Hey Christians - Do you put up a tree, wreaths, holly, etc. . . .

Hey Christians - Do you put up a tree, wreaths, holly, etc. . . .

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 59.5%
  • No

    Votes: 9 21.4%
  • I used to, but no longer

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Other response (please elaborate)

    Votes: 4 9.5%

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Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
. . . even though it ain't got nuthin' to do with Jesus? :look:

When I first learned of the pagan origins of a lot of the decorations and themes Christmas and Easter, I was dismayed. Yet, I still enjoy the decor because I grew up with them . . . I am not opposed to them, but I guess every once in a while I feel some kinda way about it :perplexed
No, not at my place.

The SDA faith does not officially recognize Christmas or Easter as Christian holidays but leaves it the individual to decide what their actions will be. We are, however, counseled to recognize that this is a time where many people are receptive to the gospel message, creating opportunities to witness. There are positive activities that we can and should engage in such as feeding the homeless, giving to the needy etc. So we should join in those aspects of the season.

That being said, my family raised me to know the true origins of both holidays, but my mother loves trees and ornaments. So I'll help her when I'm there, but I refrain in my own home.

I understand where you are coming from though. There's still a spirit during the season that is wonderful. I do enjoy seeing the trees and lights, smiles on children's faces etc. I love the Christmas hymns (year-round) and cultural Christmas songs too. But I do my best to keep things in perspective...
I was a single mom with my first DD. We always put up a manger (as well as lights around the house) and talked about the significance of the holiday(s). I never did buy into the bunny for Easter.

Now I am married and have DD's #2 and #3. I still talk to them all about the birth of Jesus. This year DH came home with a tree the other day and put it up. I'm not against it, but to me the meaning of the holidays are more important. Since the little ones are 2 and 4 I'm planning to read a Christmas/nativity type story, book or bible every evening till Christmas.
It seems as though the Christian Holidays were chosen to directly oppose the pagan ones. Let me not say anything that Im not 100 about but I do remember listening to Hank Hannigraph, the Bible Answer Man, a christian apologist on the radio, explain why Christians adopted the tree and wreath etc. If I can find it I will post it.

But as for me I love the whole Christmas season-nativity, decorations, songs, gifts, hot cocoa, the whole nine yards. But I make sure that Christ is the reason Im celebrating.
I think I'll decorate next year. I chose not to this year as I didn't grow up celebrating Christmas. I know Christ was not born on Christmas so I see it as a time to spend with love ones and to *ahem* receive gifts. I am not opposed to celebrating my birthday so I don't see why I should be totally against Christmas.
Never have, never shall.

There's still a spirit during the season that is wonderful. I do enjoy seeing smiles on children's faces etc. But I do my best to keep things in perspective...

Agree with this, but still.... never have, never shall.

ETA: My church = Church of God 7th Day Sabbath Keeping
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My family does. When I live on my own (as a single) I don't plan on doing any decorating. I'm not really a Christmas person in the way that its celebrated. If I get married and have children, I'll have to discuss with my spouse if we are going to celebrate the holiday with the trees and gifts.
Yes, I do. I belong to a church that follows the liturgical calendar, so I like to have an Advent wreath leading up to Christmas, and I like to decorate the tree because I simply love the season.

I think that Christmas can be differentiated from other secular holidays like Halloween because the "spirit of Christmas" is a positive one. I'm a sap, so I looove Christmas music and this time of year, both sacred and secular. I'd celebrate it whether it was "supposed" to be about Jesus or not.

I like to do the whole thing up: Advent, St. Nicolas day, Christmas, Epiphany. I really do believe that it brings glory to God and is an uplifting thing.
No, I don't decorate.
1. I am a minimalist.
2. A Solstice tree? My bible teacher had the nerve to tell me, "I'm going to put up a tree because Jesus died on a tree." Um.... Okay.
3. My praise, worship, and fellowship is sufficient. There are so many other ways to celebrate his birth and giving him glory than by passing the holly.
It seems as though the Christian Holidays were chosen to directly oppose the pagan ones. Let me not say anything that Im not 100 about but I do remember listening to Hank Hannigraph, the Bible Answer Man, a christian apologist on the radio, explain why Christians adopted the tree and wreath etc. If I can find it I will post it.

