Henna Users


Well-Known Member
Is it possible for me to sleep in Henna(overnight)? I really want a reddish tone to my hair I'm getting so bored with my brownish color. I usually let it sit an hour then couple more minutes under the dryer but i get a little reddish but i want more:lick:. HELP:spinning:

I personally would not.

I'm thinking about henna crumbs in my bed :nono:, henna stains on my pillow and face, and this stuff dries hard which could contribute to hair breakage.

I can see how if it is baggied and stayed moist overnite, it would be okay, but I don't see the benefit of sleeping in it, when a few hours and some hooded dryer time is more than sufficient.
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I always sleep overnight in my henna, and for the last year and a half, it's NEVER dried out on me. My mix is water, henna, and cheapie conditioner - so, it might be the conditioner keeping it moist. I usually apply in on damp hair. I saran wrap, papertowel, showercap, and doorag my head - and I'm good to go.

I can't STAND domedryers, so I don't own one -the layers of plastic and cloth help keep it warm.
I want my hair to be as red as possible, and I'm impatient (:lachen:) so the longer I leave it on, the more dye is deposited......I don't wanna wash any dye down the drain.... :grin:
I've slept w/ henna on my hair overnight several times. I put saran wrap on my hair, a plastic cap and a satin cap. My hair feels like it weighs a ton w/ henna on it. I'm guessing that it's b/c of my hair length. So, I don't do it overnight much, anymore. I haven't noticed a difference between hennaing overnight versus under a dryer for a couple of hours.