HE'S GETTING ME MAD!!! {family problems}


New Member
As if my luck with men couldnt get any better! This time its my cousin

hes camping at ours for a few weeks, as hes been having issues with his dad

at first i loved the idea of him staying - hes 17 - a leo like me - and we were up until 20 minutes ago having a laugh..

but now hes starting to disrepect my mother....and everybody knowssss you dont mess with peoples momma!!!

She was trying to communicate him, which is hard at the moment, as we're trying to find him a hostel - as we havent got enough money to feed three moths - we have a mortgage and bills...and he aint contributing...even though we KNOW hes getting money through his late mothers fund...

anyway, i cracked today

my mum was talking to him in the living room and he walked off saying "flippin' hell.."

I was like "yoooooooooooooo do not disprespect my mother"

then he came off with cheek and in so many words (bleeps) i told him to get the F out, and my mum has remorse for him but i do not, and i woulda basically threw him out LONG-TIME

i honestly dont know what to do, hes liek some kinda gypsy flyin in and out when he feels, no money coming our way, and hes also withholding information so we cant get him into this hostel

hes practically binding his time till whatever comes along

MEN are really P'ing me off lately, and i never really seem to let it bother me...but it IS right now

gosh they gonna tun me to DRINK!

what can i do to get him out ASAP without me boxing him down?

ps. he has weapons in his suitcase - gun - knife

i'm not even sure if i wanna leave him or my mum in the house with him

when she goes work today he will be home alone - hes not usually unpedicatable but hes sly

He's a minor and he belongs to some other adult family member so send his *** back to them unceremoniously. More than likely what he demonstrated in your home is why he's having problems at home. Ya'll tried. He blew it with that bleeping smart *** mouth. He's young and must experience the real world and the time is now!:grin:
I agree with Firecracker send his *** back where he came from. I don't know what in the world is wrong with some of these boys/men today :nono:
Disrespect my mother? I would've sent him out the door with a fist to the face. My mom and I get into fights but I'm the only one allowed to get anywhere CLOSE to disrespect. Everyone else better stand down.