Henna experts, can you tell me how to dye my hair brown


I know you have to use indigo to get black hair, but can you use a henna for a brown color? I am hoping to be able to do this to replace using permanent dyes that damage my hair.
actually, indigo by itself can turn the hair blue. it has to be mixed with henna to create a jet black mix.

and you can dye your hair brown using henna and indigo; just a MUCH smaller proportion of indigo. i think you can also mix cassia with henna, to dull the red deposits onto the hair.

http://www.hennaforhair.com has some great recipes, and information about mixing henna with other herbs to get different color results.
If you want to use henna alone, you MIGHT be able to get brownish reds from Yemeni henna. Yemen is know to go more brown than red (Indian, Pakistani, and the Jamila brand). Of course, you can do a hennidgo mix of henna and indigo mixed together. Depending on how dark brown you want it, you'd need to work w/ at least 50% indigo in you total mix or higher.

^^^ She means amla. Alma's known to soften the brighter colors of reds and oranges in henna. Buxus (aka sedr) is known to darken henna quite a bit and take it more towards brown...tho both sedr and amla tend to make the color a bit ore "smoky" for lack of a better word, but if you want a true dark brown rather than a toned down red, henna and indigo is probably the best way
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Thanks for the comments. I am wondering what type of henna to get. I'm so clueless and the henna thread made me go:wallbash::drunk::rolleyes:. Can someone give me a henna tip for dummies way of doing this?:ohwell:
hey DD. i started a henna thread a couple weeks ago i was trying to go dark brown (and cover grays) but after the replies i got and after reading all the henna threads here and on other forums i decided against henna, indigo, and any color at all.

i was under the impression that the color from natural powders faded over time or shampooed out but on some of the Indian sites and henna sites i learned that it is permanent for the most part and has to grow out. then i saw two Indian women who had hennaed for color and i hated the way it made the grays look and how it was growing out. so for me henna and/or indigo is a no go. i'll let my hair continue to gray naturally and not try to cover it.

good luck with your info search and post pics when you do color.
If you want more brown shades, go for a Yemeni or a Moroccan henna. Mehandi.com (Ohio based) sells Yemeni as does http://www.mehndiskinart.com/henna_powder.htm (Canada based). Henna Sooq, a member here, sells both Yemeni and Moroccan but I don't know if she's selling yet after having her baby...PM her if you want.

At Ebay, seller nightflower313 at their Ebay store "Rashids Flowers And Gifts" has Moroccan in 100-200 grams starting at $4.99 per 100g.

This lady uses Moroccan exclusively in body art and also on hair....check out how different the stain is from the usual Indo-Pak reds. It shows nicely on dark skin. http://www.kenzi.com/HENNA/HTML/hennahistory.htm You can buy it from her too, but it's cheaper at Rashid's.
Sometimes you have to henna a few times to cover grey fully, but henna will not color grey your original natural color, it'll give more of a highlight effect.

Natural dyes ARE permanent, but they can and do fade depending on many factors.

Well if you want the absolutely safest most predictable effect, use no color at all. Let your greys come as nature intended, BUT there are alternatives to this.

^^^The two Indian women you mention, did they say HOW they approached the henna? Many times people don't leave it on long enough, don't let it dye release long enough, put too much acid it in it, etc...so they get orange. I find these things work best when approached most simply.
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Hey, I got a really good idea. I wonder if I could use some ayervedic powders to darken my hair. I'm off to research that!:rolleyes::lachen:
Go to the site Pookie posted and buy quality henna
Whatever you do stay away from henna products that say all natural and no chemicals
Like Rainbow Henna

Real 100% natural henna does not come in all those different colors.
Vedic powders (along w/ coconut oil) WILL darken your hair, but it will take a long time. Bhringraj, bhrami, amla, and shikakai (esp. the 1st 2) are all known to darken hair OVER TIME, esp used w/ coconut oil, but it'll take time and constant application to get results.

Henna For Hair does have a good quality product and great customer service. A good place for a newbie to start, but there are more economical sources once you know what you're doing.
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Vedic powders (along w/ coconut oil) WILL darken your hair, but it will take a long time. Bhringraj, bhrami, alma, and shikakai (esp. the 1st 2) are all known to darken hair OVER TIME, esp used w/ coconut oil, but it'll take time and constant application to get results.

Henna For Hair does have a good quality product and great customer service. A good place for a newbie to start, but there are more economical sources once you know what you're doing.

Oh, that would work for me because I plan on long term using these products! Thank you!:yay::notworthy