine that if He were to walk into my home at Christmas that he would condemn me or anyone for making my kids happy and at the same time reminding them of who he is and though it isn't his EXACT birthdate, celebrating his birth for our sakes.

sidenote(does anyone really know the actual birth date of Jesus? ) If I were sent away from my parents as a child to a foster home or adopted, but no one knew my exact birthday, I would really enjoy being celebrated and not just overlooked. That's just me though.

Well, this issue is one of conviction. That being said, I do see separate issues in your post. We all have sinned and do sin, and therefore, repent and ask for God's forgiveness. With the issue being discussed though, some people are concerned with making aspects of with paganism a regular practice in their Christian walk. Please feel don't that anyone condemning you or anyone else for celebrating Christmas at all. But I do believe that discussion of these issues is a good thing. We have a range of views within this thread, but most importantly, we are seeking to honor God in our actions.
Thank you Jesus for fulfilling your Father's will over even your own in your death, that we could live.

Just one of many sites that will give further information on the pagan origins of Christmas celebrations for anyone who wishes to see it: http://www.zenzibar.com/articles/christmas.asp

Thanks.... :yep: I respect your feelings and beliefs of times past.

However none of that applies to the true meaning of Christmas that I have in my heart, nor for millions of other Christians who celebrate His birth. :love3:

So I can't watch the video but I did read the site and all I can do is smh

You are influenced by your surroundings, so make your home an inspiration! At this time of year, you will most likely have many visitors — family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and others. Christ-centered decorations are a remarkable tool to share His love for all of them. Transform your home to build the faith of your family, witness to others, and celebrate the gift of Jesus!

I get the zeal and yes we are influenced by the world but I thought we were not to conform to the world. I feel some kind of way about "replacement" activities. Kind of like how on halloween some churches let kids dress up as biblical characters and pass out candy. I mean it's one thing if the holiday was always Christian but it has been proven countless times that it does not have Christian roots. Some things we just can't do and we need to stop trying to find a compromise. It is compromising when we rename stuff in order to participate. Ultimately it's the same celebration dressed up in a pretty new package. No thanks.


A child once asked, “If Christmas is Jesus’ birthday, why do we get all the gifts?”

Exactly. I mean my friends and family don't get gifts on my birthday either. :look:
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Thanks.... :yep: I respect your feelings and beliefs of times past.

However none of that applies to the true meaning of Christmas that I have in my heart, nor for millions of other Christians who celebrate His birth. :love3:

@ the bolded, exactly as I said in an earlier post, that I believe many Christians do celebrate this time of year with a true reverence for Christ.

That still doesn't change the fact that Christmas is a celebration that comes from intermingling of pagan rituals/season change observance with Christianity, so I do not celebrate it.

The last supper Jesus had with his disciples was what was given to us as a memorial, by the Christ himself. There is no instruction or implied instruction that we are to observe Christ's birth, in fact there are biblical references that warn against adulterating the sacred with holy things, but again, I respect your choice to celebrate Christmas. Just responding to the thread as it is also your right to do.
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Wow @ the differences between the website and the video.

So I can't watch the video but I did read the site and all I can do is smh

I get the zeal and yes we are influenced by the world but I thought we were not to conform to the world. I feel some kind of way about "replacement" activities. Kind of like how on halloween some churches let kids dress up as biblical characters and pass out candy. I mean it's one thing if the holiday was always Christian but it has been proven countless times that it does not have Christian roots. Some things we just can't do and we need to stop trying to find a compromise. It is compromising when we rename stuff in order to participate. Ultimately it's the same celebration dressed up in a pretty new package. No thanks.


Exactly. I mean my friends and family don't get gifts on my birthday either. :look:

SYH (smack your head) a little lighter. The three of you missed the message on all points. :spinning:


For those who 'chose' to decorate, instead of decorating homes in the tradition of the world (i.e. santa, reindeer, etc.), use decor which expresses Jesus as the Gift. That's the complete opposite of the World's decorum.

As for the Little Boy who asked about the gifts: The answer was to "Give Christmas Back'


A child once asked, “If Christmas is Jesus’ birthday, why do we get all the gifts?” In the midst of the busyness of the season, many of us may have asked ourselves the same question. Are all the presents we receive and the gifts we exchange really a reflection of God?

For God so loved the world that He gave… When we read those words, then it becomes clear that giving truly is at the heart of the reason we celebrate. Giving reflects God’s character and expresses His heart.