But as for me I love the whole Christmas season-nativity, decorations, songs, gifts, hot cocoa, the whole nine yards. But I make sure that Christ is the reason Im celebrating.

Oooo, that would be great, I like him and I'd be interested in seeing what he has to say.

and to answer OP, yep. I do. Jesus is my reason for living every single day and I have no issues with celebrating him daily. Christmas is just a time of year where you get to give and make people happy a lil extra.

I do understand that there are origins of the tree etc, but I also know that when the sign was put above Jesus on the cross saying "Jesus of Nazereth, King of the Jews" it was meant to be sarcastic. But we all know it is the truth so I celebrate Christmas with Him as the center and the truth. Whe cross that Jesus died on itself wasn't even meant to edify and glorify him, but we still hang them in churches, and around our necks.
Not wishing to provoke argument/debate or a response. Just saying - some of us don't hang crucifixes around our necks, or have them in our churches, or have any images/artist's interpretations of Jesus.

We all know there are millions of people of all and no religion to whom Christmas equates to presents, a tree, food and merrymaking. I think there are alot of Christians like those up-thread who celebrate the time with a true reverence for Christ, but if we look into the Word, his sacrificial death (and whole purpose for coming to the earth - to redeem us) was what was given as a memorial, not his birth, which certainly wasn't on December 25th, but anyways...
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Not wishing to provoke argument/debate or a response. Just saying - some of us don't hang crucifixes around our necks, or have them in our churches, or have any images/artist's interpretations of Jesus.

We all know there are millions of people of all and no religion to whom Christmas equates to presents, a tree, food and merrymaking. I think there are alot of Christians like those up-thread who celebrate the time with a true reverence for Christ, but if we look into the Word, his sacrificial death (and whole purpose for coming to the earth - to redeem us) was what was given as a memorial, not his birth, which certainly wasn't on December 25th, but anyways...

Thanks, and I do respect your standpoint. We are all humans and have varying points of view on many things. The great part is that we are all one body in Christ who are saved through his death and resurrection.
^^Absolutely, likewise. Thank you for receiving my post in the spirit it was intended.
I voted yes. I do decorate the house and celebrate Christmas but, I understand it is not biblical. I do not think it dishonors God like some holidays do. I also do not wait until Christmas, Yom Kippur,or Rosh Hashanah, or any certain day (ie only on the Sabbath) to remember what God has done for me or to remember that I am a Christian etc. I think that many ppl take the Christian name but forget what a 'Christ like lifestyle' involves. I have always taught my kids about the Lord- year round. I strive on being consistent daily in my walk with the Lord. Sometimes I miss the mark but I keep on keeping on. If I were to learn from God that my celebrating Christmas was not pleasing to him I would stop. I try to be receptive and obedient to him in all things- period. ;)
I do decorate and celebrate Christmas in the traditional way. It is how I grew up and how I've raised my children thus far. We know it is not the actual day that Christ was born, however, I believe it can be a wholesome holiday in which people can just stop and reflect on our Lord and Savior. It amazes me and touches me that people who may not particularly live a "Christ-like" life the 364 days of the year do truly stop and pay reverence to the Lord on this day...whether it "right" or "wrong" I'm not up to debating, but I just love the fact that in this world that is going horribly downhill, many do still take the time to honour and remember Christ's birth, and just be one with their family.
i don't find any need to - but if someone wants my help putting up a tree, i will lend them a hand.

1 Corinthians 6:12 "All things are lawful for me," but not all things are helpful."

as long as my putting up that tree doesn't distract people from seeing the Jesus in me and/or seeking Jesus, im good.

1 Cor 8:13
Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall.

and as long as it doesn't cause my brother/sister to fall, i dont see the problem.

We don't celebrate it in our home, but we're spending the holidays with my mom who does- to excess...

