HENNA heads: Henna + Sugar = easier to rinse???


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

I was browsing hennaForHair.com, and found an interesting item for sale in the henna for skin section: dextrose, a.k.a. a form of sugar. i've never heard of this being used in henna mixes for your hair, but apparently, it makes the mix less gloppy & easier to spread.


here's henna without dextrose:

and henna with dextrose added:

and here's henna with sucrose (table sugar), added:

seems to me that henna with some form of sugar added in would be easier to rinse out.
(all the above mixes were 3 parts henna to 1 part sugar)

i am totally intrigued! i want to try this out but i'm not scheduled for another henna session for at least another month or so.

has anyone added sugar to their henna before?
any thoughts?
just thought i'd share :)
Sounds interesting. Fortunately, I never have a problem rinsing out my henna, cassia or indigo. Maybe it's the type of henna used and the mix. I use the Morrocan strain from Henna Sooq.
Humm interesting. I'm going to henna next Wednesday; I'll add some sugar and see how it works.
I've put plain table sugar in my henna. It came out fine. But I've never had an issue rinsing henna out of my hair.