Herbal Tea for hair growth


So I :love: my tea in the Winter, I'm thinking about continuing it into the Summer but it might just be too hot for that...or I could just drink it as an ice tea :look: Anyway, I wanted to share this with my fellow tea drinkers because I searched but didn't find any current posts about drinking tea for growth.

I started with Jasmine and when I ran out of it I decided that if Im going to drink tea then why not drink with a purpose...a hair growing purpose (hey, I'm trying to make it to APL by this summer! :grin:) So I bought Nettle tea and I only have a mug (at work) and even though I'd re-use the same tea bag for the day, I was going through it pretty quickly and at $5.50 box, it was adding up and I'd be done with it in a week...so I decided to research making my tea and came across Zhara's tea recipe:

The Curly Nikki Interview

And her fotki


2tbs lemon balm ( melissa )
1tbs lavendar flowers
1tbs peppermint leaves
1tbs chamomile flower
1tbs rose petal
1tbs nettle
1tbs horsetail
1tbs coltsfoot
1tbs burdock root
1tbs oatstraw
1tbs alphalpha
1tbs rose hip
2tbs dandelion leaves
2tbs rasberry leaves
1/2 tsp ginger root

Since it's it's actually much cheaper in the long run, I bought all of my ingredients at a local natural foods store and have been drinking it since Monday. It smells and tastes great!! :yep::lick:

I haven't seen any posts on anyone drinking tea...

Roll call: Where are my fellow tea drinkers? :grin:

Is there anyone else using her recipe?

Do you have your own recipe? If so, please share :yep:
You really went back I seen this long time ago on CN, thanks for find and sharing! The tea drinkers are in the natural forum!
You really went back I seen this long time ago on CN, thanks for find and sharing! The tea drinkers are in the natural forum!

:grin: No prob!, I was ecstatic when I found it because the bulk herbs here in Sac or super cheap!

Ahhh ok, I'm not natural so I'm never over there...ever :nono::grin:
Oh yes, I'm a tea drinker and have been since I was a preteen.

I feel like I did experience growth when I drank it daily. I drink regular Lipton black tea with honey and lemon juice. Oct 2009, I began adding a tsp of coconut oil to my tea and my skin glows from within when I'm regular with it.
i like vita-blend from mountain rose herbs, its yummy hot or iced :) i also need to purchase another copy of the book naturally lskin by stephanier tourles she had some awesome teas and decoctions in there that were great for my skin so they would be great for hair! i also am drinking oolong, green sencha, green rooibos, honeybush, and yerba mate these days. i prefer loose leaf.
the ingredients in vitablend from mt rose herbs:
Delicious healthy blend to help support general well-being. Contains: Organic Alfalfa leaf, organic Nettle leaf, organic Peppermint, organic Oatstraw, organic Lemongrass, organic Red Clover, organic Hibiscus flowers and organic Horsetail.

the recipe above sounds nice but i would rather have someone blend it for me by the lb or use something similar. this tea is $23 at mt rose and its alot of tea cause the herbal material is quite fluffy,lol. i see that alot of the ingredients that are in my vitablend are in this blend. :)
the ingredients in vitablend from mt rose herbs:
Delicious healthy blend to help support general well-being. Contains: Organic Alfalfa leaf, organic Nettle leaf, organic Peppermint, organic Oatstraw, organic Lemongrass, organic Red Clover, organic Hibiscus flowers and organic Horsetail.

the recipe above sounds nice but i would rather have someone blend it for me by the lb or use something similar. this tea is $23 at mt rose and its alot of tea cause the herbal material is quite fluffy,lol. i see that alot of the ingredients that are in my vitablend are in this blend. :)

Sounds delicious! I have some Hibiscus flowers and I eyed them while I was following the recipe but didn't know how they would alter the taste so I decided I'd wait and add them to my next big batch of tea :yep: But for about $20.00 I got all of the herbs and was able to make a lot of tea I'm not sure if it's a lb but it's quite a bit, however I understand about rather having someone else mix it for you, cause it is a little bit messy :yep:

It's Natural Living, I believe, so you don't have to have natural hair to fit in. :)

Ooooh ok, then I'll have to check it out. Thank you for clearing that up for me :grin:
i like vita-blend from mountain rose herbs, its yummy hot or iced :) i also need to purchase another copy of the book naturally lskin by stephanier tourles she had some awesome teas and decoctions in there that were great for my skin so they would be great for hair! i also am drinking oolong, green sencha, green rooibos, honeybush, and yerba mate these days. i prefer loose leaf.

And that book sounds awesome, I'll have to look it up! I prefer loose leaf as well :yep:
I love drinking hot tea! However I have not broken down and tried blending my own. I start my day with a black tea blend, then drink 4 cups of mango green tea throughout the afternoon. In the evenings I drink two cups of either jasmine or rose tea and right before bed I drink a cup of peppermint.
I just bought a huge container of Jasmine tea. I love the flavor and scent. I think I will also use this tea as a hair rince after my conditioner to give my hair that nice floral scent.