Pompous Blue
Well-Known Member
Seamonster I ran out of Aphogee in May; hadn't gotten around to ordering anymore until sallybeauty.com 25% off sale last week. This talk of hard protein treatments made me do one last night. My hair is heavenly today. I didn't know I was so over-due. I do a hard-protein once a month on my super-fine, 4Z natural strands. Followed by 45 min. steaming with Darcy's Pumpkin Seed Conditioner (this stuff restores moisture to my hair after every henna and protein treatment!)@Pompous Blue that is good to know. I have some clear henna, called cassia. Thinking about trying that this week. My hair loves ayurvedic treatments.
And I've had some cassia for a long time. Haven't used it yet. One of these days Imma break it out and use it. What's your cassia recipe? Or do you use it by itself?