But sometimes the true meaning does get lost. That’s why we’re inviting you to be a part of the “Share and Care” Christmas challenge. When we share with those around us through giving unselfishly, we are an example of what God did for us when He sent Jesus. When we use giving to express our hearts, we show the world once again that love is the reason for Christmas.

We can give a simple present. We can give a moment of our time. We can give a small kindness or a great sacrifice. What matters is not the size of the gift, but the meaning behind it. All gifts are ultimately a reflection of Jesus, who is The Gift.

God loved. God gave. God made a difference. We can too.


Like it or not, agree or not, there are hearts of Christians who chose to give Christmas 'back'. Giving of their hearts and time to others who have far less and to those who need to know that they are loved just as much as anyone else.

There are Christians who give of themselves unselfishly, who instead of spending this season for themselves, they 'Give' it to others to be blessed and to enjoy the joy of the season and what it means.

Is this a Gift unto the Lord? Indeed it is. For Jesus said it himself,

" For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came UNTO ME.

Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you,

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it UNTO ME. ------- Matthew 25:35-40

In your quest for 'holiness', you missed it. You missed what the message was conveying. Each day that we live upon this earth, we are to give unto others, whatever it is we can. And at Christmas, it should especially not be ignored, for we are to give unto those who need so dearly to be included in the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

It is a wonderful opportunity to witness the love of God and how and why He came to save the world from dying in it's sin. For at this time, eveyone is 'listening' and all around them, they hear the praises of Jesus.

God forbid that we become so holy and righteous, that we turn away from giving to a person or a family in need, because it's Christmas and it would be considered 'pagan' to take part in giving a gift of clothing, food, or love to someone because it happened to be during Winter Soltice which the pagan's celebrated. It is as the Scribes and Pharisees, who thought it unrighteous to 'heal' those in need on the Sabbath. Yet, Jesus, turned away from them.... not.

You may not be aware of it, but you are taking part in burning down the bridges leading into the hearts of those who do not know the true meaning of God's Love for them.

Believe it or not, you're taking part in the biggest paganistic practice of all. Silencing the Good News that Jesus Christ the Son of God is born, died and risen. It's the Divine order of Salvation and the order of prophesy. That a Son would be born of a Virgin. Without His birth, there'd surely be no Ressurrection.

Now you can dispute it all you want, but the facts are not changing. There is no Resurrection without His Birth. In all of it's totality, that's God's Plan of Salvation for us. And unto Him, we give Him the glory, the honour and the praise for it, forever and ever.... Amen. :Rose:

Each of you are a trip.... :yep:

If you truly want to avoid paganism, than you have to stop taking care of your hair. And dont fall back on the scripture that a woman's hair is her crown. :lol: Same principle with your arguments regarding Christmas.

If you're really serious about steering away from pagan practices, then from this point on. you have discontinue the care of your hair; taking baths, perfuming your skin, and a few other things women do , which origins were/are paganistic. This is how they prepared themselves to worship the sun and other rituals.

So ummmmmm :look:

I'm just sayin' :lol:

Anyhooo, whether we agree or not, I still love you ladies and I'm just yanking your chains. I'm messin' with you. But, you see, it's more than Christmas, the pagans did and still do a lot of things that we 'all' do now.

So.... we're not so holy after all. :nono:

That's why we have Jesus who came to save the lost where each of us used to be. . :love2:
You can give all year (and i do). Christmas has nothing to do with my service and giving. I personally don't care whether you celebrate or not. I just know what Ramya is going to do. If that makes me a trip then I'll be that just for you. :)
You can give all year (and i do). Christmas has nothing to do with my service and giving. I personally don't care whether you celebrate or not. I just know what Ramya is going to do. If that makes me a trip then I'll be that just for you. :)

I mentioned giving all year in my post. :yep:

Do this... :bookworm:
I mentioned giving all year in my post. :yep:

Do this... :bookworm:

I read your entire post the first time. I'm not stealing your tree so why does it bother you so much that I don't celebrate Christmas the way that you do? You seem to be a bit agitated.
Oh dear, I notice a pattern here... Nobody missed your points Shimmie, I'm going to bed now, will address your last post tomorrow.
You can give all year (and i do). Christmas has nothing to do with my service and giving. I personally don't care whether you celebrate or not. I just know what Ramya is going to do. If that makes me a trip then I'll be that just for you. :)

I totally agree w/the bolded part. I explained this to someone at my job who seemed upset that I didn't want to do Secret Santa. I give things to people all year long Christ is in my heart and I am constantly giving. I particularly enjoy giving people things when it is least expected. For some reason people think that makes u a grinch, oh well I say. Any of my friends would tell you that I would and have given my very last.
Well, this issue is one of conviction. That being said, I do see separate issues in your post. We all have sinned and do sin, and therefore, repent and ask for God's forgiveness. With the issue being discussed though, some people are concerned with making aspects of with paganism a regular practice in their Christian walk. Please feel don't that anyone condemning you or anyone else for celebrating Christmas at all. But I do believe that discussion of these issues is a good thing. We have a range of views within this thread, but most importantly, we are seeking to honor God in our actions.

