Hey Admins...Can We Get a Weave Forum Section??

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I know the answer has already been answered, but just to add my two little cents, I do not think that would be a good idea, just like some had mentioned already. Not only will it divide us, but it would have ppl wanna bring up different forums (i.e. forum for naturals, forums for ppl with color, and forums for many other different things, and then we will just have tooo many forums.)
again, just my 2 cents. sorry to beat a dead horse.
Weave board would be great, I don't think it would divide us...sometimes you wear weaves and sometimes you don't

And it's a great protective style to grow our hair!

To tell the truth, I really don't like how convoluted the forum page structure of BHM looks. You can't give people too many choices, it's confusing.

I mean, when will it end? A forum for people who like Gala apples, Asian pears, yellow watermelon, etc.

A protective styling thread would be better IMO because it focuses more at what the heart of LHCF is and that is growing your OWN hair. So, the focus would be to find a protective style while a Weaves section forum would mainly be based on wearing weaves and not really focus on how to care for your hair under the weave, which is what the BHM Weave forum is about. I rarely see threads asking how to care for your own hair under the weave.
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