Henna blocked commercial dye


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies.

I colored my hair not too long ago or rather I attempted to color my hair an auburn color using store-bought dye and it didn't take due to the henna. It had been more than a month since my previous henna and I would I have hennaed multiple time (maybe 3 to 4 times) in the last year. So now I have reddish roots and black hair. Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do? Do I have to go to a salon for to correct it? Will they even be able to correct it and give me the color I was aiming for? I'm wondering if I'll have to do a black rinse to cover the roots (I'd probably wait a few weeks) and then just give up on the idea of coloring my hair.
Hi ladies.

I colored my hair not too long ago or rather I attempted to color my hair an auburn color using store-bought dye and it didn't take due to the henna. It had been more than a month since my previous henna and I would I have hennaed multiple time (maybe 3 to 4 times) in the last year. So now I have reddish roots and black hair. Has this happened to anyone else? What did you do? Do I have to go to a salon for to correct it? Will they even be able to correct it and give me the color I was aiming for? I'm wondering if I'll have to do a black rinse to cover the roots (I'd probably wait a few weeks) and then just give up on the idea of coloring my hair.

Unfortunately this happened to me, too. The last henna treatment was in 2008 and I STILL have henna in my hair. I dye my roots a dark brown so it does take, but if I try to dye my entire hair the henna won't allow the color to take. I am not sure what the solution is except slowly cutting my hair.
I am having this issue right now. I used henna in my hair consistently for about 7 months. 6 weeks ago I decided to have my hair professionally colored. We basically had to lift the henna from my hair by using level 2 color, which should have turned my hair blond but because of the henna I ended up with an orangey/brown reverse hombre (darker ends and lighter roots) look. I am going back to have the color lifted more so that I can get an even color throughout. I have not noticed any damage to my hair.
Henna does to that, I use henna regularly, but I mix henna with cassia, so I mix 2-3 parts cassia to one part henna.
I am having this issue right now. I used henna in my hair consistently for about 7 months. 6 weeks ago I decided to have my hair professionally colored. We basically had to lift the henna from my hair by using level 2 color, which should have turned my hair blond but because of the henna I ended up with an orangey/brown reverse hombre (darker ends and lighter roots) look. I am going back to have the color lifted more so that I can get an even color throughout. I have not noticed any damage to my hair.

See, that's what I was afraid of, esp since I'm relaxed. I am afraid of damage.
You will need to lift the henna. I wanted to color my hair and the colorist stated I would have to lift the henna to get the color I want. Once I get to the point where I decide to stop growing, I will lift the henna and get the color I want.