ITA. Yippeee. I love when we agree.

I don't know how God works and will never fully understand, but some people get convicted on certain things wereas other people don't and I am glad that God has allowed me to celebrate it without feeling convicted or without feeling that anything is wrong with it. I love the season and this time of year I love giving, and I do it all year long, but at Christmas it is just a different feeling. my yearlong giving is usually out of obedience and urging of the Holy Spirit. At Christmas, I give because I just want to do it.

As for you ladies who don't celebrate it because of it's pagan roots, were you convicted about it, or did you just make the conscious choice to stop celebrating it or never start celebrating, based upon your knowledge of the facts of it's roots?

I don't understand this question...can you clarify?

I just wonder if there is some scripture or punishment or something attached to celebrating Christmas. I'm searching for full Biblical truth in this. I know some issues within our faith boil down to technicalities and traditions and aren't always scriptural in nature.

SYH (smack your head) a little lighter. The three of you missed the message on all points. :spinning:


For those who 'chose' to decorate, instead of decorating homes in the tradition of the world (i.e. santa, reindeer, etc.), use decor which expresses Jesus as the Gift. That's the complete opposite of the World's decorum.

As for the Little Boy who asked about the gifts: The answer was to "Give Christmas Back'


A child once asked, “If Christmas is Jesus’ birthday, why do we get all the gifts?” In the midst of the busyness of the season, many of us may have asked ourselves the same question. Are all the presents we receive and the gifts we exchange really a reflection of God?

For God so loved the world that He gave… When we read those words, then it becomes clear that giving truly is at the heart of the reason we celebrate. Giving reflects God’s character and expresses His heart.

But sometimes the true meaning does get lost. That’s why we’re inviting you to be a part of the “Share and Care” Christmas challenge. When we share with those around us through giving unselfishly, we are an example of what God did for us when He sent Jesus. When we use giving to express our hearts, we show the world once again that love is the reason for Christmas.

We can give a simple present. We can give a moment of our time. We can give a small kindness or a great sacrifice. What matters is not the size of the gift, but the meaning behind it. All gifts are ultimately a reflection of Jesus, who is The Gift.

God loved. God gave. God made a difference. We can too.


Like it or not, agree or not, there are hearts of Christians who chose to give Christmas 'back'. Giving of their hearts and time to others who have far less and to those who need to know that they are loved just as much as anyone else.

There are Christians who give of themselves unselfishly, who instead of spending this season for themselves, they 'Give' it to others to be blessed and to enjoy the joy of the season and what it means.

Is this a Gift unto the Lord? Indeed it is. For Jesus said it himself,

" For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came UNTO ME.

Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you,

Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it UNTO ME. ------- Matthew 25:35-40

In your quest for 'holiness', you missed it. You missed what the message was conveying. Each day that we live upon this earth, we are to give unto others, whatever it is we can. And at Christmas, it should especially not be ignored, for we are to give unto those who need so dearly to be included in the celebration of the birth of Jesus.

It is a wonderful opportunity to witness the love of God and how and why He came to save the world from dying in it's sin. For at this time, eveyone is 'listening' and all around them, they hear the praises of Jesus.

God forbid that we become so holy and righteous, that we turn away from giving to a person or a family in need, because it's Christmas and it would be considered 'pagan' to take part in giving a gift of clothing, food, or love to someone because it happened to be during Winter Soltice which the pagan's celebrated. It is as the Scribes and Pharisees, who thought it unrighteous to 'heal' those in need on the Sabbath. Yet, Jesus, turned away from them.... not.

You may not be aware of it, but you are taking part in burning down the bridges leading into the hearts of those who do not know the true meaning of God's Love for them.

Believe it or not, you're taking part in the biggest paganistic practice of all. Silencing the Good News that Jesus Christ the Son of God is born, died and risen. It's the Divine order of Salvation and the order of prophesy. That a Son would be born of a Virgin. Without His birth, there'd surely be no Ressurrection.

