Her SO loves her but doesn't LIKE her????


Well-Known Member
Sorry this long. There are a lot of details.

I have a close friend who is in a predicament. I really feel for her, but I don't know what else to tell her other than move on.

My friend, we'll care her Tara, has been with her man, David, for close to 5 years now. They live together and are in the process of planning their wedding. The other night, I received a phone call from her in which she said that she had a conversation with David that left her practically broken. They have been having problems lately because David goes out with his friends every weekend and does almost nothing with her. He'll go out with his friends for 12 hours at a time or on overnight trips to play cards, etc. He has always been very upfront with her in regards that he wouldn't cheat, which was my first thought. Evidently he has never really exhibited behavior that would point to him cheating. However, with his going out with friends all the time, the seed has been planted in her mind.

When I've spoken to her before, I've suggested that she talk to David about how she was feeling. She says that she has, but nothing has changed. She said that it's to the point where he's almost trying everything in his power to stay away from her. When they do go out together, she says that he's constantly texting his friends and won't talk to her.

This brings me to the present. Tara had a long talk with David and he basically said that he does not like hanging out with her or being around her because they do nothing at home. He is more outgoing and she's more introverted. When they first started seeing each other, they did things together regularly, but in the last year or so, since he's made new friends, he wants to do everything with them. David likes sports and video games, Tara's not so much. Tara said that David makes excuses that there is nothing to do with her, but always finds something to do with his friends, even to the point of playing with his friends' kids (David and Tara do not have kids by the way).

He told her that in the beginning of the relationship he changed how he really was "for the relationship," but feels that now his true self (how he was before her) is coming out. All he wants to do is play video games, watch sports, and sit around at his friends' homes doing nothing. I told Tara that she should not be punished for his false advertising because that's a decision that he made. Now he wants nothing to do with her because she doesn't like the same things she does, which didn't seem to be a problem in the beginning.

I feel so bad for her because he basically has no faith in the relationship, yet still wants to marry her. Tara says that she can't be with someone who doesn't even like her, even though he claims to love her very much. :confused: I told her that he seems to be making a lot of excuses and putting all of the blame for their strained relationship on her. Tara is so torn.

What do you all think? I say that she should just move on, but she said that he still wants to work things out. They're considering counseling. IMO, if the relationship is this broken now, how in the world can a marriage work?
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They can go to counseling if they want, but she should be preparing an exit plan in the back of her mind. I would NOT want to marry a man who was behaving this way and making the types of hurtful statements that he's making.

Actually, maybe the counseling will make her move on... maybe she'll get to see first-hand that this dude is wrong for her!!!
He may love her but doesn't sound like he's IN LOVE with her. I wouldn't marry someone when a huge problem like theirs has already manifested. Doesn't even seem like he wants to compromise at all. I feel bad for your friend.
Like I said in the rules thread, men don't respond to words half as much as they respond to actions. This is a perfect case in point, as none of her talking has elicited any sort of change.

How long has this been going on with David? Either way, I would suggest taking action on her part. Monkey see, monkey do. If he's out for 12 hours, and taking trips, she needs to be out for 12 hours and taking trips too. What I look like sitting at home moping while he's out having the time of his life? No way! There's a story in WMMB about a guy who was doing the same exact thing as David...that is, until the woman decided to take a friend's offer on a vacation, and left while her man was out having one of his party nights....and she didn't tell him. She came back all tanned and he never did it again.

Tell her to read the book. Then decide if this is a guy she should really be getting married to.
Pump the breaks on the wedding until or unless everything is sorted out here.

There is too much smoke and if no one is changing or hearing the other why would they both want to continue their individual behavior for supposedly the rest of their lives together in marriage.

Sounds like some maturity, real honest conversation and major behavior adjustments need to take place before anyone says I do because right now this is an I DON'T situation.
I think he's not interested in her anymore.
You don't know what you've got til it's gone.
She needs to go out and put that freak'um dress on.
Like I said in the rules thread, men don't respond to words half as much as they respond to actions. This is a perfect case in point, as none of her talking has elicited any sort of change.

How long has this been going on with David? Either way, I would suggest taking action on her part. Monkey see, monkey do. If he's out for 12 hours, and taking trips, she needs to be out for 12 hours and taking trips too. What I look like sitting at home moping while he's out having the time of his life? No way! There's a story in WMMB about a guy who was doing the same exact thing as David...that is, until the woman decided to take a friend's offer on a vacation, and left while her man was out having one of his party nights....and she didn't tell him. She came back all tanned and he never did it again.

Tell her to read the book. Then decide if this is a guy she should really be getting married to.

What is the book called?
Been there, done that. :rolleyes: Long story short, the guy is now my ex. I eventually got tired of the foolishness, and hopefully your friend will too before she makes the mistake of marrying him. She can find a guy who likes the same things she does (or similar). :yep:
This sounds like a divorce waiting to happen if they go through with marriage. She already sounds miserable, and marriage is not going to make things any better.
He says that he won't cheat now; but I doubt that. He sounds like he wants someone to be there in the evenings when he gets home from work, partying, etc. Your friend Tara is familiar, and he wants to stick to the familiar. When he really finds someone that he wants to be with; he'll kick your friend to the curb wondering what happened. Tell her NOT to let that happen to her.
All your friend needs to do is flip the script. Let her be unavailable to answer his calls/texts or find her at home a few times and see how much he wants to hang out with his friends then. Never give a man the impression that your entire existence revolves around him.
What is the book called?

