Henna and Protein

Bun Mistress

Well-Known Member
I know this has been discussed before but I Have a spin on it, at least I think. Before I started using regular henna I needed a medium to light protein treatment every wash (either ion, AO GPB, or hairveda, emergencee, keratin treatment you name it). Well I started regularly henna'ing every other week and today I washed and I noticed I DID NOT need any protein, (last henna was the 1st of this month). Infact for the first time I think in a while my fine stands needed some serious moisture (never happens, til now). Any one else find that their ned for protein decreased with henna use?
The only other protein (or faux protein if you prefer) my hair gets is from my diet or the little in the cholesterol I use for dc's (and I add tons of moisturizing stuff to that). Henna is my only other "protein."
Funny you mention this. I just learned, after all of my time on LHCF, that my hair needs a balance of protein and moisture. I used Sebastian 2+1 years ago and I always thought I was just moisturizing my hair.

Anyway, I'm learning that my hair does well with a light protein.
Now, I started henna'ing a month ago and I'm noticing that my hair can use a tad bit more moisture. Guess the henna is doing it's job.
I only thought of it because so many women who use it say that their hair can't tolerate protein and others saying that henna isn't a protein. I was suprised that my protein needy hair is now saying "NO MORE"!