Now you can dispute it all you want, but the facts are not changing. There is no Resurrection without His Birth. In all of it's totality, that's God's Plan of Salvation for us. And unto Him, we give Him the glory, the honour and the praise for it, forever and ever.... Amen. :Rose:

Each of you are a trip.... :yep:

If you truly want to avoid paganism, than you have to stop taking care of your hair. And dont fall back on the scripture that a woman's hair is her crown. :lol: Same principle with your arguments regarding Christmas.

If you're really serious about steering away from pagan practices, then from this point on. you have discontinue the care of your hair; taking baths, perfuming your skin, and a few other things women do , which origins were/are paganistic. This is how they prepared themselves to worship the sun and other rituals.

So ummmmmm :look:

I'm just sayin' :lol:

Anyhooo, whether we agree or not, I still love you ladies and I'm just yanking your chains. I'm messin' with you. But, you see, it's more than Christmas, the pagans did and still do a lot of things that we 'all' do now.

So.... we're not so holy after all. :nono:

That's why we have Jesus who came to save the lost where each of us used to be. . :love2:

ineresting at the bolded. I hadn't thought of that one. and our precious eye make-up that we ladies love. our come hither lips, lol. gurllll, i guess we'd have to walk around in burlap and wool head to toe. Thank you Jesus from freeing me. Hallelujiah. Praise God! for what the devil meant for evil, God can use for good.
I read your entire post the first time. I'm not stealing your tree so why does it bother you so much that I don't celebrate Christmas the way that you do? You seem to be a bit agitated.

Ramya... what are you talking about? Don't be silly. Why would I worry about you or anyone 'stealing' a tree? You're not making sense. :nono:

Agitated. No. Actually, my family and I have been here 'wondering' at the irony of some of the posts. :scratchch: On one hand, some (not all) shun Christmas and then practice loa or other paganisms; or take up for lifestyles or support campaigns against the order of God.

Anyway... enough said. More than enough. :rolleyes:
Hi HeChangedMyName,

I'm going to reply to a question you posted.

"As for you ladies who don't celebrate it because of it's pagan roots, were you convicted about it, or did you just make the conscious choice to stop celebrating it or never start celebrating, based upon your knowledge of the facts of it's roots?"

I had no problem with celebrating it until the year I turned 22 and read up on the history of Easter. From that reading, I started researching other holidays and then Christmas fell on my radar. I was so hurt when I found out it's pagan roots I almost cried. I literally was very upset for about a week. It hurt because I loved the Christmases I grew up with. I felt horrible about celebrating a pagan holiday that has been celebrated 2 thousand years before Christ was born that present day people claimed to be all about Christ. I felt that I'd been lied to by so many people I'd trusted.

From that day on, I repented and put it behind me. My immediate family celebrates OT holidays and that's it. I don't fault others for celebrating whatever they choose, but I won't allow it in my home. Like I posted earlier, I'm going home to be with my family this year who celebrates it to the extreme. Yes, the decorations irritate me, but I love my family so I'll be there. They know my feelings about it and we respect each other's views. When they visit me, we have the huge dinner and laughs at family photos, but there's no Christmas involved.
ITA. Yippeee. I love when we agree.

Praise God... :love2:

I don't know how God works and will never fully understand, but some people get convicted on certain things wereas other people don't and I am glad that God has allowed me to celebrate it without feeling convicted or without feeling that anything is wrong with it. I love the season and this time of year I love giving, and I do it all year long, but at Christmas it is just a different feeling. my yearlong giving is usually out of obedience and urging of the Holy Spirit. At Christmas, I give because I just want to do it.

I totally agree, as I do the same, without conviction. I'm not ashamed nor fearful of honouring the birth of our Lord Christ Jesus.

I just wonder if there is some scripture or punishment or something attached to celebrating Christmas. I'm searching for full Biblical truth in this. I know some issues within our faith boil down to technicalities and traditions and aren't always scriptural in nature.

There isn't. Celebrating the Birth, Life and Death of Jesus is not a sin.

ineresting at the bolded. I hadn't thought of that one. and our precious eye make-up that we ladies love. our come hither lips, lol. gurllll, i guess we'd have to walk around in burlap and wool head to toe. Thank you Jesus from freeing me. Hallelujiah. Praise God! for what the devil meant for evil, God can use for good.

I was yanking chains with that comment. :rolleyes:

Although pagans did /do eat, cook, drink water, dress, groom themselves and prepared these as offerings unto their sun god.

Yet do we as Christians do the same, when we eat, drink, cook, groom and dress? Of course not. What we do, we do unto the glory of God and nothing less. :yep:
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