Henna for African Hair @ Mehandi.com - Pre-Packaged Bundles

Yes the herbal blends sound really nice, especially since this person who wants to start this line of products will be using pure herbs and mixing to make true and pure blends using body art quality products. So the good stuff we can't find in the stores! For all hair tones, for dyeing, for conditioning etc...

I am going to look into the hair recipes section, thanks :)
You are toooo funny AtlantaJJ! :grin:

I just ordered it a few minutes ago. I'll post a review when I use it. It won't be for another month or two; I have a little henna and indigo leftover that I am going to use tonight. I just don't like having no henna or indigo in the house at any time.

Yes, I OCT and 'll let you know if using Ovation products reduce dryness and make henna/indigo treatments better! :yep:

I don't know what happened to Kadija's site. I know she was having a baby so that may be the reason her site is not operating.

did anyone post a review on this?
I don't think it does; just pre-packed. When you go to the site, it reads that the, the henna in these packs release deeper colors. I won't know for sure until I get it and use it.
It's all the same henna that you buy from her, it's just pre-mixed. It does the same exact thing.

I think its an attempt to appeal to the Black women who henna their hair. I am sure Catherine and her folks know that we at LHCF have a henna thread that is sceighty-eight million pages.

I agree. I know her daughter is bi-racial and this is a very cleaver sales technique. I gotta give it to them! :) I don't buy on-line anymore b/c it's just too expensive, and I have found a local seller that meets my needs.
When you say the package is pre-mixed does that means it's like one pack with all these herbs blended into one package?

The longevity of henna powder when stored well, can be from 1-2 yrs. The suppliers say up to 3 years but any good North American importer of these products would rotate the crops enough to make sure the latest crops are whats being sold, so that the results are best and the product is fresh.

The best storage for any herbs (EXCLUDING indigo from this) should be in your freezer or at least in a cool, dark place. Indigo does not like to be frozen so any of that herb should be stored in a cool, dark place. Out of the light and away from any moisture. and wrapped up nice and tight.
When you say the package is pre-mixed does that means it's like one pack with all these herbs blended into one package?

The longevity of henna powder when stored well, can be from 1-2 yrs. The suppliers say up to 3 years but any good North American importer of these products would rotate the crops enough to make sure the latest crops are whats being sold, so that the results are best and the product is fresh.

The best storage for any herbs (EXCLUDING indigo from this) should be in your freezer or at least in a cool, dark place. Indigo does not like to be frozen so any of that herb should be stored in a cool, dark place. Out of the light and away from any moisture. and wrapped up nice and tight.

No, the herbs are not blended together in one package, they are separate but I purchased them as one unit.

Thank you for this information!