4 large trees
2 miniature town scenes
3 hanging Christmas quilts
Numerous embrodered pillows in the den and living room
Table setting on the dining room table with mini decorations at each place setting
a Santa outfit for the dog... I'm getting nauseous thinking about it

I don't even want to think about the excess of gifts that will be under the tree. :nono: Either way, I'm going to see my mom and that will be the best part for me.

We don't celebrate it because we don't think it's nessesary. I agree with Diyva's explaination. I do enjoy the spirit of the season, but I don't see the purpose. Maybe growing up in a home where it was celebrated as described above has something to do with my views. Either way, enjoy the season however you choose to.
If I still had my own place I would get a tree ok a black tree decorated with pink onarments (lol) or I'll be cheap and draw my tree on paper and thumbtack it to the wall. But it doesn't matter to me if the tree or decorations go up at all. I'm still going to honor Christmas by what the true meaning is - the birth of Jesus. Without him being born it will be another day at the office, and we wouldn't be saved by his blood. Other than the decorations part, I've become lazy and busy over the years to think about it decorating.
I decorate. I usually do more of a winter theme than a Christmas theme. I have tons of snowmen that I put out during this time of year. I have a small table top tree that I also put up. My parents did the tree thing until I was about 7-8 and then they stopped when they learned of its pagan orgins. My mom didn't decorate for years, however, now she will decorate with poincettas (sp?) and sleighs. I like minimal Christmas decorations. I feel that God knows that we need to celebrate. Look at how many holidays and festivals God gave the children of Isreal. I believe that Christians also need a time of reflection. No, Christmas isn't Jesus' birthday. But it is a time where people stop and let their loved ones know that they care for them and reflect on the past year of their lives. That is what I use Christmas for.

We don't celebrate it in our home, but we're spending the holidays with my mom who does- to excess...

4 large trees
2 miniature town scenes
3 hanging Christmas quilts
Numerous embrodered pillows in the den and living room
Table setting on the dining room table with mini decorations at each place setting
a Santa outfit for the dog... I'm getting nauseous thinking about it

I don't even want to think about the excess of gifts that will be under the tree. :nono: Either way, I'm going to see my mom and that will be the best part for me.

We don't celebrate it because we don't think it's nessesary. I agree with Diyva's explaination. I do enjoy the spirit of the season, but I don't see the purpose. Maybe growing up in a home where it was celebrated as described above has something to do with my views. Either way, enjoy the season however you choose to.
I see something very warm and special here.

I see lot's of love. :love4:

Your mom does all of this out of love for you and your family. She's creating an atmosphere of love and the joy of the Season as she see it. :yep:

I may not agree with the extent of her decor, but I so agree with the love she puts into making your holidays a very special and warm one for everyone who comes into her home.

God bless you and her. :Rose:
. . . even though it ain't got nuthin' to do with Jesus? :look:

When I first learned of the pagan origins of a lot of the decorations and themes Christmas and Easter, I was dismayed. Yet, I still enjoy the decor because I grew up with them . . . I am not opposed to them, but I guess every once in a while I feel some kinda way about it :perplexed
I love the warmth and the love of this Season. I always have and always will. And I love the decorations, especially those that have lots of snow.

I love the music, the carols, the hymns, the fun songs as well. We have it playing now, as I'm typing this post. O' Holy Night'...

The one thing that my family and I cherish above it all is the love of Jesus who has brought each of us together and keeps us throughout each day of every year.

Therefore, we have no 'Santas', no sleighs, no elves, nor tiny or maxi reindeer; only Jesus who is truly and will always be the Real King of Christmas and the reason for all seasons and every moment of life that we live.
Therefore, we have no 'Santas', no sleighs, no elves, nor tiny or maxi reindeer; only Jesus who is truly and will always be the Real King of Christmas and the reason for all seasons and every moment of life that we live.

I was just about to edit to say this...:yep:. Even though we celebrate this holiday an d Easter etc. I do not have Santas, Easter bunnies, etc around just like I don't have images of God (or what men have said he looks like) displayed in my home. No offense to anyone who does. I choose not to.
Shimmie said:
Therefore, we have no 'Santas', no sleighs, no elves, nor tiny or maxi reindeer; only Jesus who is truly and will always be the Real King of Christmas and the reason for all seasons and every moment of life that we live.