Why Men Love *****es.

It's a good book. And if anything, it mentions things that happen in every relationship. To me it sounds like he's just bored or so. Have her work on finding more of her own life and see what happens; it'll either driver them further apart or bring them closer.
This relationship can't work. Instead of it progressing into something more strong than the previous year, it is moving backwards. Relationships work best when friends turn into lovers, but in this case, he can't even manage to be her friend.

Sounds like he wants the convenience of having a familiar girl at home to satisfy the needs of his flesh, but she cannot satisfy his soul and emotional needs. This is a sad situation, but she needs not to more further in this relationship.
Unfotunetly to me it looks like he's bored of her. He loves her but he doesn't enjoy the things she likes. They have had 4-5 years of doing what she likes (as he pretended to like them too - for the relationship) maybe she should try doing something that he likes; like take up a sport togther like squash or tennis something where they can work togther.

They shouldn't give up on the relationship though, what if this happened 1 year into the marrage; would she just walk?
I would say get out more, and get her own life and then get interested in the things he's into and counseling.
Where does the "love" part come in?

I'm not seeing that part at all!

Maybe this is a passive aggressive reaction to the impending marriage.
Maybe he feels he is settling to be with her.
Maybe he's DLing with his boyz.

Either way, she would be a fool to try to make this situation permanent.
He is mean what a lie shoots. She put up with so much and he really doesnt seem interested in her anymore but what she needs to do like another poster said go out, do her, dont come home for like 2 days and see what the outcome is. give him a tatse of his own medicine and see how he likes it when he gets home go to another room even try sleeping on the couch and when he comes home from his outings get dress then leave
Unfotunetly to me it looks like he's bored of her. He loves her but he doesn't enjoy the things she likes. They have had 4-5 years of doing what she likes (as he pretended to like them too - for the relationship) maybe she should try doing something that he likes; like take up a sport togther like squash or tennis something where they can work togther.

They shouldn't give up on the relationship though, what if this happened 1 year into the marrage; would she just walk?

From what I understand, they used to do things that both of them were interested in (movies, going out to eat, traveling), but now he's bored with those things. He only wants to do what he wants to do what makes him happy (playing video games and having a beer with friends), but has no interest in doing what she likes.

Tara said this to me the other day and it my heart broke for her:
"He would rather do nothing with his friends than anything with me." :(
Where does the "love" part come in?

I'm not seeing that part at all!

Maybe this is a passive aggressive reaction to the impending marriage.
Maybe he feels he is settling to be with her.
Maybe he's DLing with his boyz.

Either way, she would be a fool to try to make this situation permanent.

Bolded is instantly where my head went. He is keeping her around as a beard. He sees that she will let him continue his tomfoolery after the wedding because she is doing it now, and sitting home being sad. Some one done turnt him out and he is enjoying every minute of it...all the while all people see is a guy 'being a guy' with his hommies while his woman is waiting in the wings.
From what I understand, they used to do things that both of them were interested in (movies, going out to eat, traveling), but now he's bored with those things. He only wants to do what he wants to do what makes him happy (playing video games and having a beer with friends), but has no interest in doing what she likes.

Tara said this to me the other day and it my heart broke for her:
"He would rather do nothing with his friends than anything with me."
I know she's hurt, but she needs to quit the pity party, for real. Chances are, if she's saying that to you, she already said that to him, and that does not help her in this situation. That type of attitude is sure to sap the energy of others who are around it.

People love to sit around and wait for someone to save them; to rescue them from their lives and make them feel good about themselves. Well it ain't gonna happen. You're waiting for someone to come around and make you feel better about yourself....What if they don't show up? You've got to do it for yourself!

Bolded is instantly where my head went. He is keeping her around as a beard. He sees that she will let him continue his tomfoolery after the wedding because she is doing it now, and sitting home being sad. Some one done turnt him out and he is enjoying every minute of it...all the while all people see is a guy 'being a guy' with his hommies while his woman is waiting in the wings.
Eh...I think that's taking it to the extreme. Just because a guy doesn't want to spend time with a particular woman, does not make him gay! Guys really do get bored of some women.
From what I understand, they used to do things that both of them were interested in (movies, going out to eat, traveling), but now he's bored with those things. He only wants to do what he wants to do what makes him happy (playing video games and having a beer with friends), but has no interest in doing what she likes.

Tara said this to me the other day and it my heart broke for her:
"He would rather do nothing with his friends than anything with me." :(

Thats ashame :( well maybe she should do as some others have said, like go out with the girls all the time and be unavalible for him, if he's not bothered then it's over if he gets all upset then there is a chance.

I really hope they work it out though
I'm in the KIM camp. By all means, maybe counseling or trying things together, but I dont think it will work. You cannot force a person into being in love with you and wanting a full relstionship with you. Right now, it seems like she's the one in the relationship. At the very least, I think she needs to quit wedding planning and give it a finite period of time (and dont tell him) and if she hasnt gotten the CONSISTENT result that she wants, its time to step.
Hes def at the point where he's bored and wants to explore...if she marries him in a yr he'll have a mistress...she should move on to a man who appreciates her....