Herbal Essence LTR Leave in. Where is it yo???

Ok so I brought this stuff at Target today and they had a lot!!

I came home tonight and moisturizered my hair with it and sealed with my new shea butter (today was a true pj day)...AND

it is good so far BUT...I have to use like 3 pumps for each section which I divide in 2 again lol so 8 sections total using 3 pumps for each (and my hair is thin)

I think it is gonna be a good product for me I just have to use a lot which is usually common with all HE products (for some reason a little doesn't go a long way) this even applies when i'm using Hellu Hyd...luckly they are CHEAP!!

Is this common for other people too?? I'm natural btw if that helps!!

My hair is pretty thick and for me I don't need so many pumps. For my whole head i'd say i might use about 8 pumps or so. If it's working for you though thats just what your head needs :)
I went to Target yesterday and found them :love: Thank GOD. I purchased 2 bottles. Last night i greedly applied the leave in then put my hair into about 6 or 7 braids. I heart this stuff
I have a bottle and if someone wants it, they can have it. I don't like how heavy it is. I always get a vaguely sticky feeling on my fingers and I hate that.
I thought it was being discontinued, but now I think I was wrong. Every Target I've been to has plenty of bottles
I saw some yesterday at a couple targets AND walmart... I didn't buy any, but I guess I'll head back and stock up on some... I'd like to try some, as it sounds great!!