I was just about to edit to say this...:yep:. Even though we celebrate this holiday an d Easter etc. I do not have Santas, Easter bunnies, etc around

just like I don't have images of God (or what men have said he looks like) displayed in my home.

No offense to anyone who does. I choose not to.

I don't even have a 'Black Jesus' on my wall. :look: :lol:

Something else. . . . . I don't wear "Jesus' scarfs or Jesus pins. The Holy Spirit reminded me of something one day when I was proudly sporting my ;Jesus pin. --- I was on the bus one day and didn't want anyone sitting next to me. The Holy Spirit convicted me with this. "When you wear that pin, watch how you act...'.

From then on, I chose not to 'sport' the name Jesus on my garments. Because too many folks are looking for a reason to find fault with those who do. I have a few Jesus T-Shirts that I wear from time to time, but that experience with the Jesus pin, 'stuck' with me. (Pin Pun was definitely intentional :yep: :lol:) --- Because, I still don't want anyone sitting next to me on the train, plane, or shuttle buses. :lol:

Blessings Angel... :Rose:
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Is anyone else uncomfortable when people make a huge deal out of "Christ was given to us on Christmas and He's the reason for the season." I mean I get what they are trying to say but it's not entirely true. Yesterday in church a guest minister went on and on about Jesus and Christmas and then requested that we all say "Merry Christmas" to one another. I was really uncomfortable saying that when I know the truth. :(
^^That would be the point where I hold my peace Ramya, if I don't believe in it, I sure won't be saying it. Everybody who says Merry Christmas instead of a reciprocal greeting gets a 'why I don't celebrate Christmas' explanation, I'm sorry :lol:

ETA: No, actually I am not sorry, LOL
^^That would be the point where I hold my peace Ramya, if I don't believe in it, I sure won't be saying it. Everybody who says Merry Christmas instead of a reciprocal greeting gets a 'why I don't celebrate Christmas' explanation, I'm sorry :lol:

ETA: No, actually I am not sorry, LOL

yeh I didn't repeat what he asked us to. I just smiled at the lady next to me. I mean with a ridiculous grin on my face. :lachen:I've been invited to "Happy Birthday Jesus" parties and I've declined but I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings. I just can't do it. :look:
No, from what I've learned Christmas/decorations/celebrations/etc.:

a) it is not scriptural
b) it's origin has nothing to do with God or Christ

Is anyone else uncomfortable when people make a huge deal out of "Christ was given to us on Christmas and He's the reason for the season." I mean I get what they are trying to say but it's not entirely true. Yesterday in church a guest minister went on and on about Jesus and Christmas and then requested that we all say "Merry Christmas" to one another. I was really uncomfortable saying that when I know the truth. :(

Good points. I believe that as Christians, we ought to be honest about the origins. Nowhere and no one is perfect but the combination of pagan with things holy causes issues. I believe we ought to teach the real origins of Christmas, not simply try to dress it up as something entirely different. Jesus is not the reason behind this season, but it is a mixture of beliefs in solstice holiday with Christianity that brought about Christmas as we know it today. I also believe that refraining from much of the activities like decorating Christmas trees, mass gift giving etc. can provide witnessing opportunities.

I personally don't mind saying Merry Christmas, but then I am also the person that doesn't mind saying Happy Divali or Happy Eid. I give people well wishes on their religious holidays. That's a cultural thing for me though...
yeh I didn't repeat what he asked us to. I just smiled at the lady next to me. I mean with a ridiculous grin on my face. :lachen:I've been invited to "Happy Birthday Jesus" parties and I've declined but I'm not trying to hurt anybody's feelings. I just can't do it. :look:

That's the best way to do things. It was good that you smiled at her, while not adhering. Same why with nicely declining without being insulting. That makes people more apt to ask why and give you an opportunity to share.

Also, I personally don't think that pastor should instruct people to say Merry Christmas simply because people have differing stances on the matter.
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