Hennalucent Hair Color


New Member
Has anyone used this hair color before? I have used semi-permanent and permanent (long time ago) hair colors in the past with no problems. Well, the last time I did a semi-permanent my scalp had a bad reaction (for some reason). It was to the point where I went to the doctor and she put me on an antibiotic. It cleared up right away, but now I'm afraid to use anything other than a rinse. My stylist said the semi-permanent doesn't have any harsh chemicals in it so she couldn't understand why I had the reaction. I really don't like rinses because they come out quickly since I wash my hair about twice a week. I noticed the Hennalucent was organic. Does that mean it doesn't have any chemicals? Is it like a rinse? Do you think it would be safe to use? I have a few gray hairs right smack in the front that I can't stand, but if I have to use rinses all my life I guess I will just have to live with it. Thanks!
There have been quite a few ladies here. I've only used clear. I think Lindy has done Sunset Glow to keep her permanent color looking rich.